Log probability evaluates to log(0), i.e. negative infinity

For the past couple months I have been investigating what is causing college football attendance to drop. I am trying to make a hierarchical model and I am encountering the stated error when I am running it. I am new to STAN and have been trying to debug it without luck.

Here is the model that I have built:

// Index values, observations and covariates
data {
  int<lower = 1> N;                  // Number of games
  int<lower = 1> K;                  // Number of teams
  int<lower = 1> I;                  // Number of team covariates

  real fill_rate[N];                 // Vector of game observations
  int<lower = 1, upper = K> g[N];    // Vector of team assignments
  int team[N];                       // Vector of team covariates
  vector[N] wins;                    // Vector of current wins covariates

  real gamma_mean;                   // Mean for the hyperprior on gamma.
  real<lower = 0> gamma_var;         // Variance for the hyperprior on gamma.
  real<lower = 0> tau_min;           // Minimum for the hyperprior on tau.
  real<lower = 0> tau_max;           // Maximum for the hyperprior on tau.
  real<lower = 0> sigma_min;         // Minimum for the hyperprior on tau.
  real<lower = 0> sigma_max;         // Maximum for the hyperprior on tau.

parameters {
  matrix[K, (I - 1)] alpha;          // football game level coefficients
  vector[K] beta;                    // Vector of observation-level wins coefficients
  real gamma;                        // Mean of the model
  real<lower=0> tau;                 // Variance of the population model
  real<lower=0> sigma;               // Variance of the observation model

model {
  // Hyperpriors
  vector[N] mu;

  // Hyperpriors and prior.
  gamma ~ normal(gamma_mean, gamma_var);
  tau ~ uniform(tau_min, tau_max);
  sigma ~ uniform(sigma_min, sigma_max);

  // Population model and likelihood.
  for (k in 1:K) {
    alpha[k,] ~ normal(gamma, tau);
    beta[k] ~ normal(gamma, tau);
  for (n in 1:N) {
    mu[n] = alpha[g[n], team[n]] + beta[g[n]] * wins[n];
  fill_rate ~ normal(mu, sigma);

// Generate predictions using the posterior.
generated quantities {
  vector[N] mu_pc;                       // Declare mu for predicted linear model.
  real fill_rate_pc[N];                     // Vector of predicted observations.

  // Generate posterior prediction distribution.
  for (n in 1:N) {
    mu_pc[n] = alpha[g[n], team[n]] + beta[g[n]] * wins[n];
    fill_rate_pc[n] = normal_rng(mu_pc[n], sigma);

Using the above model I fit it with the following code.

# Specify data.
data <- list(
  N = nrow(CFB),                                    # Number of observations.
  K = max(CFB$Team_index),                          # Number of groups.
  I = max(CFB$Team_index) + 1,                      # Number of observation-level covariates.
  fill_rate = CFB$`Fill Rate`,                      # Vector of observations.
  g = CFB$Team_index,                               # Vector of group assignments.
  team = CFB$Team_index,                            # Vector of team covariates.
  wins = CFB$`Current Wins`,                        # Vector of wins covariates.
  gamma_mean = -.03,                                    # Mean for the hyperprior on gamma.
  gamma_var = .06,                                     # Variance for the hyperprior on gamma.
  tau_min = 0,                                         # Minimum for the hyperprior on tau.
  tau_max = .00875,                                       # Maximum for the hyperprior on tau.
  sigma_min = 0,                                       # Minimum for the hyperprior on tau.
  sigma_max = .00875                                      # Maximum for the hyperprior on tau.

# Calibrate the model.
model03 <- stan(
  file = here::here("Projects", "Code", "StanModel.stan"),
  data = data,
  control = list(adapt_delta = 0.99),
  chains = 1,
  seed = 42

When I try to run the code I get the following error:

Chain 1: Rejecting initial value:
Chain 1: Log probability evaluates to log(0), i.e. negative infinity.
Chain 1: Stan can’t start sampling from this initial value.
Chain 1:
Chain 1: Initialization between (-2, 2) failed after 100 attempts.
Chain 1: Try specifying initial values, reducing ranges of constrained values, or reparameterizing the model.
[1] “Error in sampler$call_sampler(args_list[[i]]) : Initialization failed.”
[1] “error occurred during calling the sampler; sampling not done”

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One problem is that sigma and tau are declared to have a lower limit of zero and no upper limit but their priors only support values up to sigma_max and tau_max.

tau ~ uniform(tau_min, tau_max);
sigma ~ uniform(sigma_min, sigma_max);

You need to add an upper limit to the variable declaration to match the upper limit of the uniform distribution or use a prior distribution that has support out to +Inf. As it is, Stan may pick an initial value where the uniform distribution you provide has zero probability.


That got it, thank you!

It’s probably these, which are really bad and random initial values are all outside of your uniform intervals. Your interval is (0,0.00875), but when you use lower=0 the random initial values between (-2,2) are on log scale and on sigma and tau scale they are between (0.135,7.39). Why do you think tau and sigma would have strict upper limit? It would be much better to use a prior which goes down smoothly but is not bounded, e.g. half-normal with small scale. Only if there is a physical or logical reason for the upper limit, like that probabilities can’t be larger than 1 there is reason to have upper bound. If you have that kind of physical or logical constraint that should be included in the parameter declaration

  real<lower=0, upper=tau_max> tau;                 // Variance of the population model
  real<lower=0, upper=sigma_max> sigma;               // Variance of the observation model