Kurz/McElreath vs. Nalborczyk/Bürkner: question on notation on multivariate response correlation within SEM (via brms)

Salut Stanners,

PS: apologies for how long this is. I hope some others trying to learn notation may profit.

I have fit a suite of models in brms linking hunter motivation (sale/consumption/both), behaviour (distance walked, ammo taken,etc.), and offtake (animals hunted, biomass, money earned). I used @jonah’s et al.'s ground up strategy and graphical tools, model fit and posterior predictions all peachy. My question here is on writing my models in mathematical notation.

I’ve little experience in this, and looked to both @solomon’s brms translation of McElreath’s 2nd edition of Statistical Rethinking and this paper from @Ladislas and others with @paul.buerkner. They seem to use different notation approaches for similar (I think) models, and I drew on parts from both that made most sense to me.

I have three models. Below I show their brms syntax to fit, prior_summary() after fitting, and my attempted notation. (I don’t include input data as I don’t think it’s necessary? Notes on structure of inputs and the model at bottom of post).

My main question on the notation is how to write up the correlations for multiple predictors with varying slopes (model 2) and mv responses (model 3). But I’m sure I’ve made many errors and would be ineffably grateful for any and all insight and corrections!

First model: GLMM to identify meaningful hunter behaviours, pooled (varying intercepts) by village (n= 9) and hunter (n = 106). Note that I model two responses, all animals and threatened animals. The latter is a subset of the former, so this isn’t really an mv response and I model no response correlations; I just use the mv syntax for more compact fit code and objects.

##double_zero_brought = small ammo; chevrotine_brought = large ammo
gunform <- bf(RESPONSE ~ a + b + c + d,
              a ~ 0 + (1 | village) + (1 | hunter),
              b ~ 0 + season,
              c ~ 0 + nightday,
              d ~ 0 + weather_impute +
                max_km_village_CS +
                double_zero_brought_CS + chevrotine_brought_CS +
                porters_CS + other_hunters_CS,
              nl = TRUE)

formv_ga <- update(gunform, animals ~ .) + poisson()
formv_gt <- update(gunform, threatened ~ .) + poisson()

priormv_g <- c(
  #fixed coefficients (b)
  prior(normal(0,0.5), class = b, nlpar = "b", resp = "animals"),
  prior(normal(0,0.5), class = b, nlpar = "c", resp = "animals"),
  prior(normal(0,0.5), class = b, nlpar = "d", resp = "animals"),
  prior(normal(0,0.5), class = b, nlpar = "b", resp = "threatened"),
  prior(normal(0,0.5), class = b, nlpar = "c", resp = "threatened"),
  prior(normal(0,0.5), class = b, nlpar = "d", resp = "threatened"),
  #varying intercepts (sd)
  prior(exponential(2), class = sd, nlpar = "a", resp = "animals"),
  prior(exponential(2), class = sd, nlpar = "a", resp = "threatened")

gmv <- brm(formv_ga + formv_gt + set_rescor(FALSE),
           prior = priormv_g,
           data = gun48_mv,
           chains = 4, iter = 3000, warmup = 1500,
           control = list(adapt_delta = 0.92),
           cores = getOption("mc.cores", 2),
           file = "./outputs/model_fits/gmv")

          prior class                   coef   group       resp dpar nlpar bound       source
 normal(0, 0.5)     b                                   animals          b               user
 normal(0, 0.5)     b              seasondry            animals          b       (vectorized)
 normal(0, 0.5)     b              seasonwet            animals          b       (vectorized)
 normal(0, 0.5)     b                                   animals          c               user
 normal(0, 0.5)     b           nightdayboth            animals          c       (vectorized)
 normal(0, 0.5)     b            nightdayday            animals          c       (vectorized)
 normal(0, 0.5)     b          nightdaynight            animals          c       (vectorized)
 normal(0, 0.5)     b                                   animals          d               user
 normal(0, 0.5)     b  chevrotine_brought_CS            animals          d       (vectorized)
 normal(0, 0.5)     b double_zero_brought_CS            animals          d       (vectorized)
 normal(0, 0.5)     b      max_km_village_CS            animals          d       (vectorized)
 normal(0, 0.5)     b       other_hunters_CS            animals          d       (vectorized)
 normal(0, 0.5)     b             porters_CS            animals          d       (vectorized)
 normal(0, 0.5)     b         weather_impute            animals          d       (vectorized)
 normal(0, 0.5)     b                                threatened          b               user
 normal(0, 0.5)     b              seasondry         threatened          b       (vectorized)
 normal(0, 0.5)     b              seasonwet         threatened          b       (vectorized)
 normal(0, 0.5)     b                                threatened          c               user
 normal(0, 0.5)     b           nightdayboth         threatened          c       (vectorized)
 normal(0, 0.5)     b            nightdayday         threatened          c       (vectorized)
 normal(0, 0.5)     b          nightdaynight         threatened          c       (vectorized)
 normal(0, 0.5)     b                                threatened          d               user
 normal(0, 0.5)     b  chevrotine_brought_CS         threatened          d       (vectorized)
 normal(0, 0.5)     b double_zero_brought_CS         threatened          d       (vectorized)
 normal(0, 0.5)     b      max_km_village_CS         threatened          d       (vectorized)
 normal(0, 0.5)     b       other_hunters_CS         threatened          d       (vectorized)
 normal(0, 0.5)     b             porters_CS         threatened          d       (vectorized)
 normal(0, 0.5)     b         weather_impute         threatened          d       (vectorized)
 exponential(2)    sd                                   animals          a               user
 exponential(2)    sd                                threatened          a               user
 exponential(2)    sd                         hunter    animals          a       (vectorized)
 exponential(2)    sd              Intercept  hunter    animals          a       (vectorized)
 exponential(2)    sd                         hunter threatened          a       (vectorized)
 exponential(2)    sd              Intercept  hunter threatened          a       (vectorized)
 exponential(2)    sd                        village    animals          a       (vectorized)
 exponential(2)    sd              Intercept village    animals          a       (vectorized)
 exponential(2)    sd                        village threatened          a       (vectorized)
 exponential(2)    sd              Intercept village threatened          a       (vectorized)
\begin{align*} % response distributions \text{animals}_h & \sim \mbox{Poisson}(\lambda^1_h)\\ \text{threatened}_h & \sim \mbox{Poisson}(\lambda^2_h)\\ \\ %mv hack p & \in \{1,\dots,6\}\\ m & \in \{1,2\}\\ \\ %predictors (p=1, \dots, p=6) & = \text{weather,}\\ &\text{max km village,}\\ &\text{small ammo, large ammo,}\\ &\text{porters, other hunters}\\ \\ %regression \log(\lambda^m_h) & = \alpha^m_{\text{village}[h]} + \alpha^m_{\text{hunter}[h]} + \alpha^m_{\text{season}[h]} + \alpha^m_{\text{nightday}[h]} + \sum_{p=1}^{6} \beta^m_p {X_{hp}}\\ \\ %priors on predictors \alpha^m_{\text{season}}, \alpha^m_{\text{nightday}} & \sim \mbox{Normal}(0,0.5)\\ \beta^m_p & \sim \mbox{Normal}(0,0.5)\\ %priors on varying intercepts \alpha^m_{\text{village}} & \sim \mbox{Normal}(0,\sigma^m_{\text{village}})\\ \alpha^m_{\text{hunter}} & \sim \mbox{Normal}(0,\sigma^m_{\text{hunter}})\\ \sigma^m_{\text{village}},\sigma^m_{\text{hunter}} & \sim \mbox{Exponential}(2) \end{align*}

Second model: GLMM of meaningful behaviours with varying slopes by village.

ga_vs <- bf(animals ~ 0 + (1 | village) + (1 | hunter) + 
              (0 + max_km_village_CS + double_zero_brought_CS | village)
            ) + poisson()

##varying slope priors
prior_vs <- c(
prior(exponential(2), class = sd), #for village and hunter
prior(lkj(1), class = cor) #for all intercept + slope correlations

gvs <- brm(ga_vs,
             prior = prior_vs,
             data = gun48_mv,
             chains = 4, iter = 3000, warmup = 1500,
             control = list(adapt_delta = 0.99),
             cores = getOption("mc.cores", 2),
             file = "./outputs/model_fits/gvs")

                prior class                   coef   group resp dpar nlpar bound       source
 lkj_corr_cholesky(1)     L                                                              user
 lkj_corr_cholesky(1)     L                        village                       (vectorized)
       exponential(2)    sd                                                              user
       exponential(2)    sd                         hunter                       (vectorized)
       exponential(2)    sd              Intercept  hunter                       (vectorized)
       exponential(2)    sd                        village                       (vectorized)
       exponential(2)    sd double_zero_brought_CS village                       (vectorized)
       exponential(2)    sd              Intercept village                       (vectorized)
       exponential(2)    sd      max_km_village_CS village                       (vectorized)
\begin{align*} \text{animals}_h &\sim \mbox{Poisson}(\lambda_h)\\ \\\ p &\in \{1,2\}\\ \\ (p=1,p=2) & = \text{max km village,}\\ &\text{small ammo}\\ \\ %regression \log(\lambda_h) & = \alpha_{\text{village}[h]} + \alpha_{\text{hunter}[h]} + \sum_{p=1}^{2} \beta_p {X_{hp}}\\ \\ %priors {\begin{bmatrix} \alpha_{\text{village}}\\ \beta_{p \text{ village}} \end{bmatrix}} &\sim \mbox{MVNormal}(\mathbf0, \mathbf \Sigma_{p})\\ \alpha_{\text{hunter}} & \sim \mbox{Normal}(0,\sigma_{\text{hunter}})\\ %\\ %{\mathbf \Sigma} & = %{\operatorname{\mathbf S \mathbf R \mathbf S}}\\ \mathbf \Sigma_p & = {\operatorname{ {\mathbf{S}_p} \mathbf{R}_p {\mathbf{S}_p} }}\\ {\mathbf S_p} & = {\begin{bmatrix} \sigma_{\alpha_{\text{village}}} & 0 \\ 0 & \sigma_{\beta_{p \text{ village}}} \end{bmatrix}}\\ \sigma_{\alpha_{\text{village}}}, \sigma_{\beta_{p \text{ village}}}, \sigma_{\text{hunter}} & \sim \mbox{Exponential}(2)\\ {\mathbf R_p} & \sim \text{LKJcorr}(1) \end{align*}

Third model: linking motivation, meaningful behaviors, and offtake through a multivariate generalized linear mixed piecewise structural equation model (mvGLMpwSEM?..lol). The mv part is for behaviours in response to motivation, within hunters. Before the syntax here’s a DAGish diagram that may clarify (ignore the mediation bits, the full model uses partial).

wh = why hunt , km = max km village , am = small ammo brought on hunt, ? is an unknown mechanism not observed or estimated, and an = animals hunted . For successful hunts ( an > 1, grey circles) kg = biomass, ss = probability of some bushmeat being sold, and as = probability of all bushmeat being sold. For hunts with some bushmeat sold (dark grey circle) mo = money earned. h refers to a single hunt, the unit of observation.

##sem formulas for gun fluid hunters

ga_mb <- bf(animals ~ 0 + (1 | village) + (1 |hunter) +
              why_hunt + max_km_village_CS + double_zero_brought_CS
            ) + poisson()

ga_m <- bf(animals ~ 0 + (1 | village) + (1 |hunter) +
           ) + poisson()

ga_b <- bf(animals ~ 0 + (1 | village) + (1 |hunter) +
             max_km_village_CS + double_zero_brought_CS
           ) + poisson()

gmkv_m <- bf(max_km_village ~ 0 + (1 | village) + (1 | ch | hunter) + 
             ) + Gamma(link = "log")

gdzb_m <- bf(double_zero_brought ~ 0 + (1 | village) + (1 | ch | hunter) +
             ) + poisson()

##kg, some sold, all sold, and money (for succesful hunts only)
gkg <- bf(lkg | subset(success) ~ 0 + (1 | village) + (1 | hunter) +
            animals_CS + max_km_village_CS
         ) + gaussian() 

gss <- bf(ssold | subset(success) ~ 0 + (1 | village) + (1 | hunter) +
            kg_CS + why_hunt
         ) + bernoulli()

gas <- bf(asold | subset(success) ~ 0 + (1 | village) + (1 | hunter) +
            kg_CS + why_hunt
         ) + bernoulli()

gmo <- bf(lmoney | subset(ssold) ~ 0 + (1 | village) + (1 | hunter) +
            kg_CS + why_hunt
         ) + gaussian() 

##set sem priors

##simple prior of just beta and sd for poisson-only models
prior_bsd <- c(
  prior(normal(0,0.5), class = b), #for all predictors
  prior(exponential(2), class = sd) #for village and hunter

##prior for full and parital mediation
#alpha reps skewness (< 0 left, > 0 right)
#sigma is a "Vector of standard deviation values." 
prior_gmed <- c(
  #fixed coefficents (b)
  prior(normal(0,0.5), class = b, resp = "doublezerobrought"),
  prior(normal(0,0.5), class = b, resp = "maxkmvillage"), 
  prior(normal(0,0.5), class = b, resp = "animals"), 
  #varying intercepts (sd)
  prior(exponential(2), class = sd, resp = "doublezerobrought"),
  prior(exponential(2), class = sd, resp = "maxkmvillage"),
  prior(exponential(2), class = sd, resp = "animals"),
  # #skew normals (alpha and sigma)
  # prior(normal(0,0.5), class = alpha, resp = maxkmvillage), 
  # prior(exponential(2), class = sigma, resp = maxkmvillage), 
  # prior(normal(0,0.5), class = alpha, resp = doublezerobrought), 
  # prior(exponential(2), class = sigma, resp = doublezerobrought), 
  #shape for the gamma
  prior(gamma(4,0.8), class = shape, resp = "maxkmvillage"),
  #correlations (cor) between ammo and km
  prior(lkj(1), class = cor) 

##prior for full sem
prior_gsem <- bind_rows(prior_gmed,
  tibble(prior = c(rep("normal(0,0.5)",4), rep("exponential(2)",6)),
       class = c(rep("b", 4), rep("sd", 4), rep("sigma", 2)),
       coef = "", group = "", 
       resp = c(rep(c("lkg", "lmoney", "ssold", "asold"),2), "lkg", "lmoney"),
       dpar = "", nlpar = "", bound = "", source = "user"

gsemdo <- brm(ga_mb + gmkv_m + gdzb_m + 
              gkg +  gss + gas + gmo + set_rescor(FALSE),
            prior = prior_gsem,
            data = gun48_semdo,
            chains = 4, iter = 3000, warmup = 1500,
            control = list(adapt_delta = 0.99),
            cores = getOption("mc.cores", 2),
            file = "./outputs/model_fits/gsemdo")

                prior class                   coef   group              resp dpar nlpar bound       source
       normal(0, 0.5)     b                                          animals                          user
       normal(0, 0.5)     b double_zero_brought_CS                   animals                  (vectorized)
       normal(0, 0.5)     b      max_km_village_CS                   animals                  (vectorized)
       normal(0, 0.5)     b           why_huntboth                   animals                  (vectorized)
       normal(0, 0.5)     b            why_hunteat                   animals                  (vectorized)
       normal(0, 0.5)     b           why_huntsell                   animals                  (vectorized)
        normal(0,0.5)     b                                            asold                          user
        normal(0,0.5)     b                  kg_CS                     asold                  (vectorized)
        normal(0,0.5)     b           why_huntboth                     asold                  (vectorized)
        normal(0,0.5)     b            why_hunteat                     asold                  (vectorized)
        normal(0,0.5)     b           why_huntsell                     asold                  (vectorized)
       normal(0, 0.5)     b                                doublezerobrought                          user
       normal(0, 0.5)     b           why_huntboth         doublezerobrought                  (vectorized)
       normal(0, 0.5)     b            why_hunteat         doublezerobrought                  (vectorized)
       normal(0, 0.5)     b           why_huntsell         doublezerobrought                  (vectorized)
        normal(0,0.5)     b                                              lkg                          user
        normal(0,0.5)     b             animals_CS                       lkg                  (vectorized)
        normal(0,0.5)     b      max_km_village_CS                       lkg                  (vectorized)
        normal(0,0.5)     b                                           lmoney                          user
        normal(0,0.5)     b                  kg_CS                    lmoney                  (vectorized)
        normal(0,0.5)     b           why_huntboth                    lmoney                  (vectorized)
        normal(0,0.5)     b            why_hunteat                    lmoney                  (vectorized)
        normal(0,0.5)     b           why_huntsell                    lmoney                  (vectorized)
       normal(0, 0.5)     b                                     maxkmvillage                          user
       normal(0, 0.5)     b           why_huntboth              maxkmvillage                  (vectorized)
       normal(0, 0.5)     b            why_hunteat              maxkmvillage                  (vectorized)
       normal(0, 0.5)     b           why_huntsell              maxkmvillage                  (vectorized)
        normal(0,0.5)     b                                            ssold                          user
        normal(0,0.5)     b                  kg_CS                     ssold                  (vectorized)
        normal(0,0.5)     b           why_huntboth                     ssold                  (vectorized)
        normal(0,0.5)     b            why_hunteat                     ssold                  (vectorized)
        normal(0,0.5)     b           why_huntsell                     ssold                  (vectorized)
 lkj_corr_cholesky(1)     L                                                                           user
 lkj_corr_cholesky(1)     L                         hunter                                    (vectorized)
       exponential(2)    sd                                          animals                          user
       exponential(2)    sd                                            asold                          user
       exponential(2)    sd                                doublezerobrought                          user
       exponential(2)    sd                                              lkg                          user
       exponential(2)    sd                                           lmoney                          user
       exponential(2)    sd                                     maxkmvillage                          user
       exponential(2)    sd                                            ssold                          user
       exponential(2)    sd                         hunter           animals                  (vectorized)
       exponential(2)    sd              Intercept  hunter           animals                  (vectorized)
       exponential(2)    sd                         hunter             asold                  (vectorized)
       exponential(2)    sd              Intercept  hunter             asold                  (vectorized)
       exponential(2)    sd                         hunter doublezerobrought                  (vectorized)
       exponential(2)    sd              Intercept  hunter doublezerobrought                  (vectorized)
       exponential(2)    sd                         hunter               lkg                  (vectorized)
       exponential(2)    sd              Intercept  hunter               lkg                  (vectorized)
       exponential(2)    sd                         hunter            lmoney                  (vectorized)
       exponential(2)    sd              Intercept  hunter            lmoney                  (vectorized)
       exponential(2)    sd                         hunter      maxkmvillage                  (vectorized)
       exponential(2)    sd              Intercept  hunter      maxkmvillage                  (vectorized)
       exponential(2)    sd                         hunter             ssold                  (vectorized)
       exponential(2)    sd              Intercept  hunter             ssold                  (vectorized)
       exponential(2)    sd                        village           animals                  (vectorized)
       exponential(2)    sd              Intercept village           animals                  (vectorized)
       exponential(2)    sd                        village             asold                  (vectorized)
       exponential(2)    sd              Intercept village             asold                  (vectorized)
       exponential(2)    sd                        village doublezerobrought                  (vectorized)
       exponential(2)    sd              Intercept village doublezerobrought                  (vectorized)
       exponential(2)    sd                        village               lkg                  (vectorized)
       exponential(2)    sd              Intercept village               lkg                  (vectorized)
       exponential(2)    sd                        village            lmoney                  (vectorized)
       exponential(2)    sd              Intercept village            lmoney                  (vectorized)
       exponential(2)    sd                        village      maxkmvillage                  (vectorized)
       exponential(2)    sd              Intercept village      maxkmvillage                  (vectorized)
       exponential(2)    sd                        village             ssold                  (vectorized)
       exponential(2)    sd              Intercept village             ssold                  (vectorized)
        gamma(4, 0.8) shape                                     maxkmvillage                          user
       exponential(2) sigma                                              lkg                          user
       exponential(2) sigma                                           lmoney                          user
\begin{align*} % response distributions \text{small ammo}_h &\sim \mbox{Poisson}(\lambda^1_h)\\ \text{max km village}_h &\sim \mbox{Gamma}(a, \lambda^2_h)\\ \text{animals}_h &\sim \mbox{Poisson}(\lambda^3_h)\\ \\ \text{When animals} & > 1\\ \\ \text{log(kg)}_h &\sim \mbox{Normal}(\mu^4_h, \sigma^4)\\ \text{some sold}_h &\sim \mbox{Bernoulli}(p^5_h)\\ \text{all sold}_h &\sim \mbox{Bernoulli}(p^6_h)\\ \\ \text{When some sold} & == 1\\ \\ \text{log(money)}_h &\sim \mbox{Normal}(\mu^7_h, \sigma^7)\\ \\ %regression \log(\lambda^{1,2}_h) & = \alpha^{1,2}_{\text{village}[h]} + \alpha^{1,2}_{\text{hunter}[h]} + \alpha^{1,2}_{\text{why hunt}[h]} \\ \log(\lambda^{3}_h) & = \alpha^{3}_{\text{village}[h]} + \alpha^{3}_{\text{hunter}[h]} + \alpha^{3}_{\text{why hunt}[h]} + \beta^{3}_1\text{max km village}_{h} + \beta^{3}_2\text{small ammo}_{h}\\ \mu^{4}_h & = \alpha^{4}_{\text{village}[h]} + \alpha^{4}_{\text{hunter}[h]} + \beta^{4}_1\text{animals}_{h} + \beta^{4}_2\text{max km village}_{h}\\ \mathit{p}^{5,6}_h,\mu^{7}_h & = \alpha^{5,6,7}_{\text{village}[h]} + \alpha^{5,6,7}_{\text{hunter}[h]} + \alpha^{5,6,7}_{\text{why hunt}[h]} + \beta^{5,6,7}_1\text{kg}_{h}\\ \\ %priors \alpha^{1,2,3,5,6,7}_{\text{why hunt}} & \sim \mbox{Normal}(0,0.5)\\ \beta^{3,\dots,7}_1,\beta^{3,4}_{2} & \sim \mbox{Normal}(0,0.5)\\ %varying intercept priors \alpha^{1,\dots,7}_{\text{village}} & \sim \mbox{Normal}(0,\sigma^{1,\dots,7}_{\text{village}})\\ {\begin{bmatrix} \alpha^1_{\text{hunter}} \\ \alpha^2_{\text{hunter}}\end{bmatrix}} &\sim \mbox{MVNormal}(\mathbf0, \mathbf \Sigma)\\ \alpha^{3,\dots,7}_{\text{hunter}} & \sim \mbox{Normal}(0,\sigma^{3,\dots,7}_{\text{hunter}})\\ %correlation priors {\mathbf \Sigma} & = {\operatorname{\mathbf S \mathbf R \mathbf S}}\\ {\mathbf S} & = {\begin{bmatrix} \sigma_{\alpha^{1}_\text{hunter}} & 0\\ 0 & \sigma_{\alpha^{2}_\text{hunter}} \end{bmatrix}}\\ \sigma^{1,\dots,7}_{\text{village}}, \sigma_{\alpha^{1,2}_\text{hunter}},\sigma^{3,\dots,7}_{\text{hunter}}, \sigma^{4,7} & \sim \mbox{Exponential}(2)\\ \mathit{a} & \sim \mbox{Gamma}(4,0.8)\\ {\mathbf R} & \sim \text{LKJcorr}(1) \end{align*}

Notes on model structure

I model count responses using a Poisson rather than a gamma-Poisson (negative binomial) distribution. My reasons from fit models: 1) GP estimates more extreme/unrealistic max values and overestimates dispersion, 2) the shape value of GP is very high, indicating similarity to a pure Poisson process, and 3) variance is already made explicit via nesting by village and hunter. Parameter estimation is the same using both distributions.

I exclude a global intercept, because I want to make predictions at the village-level. Re: varying intercepts, a unique hunter is nested within a unique village, so technically this is hierarchical, but I don’t specify it as such in the model fit, because I want hunters to be compared to the total pool across villages (a skilled hunter in village A is more similar to a skilled hunter in village B than he is to a poor hunter in village A). Regardless, this shouldn’t tangibly change inference (see Rethinking

I format all categorical predictors as index variables, because I am interested in individual categories rather than in comparison to a reference. The one exception is weather (rainy or not during the hunt) which I format as a dummy/binary/indicator variable, because hunts on rainy days are scarce and can be seen as differences from the norm. Models showed that rain does not have a strong direct effect on offtake, though it does of course influence your decision to go hunting in the first place and could further change your behavior (and thus offtake) once hunting.

I center (subtract by the mean) and scale (divide by the standard deviation) all continuous predictors to facilitate model convergence and comparison of effects across predictors. Variables that act as both responses and predictors in the pwSEM are in their original values as responses (or logged for kg and money) and centered and scales as predictors.


Welcome @graden and sorry for the lack of responses. I think you haven’t gotten much response because your notation looks very good! If you are still struggling with anything in particular, I’d be happy to take a close look.

There’s not always a clear recipe for the best way to present this stuff, and often some combination of verbal explanation, figures, code, and mathematical notation is the best way to get your point across. Just like in your post!

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Thank you kindly @jsocolar! & please no need to apologize :)

I am still struggling to understand how I’ve written up the correlation structures…maybe I’ve done it correctly as you suggest? Knock wood!

I also have one new question. I was warned that my use of superscripts to differentiate responses could be interpreted as powers and thus be erroneous.

E.g., instead of the original:

\text{animals}_h \sim \mbox{Poisson}(\lambda^1_h)...\\ \log(\lambda^m_h) = \alpha^m_{\text{village}[h]} +...\\

I was suggested to write:

\text{animals}_h \sim \mbox{Poisson}(\lambda_{1 h})...\\ \log(\lambda_{m h}) = \alpha_{m_{\text{ village}[h]}} +...\\

My worry is how clunky this could make things. Rewriting parts of the third model like \beta^{5,6,7}_1\text{kg}_{h} or \alpha^{1,2,3,5,6,7}_{\text{why hunt}} with purely subscripts could become pretty hard to read.

Thoughts? Many thanks!

PS: I’ve been out of the camera trapping world for some years now but aim to soon wade back in, and am much looking forward to using flocker in doing so!

PPS: I just read the supplemental material of this similiar(ish) paper I enjoy by @jeremy.koster and @richard_mcelreath; the way they index by two responses (see section 3. Formal Model Definition) makes me think I should indeed subscript everything, and just figure out a way to deal with the resulting clunk.

Though they write the index (m, in my model) after the unit observation (h), à la:

\text{animals}_h \sim \mbox{Poisson}(\lambda_{h1})...\\ \log(\lambda_{hm}) = \alpha_{{\text{ village}[h]}m} +...\\

I remain keen on any thoughts, merci encore !

Thanks for the shout out, @graden.

Regarding the question of notations, colleagues of mine routinely use superscripts, but they put them in brackets to make clear that they aren’t exponents. For instance, see Equation 4 in this paper: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Patrick-Sturgis/publication/303091537_Detecting_and_understanding_interviewer_effects_on_survey_data_by_using_a_cross-classified_mixed_effects_location-scale_model/links/57373ed008ae298602e1a29f/Detecting-and-understanding-interviewer-effects-on-survey-data-by-using-a-cross-classified-mixed-effects-location-scale-model.pdf

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Wow, thank you @jeremy.koster for the rapid response! Clear and clever approach by your colleagues. I will play around and see what reads best for my models.

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