Hi all,
I am trying to write a varying slope and intercepts model using matrix notation in Stan so that I can extend when I add more predictors, but am having problems. I am trying to use a model matrix that includes the intercept, but that may be the problem. Here is the code that works without matrix notation and code that sort of works with matrix notation. It returns intercept and slope estimates, but the error estimates are off and the Rhats are way too high. I think that I am not providing proper priors, but to get it to work, I had to do a lot of funky coding.
Here is the code. If I could find a useful example of how to code up a general linear mixed model with varying intercept/slopes using matrix notation, I would use it, but I just can’t find it. I posted here with a generalized linear example, but thought it might be easier to start here. Any help would be appreciated.
rstan_options(auto_write = TRUE)
options(mc.cores = parallel::detectCores())
## set parameters
## MCMC settings
ni <- 5000
nt <- 1
nb <- 1000
nc <- 4
n.groups = 56
n.sample = 100
n = n.groups * n.sample
pop = gl(n = n.groups,k = n.sample)
original.length = runif(n,45,70) # body length
mn = mean(original.length)
sd = sd(original.length)
length = (original.length - mn) / sd
Xmat = model.matrix(~ pop * length-1-length) ### design matrix without intercept
intercept.mean = 230 # mu_alpha
intercept.sd = 20 # sigma alpha
slope.mean = 60 # mu_beta
slope.sd = 30 # sigma_beta
intercept.effects = rnorm(n = n.groups, mean = intercept.mean, sd = intercept.sd)
slope.effects = rnorm(n = n.groups, mean = slope.mean, sd = slope.sd)
all.effects = c(intercept.effects, slope.effects)
lin.pred = Xmat[,] %*% all.effects
eps = rnorm(n = n,mean = 0,sd=30)
mass = as.vector(lin.pred + eps)
### put data together
data = data.frame(pop=pop,length = length,mass = mass)
data.list = list(y = as.vector(mass),x = Xmat,pop = as.numeric(pop),length = length,Nobs = length(as.vector(mass)),
Ngroups = n.groups)
LME_randomSlopeAndIntercept.stan = '
data {
int<lower=0> Nobs; // Number of observed data
int<lower=0> Ngroups;
int pop[Nobs]; // populations
vector[Nobs] y;
vector[Nobs] length; // new code
parameters {
real beta; // common slope
real alpha; // population intercept, a real number
// random effect
vector[Ngroups] alpha2; // random intercept
vector[Ngroups] beta2; // random slope. Just added this
real<lower=0> sigmaint; // corresponds to mu.int, random intercept sd
real<lower=0> sigmaslope; // corresponds to sigma.slope
real<lower=0> sigmaeps; // estimate error
transformed parameters {
vector[Nobs] yhat;
// varying intercepts
real alpha3[Ngroups];
real beta3[Ngroups];
// varying intercepts definition
for (k in 1:Ngroups)
alpha3[k] = alpha + alpha2[k];
for (k in 1:Ngroups)
beta3[k] = beta + beta2[k];
for (i in 1:Nobs)
yhat[i] = alpha3[pop[i]]+ beta3[pop[i]]*length[i];
model {
// random effects distribution
alpha2 ~ normal(0,sigmaint);
beta2 ~ normal(0,sigmaslope);
y ~ normal(yhat, sigmaeps);
fit = stan(file = "LME_randomSlopeAndIntercept.stan",data = data.list,chains = nc,
iter = ni, warmup = nb, thin = nt)
# fit with lmer
lme.fit = lmer(mass ~ length + (1|pop) + (0+ length|pop)) ## (0+length|pop) adds correlation of fixed effects
# matrix notation
#Xmat = model.matrix(lme.fit)
Xmat = model.matrix(~ length) ### design matrix without intercept
data.list = list(N = nrow(Xmat), Npreds = ncol(Xmat), Ngroups = n.groups,y = as.vector(mass),
x = Xmat,group = as.numeric(pop))
LME_randomSlopeAndIntercept_matrix.stan = '
data {
int<lower=0> N; // Number of observed data
int<lower=1> Npreds; // number of columns in design matrix
int<lower=0> Ngroups; // number of random groups
int group[N]; // populations
vector[N] y; // response
vector[N] length; // may not be need now
matrix [N,Npreds] Xmat; // model matrix;
parameters {
vector [Npreds] beta; // betas
// random effect
matrix[Npreds,Ngroups] beta2; // random effects. Not sure beta 3 is necessary
real<lower=0> sigmaint; // corresponds to mu.int, random intercept sd
real<lower=0> sigmaslope; // corresponds to sigma.slope
real<lower=0> sigmaeps; // estimate error
transformed parameters {
vector[N] yhat;
// varying intercepts
matrix[Npreds,Ngroups] beta3; // not sure this is necessary
for (i in 1:Npreds)
beta3[i] = beta[i] + beta2[i];
for (j in 1:N)
yhat[j] = Xmat[j]*beta3[:,group[j]];
model {
// random effects distribution
//beta2 ~ normal(0,sigmaslope);
y ~ normal(yhat, sigmaeps);
fit_matrix = stan(file = "LME_randomSlopeAndIntercept_matrix.stan",data = data.list,chains = 4,
iter = ni, warmup = nb, thin = nt)