This feels like an easy problem, but I am unsure how to code the solution. I have a simple hierarchical multinomial model, and I would like to calculate log_lik for new group data. The new data will not be used for fitting the model. I have no trouble obtaining log_lik for the data used to fit the model (X in code below), but the new group data (X_new) is another story. The problem is that I do not know how to handle the lack of defined group-level parameters for the new data.
I spent some time reading about LOGO-CV, which I assume requires Stan code that deals with this, but was still unable to figure out the syntax.
int<lower=3> K;
real<lower=0> prior_MuSigma;
real<lower=0> prior_SigmaSigma;
real<lower=0> priorEta;
// Modeled data
int<lower=1> N;
int<lower=0> X[K, N];
// New data
int<lower=1> N_new;
int<lower=0> X_new[K, N_new];
vector[K - 1] Mu;
matrix[K - 1, N] z;
cholesky_factor_corr[K - 1] L_Rho;
vector<lower=0>[K - 1] sigma;
transformed parameters{
matrix[K - 1, N] v;
matrix[K, N] alpha;
v = diag_pre_multiply(sigma, L_Rho)*z;
for(n in 1:N){
alpha[, n] = softmax(append_row(0, Mu + v[, n]));
// priors
L_Rho ~ lkj_corr_cholesky(priorEta);
Mu ~ normal(0, prior_MuSigma);
sigma ~ normal(0, prior_SigmaSigma);
to_vector(z) ~ normal(0, 1);
// likelihood
for(n in 1:N){
X[, n] ~ multinomial(alpha[, n]);
generated quantities{
vector[N] log_lik_X; //log lik for modeled groups
vector[N_new] log_lik_X_new; //log lik for new groups
for(n in 1:N){
log_lik_X[n] = multinomial_lpmf(X[, n] | alpha[, n]);