K-fold cross validation for large data models - stan's optimiser?

Can Stan’s optimizing function be used as a computationally pragmatic way of running k-fold cross validation on models that are fitted to very large datasets?

An example:
I have several binomial models that I wish to fit to a dataset that contains approximately 420,000 observations. The models vary in complexity. Some contain only a couple of parameters. Others also contain multiple random effects and could be estimating as many as 1000 parameters in total. I’ve had to up the adapt_delta (to 0.99), lower the stepsize (to 0.1), and increase max tree depth to 15 to minimise divergent transitions. As you’d expect the models are somewhat slow ranging from a day to as much two weeks to complete 2000 iterations (average tree depth approximately 11 or 12). This is also after using all the tricks (non-centered parameterisation, vectorising etc).

The aim is to use the cross validation procedure to choose the “best” predictive model according the average logloss.

My question is this: Is there any major problem with just estimating the maximum likelihood estimate for logloss (my measure of predictive performance) for all folds using stan’s optimizing() function?

I understand that this restricts me to point estimates, but given the computation is soo intensive it is an option considered only out of pragmatism and potential statistical naivety. I’ve ran tests where I have fitted a model using stan() and again using optimising() and the results for logloss and log_gamma were similar. But the standard deviation for the random effect census seemed to be severely underestimated. I saw a similar pattern (but more severe when I tried using stan’s vb() function.

OPTIMIZING RESULTS (took about 1 minute)

          fit             variable
1 -3.522142e+00            log_gamma
2  6.936385e-08           sigma_log_census_err
3  1.000000e+00           census_err[1]
4  1.000000e+00           census_err[2]
5  1.000000e+00           census_err[3]
6  3.973856e-01           logloss_heldout

STAN FIT - (took about 48 hours)

                             mean se_mean     sd         2.5%          25%          50%          75%        97.5% n_eff   Rhat
log_gamma                 -3.4034  0.0442 0.5280      -3.9855      -3.6131      -3.5024      -3.3448      -1.9677   143 1.0223
sigma_log_census_err       0.5318  0.0443 0.6758       0.1126       0.2106       0.3335       0.5427       2.3883   233 1.0171
census_err[1]              1.1612  0.0294 0.4148       0.2530       1.0065       1.1733       1.3132       1.8968   198 1.0098
census_err[2]              0.9306  0.0236 0.3324       0.2018       0.8032       0.9416       1.0513       1.5309   198 1.0098
census_err[3]              0.8000  0.0203 0.2863       0.1741       0.6900       0.8077       0.9047       1.3145   199 1.0097
logloss_heldout            0.3954  0.0000 0.0000       0.3954       0.3954       0.3954       0.3954       0.3955  2357 0.9994
lp__                 -152130.1249  0.1006 1.9768 -152134.7349 -152131.1996 -152129.8003 -152128.7560 -152127.1008   386 1.0170

Based on these results I’m guessing that I shouldn’t rely on the optimizing function to accurately estimate logloss. And I’m guessing that the approach isn’t useful for hierarchical models (i.e. with random variables) because of the problem of estimating their variances.

If this is not the approach to take, and one wants to undertake true cross validation and not approximate it, are there faster alternatives that don’t involve reducing the dataset? Does stan still plan to implement RHMC anytime soon?

Note: The plan would be to still use full Bayes (i.e. stan()) on the “best” model for examining parameter effects and general model inference.

k-fold cross validation on models fitted with optimization estimates the predictive performance of models fitted with optimization. This is good if you would want to make the predictions with a model fitted with optimization. k-fold-cv for models fitted with optimization doesn’t necessarily give the same order as k-fold-cv for models fitted with mcmc. It’s likely that k-fold-cv for models fitted with optimization would favor simpler models than k-fold-cv for models fitted with mcmc. Using mcmc allows use of more complex and elaborate models with better predictive performance, and you might miss this.

This is expected result.


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Why not just take a sample of your data and use that with MCMC? A sample of 10,000 has a very low sampling variance. Maybe go up to 50,000 if you have very small subgroups.

Yea the problem I have with sub sampling is that I need to account for the temporal component (observations are made on the same individuals over time) and some groups contain relatively small numbers of individuals/observations… and I don’t really want to drop these groups. Basically all the approaches I’ve came up with subsampling will either lead to biased estimates or force us to change the question we are trying to address using the model.

Ultimately it isn’t a huge problem. I can just run the models using NUTS. I was just making sure there wasn’t a more efficient alternative that would lead to the same result.

If there was something like that we knew about, it’d be right at the top of the doc!

How about splitting the data sets up, running in parallel, and the combining the posterior parameter estimates?

You need to be careful how you treat the prior here but if you have a lot of computing power this could give you a speed up.

In general, that gives you a different answer than training on all the data and doing posterior predictive inference. That is, if y' is new data and y[1:N] is training data and the model is p(y, theta), then in general.

p(y' | y) = INTEGRAL_theta p(y' | theta) * p(theta | y) d.theta

which is not going to be the same as

1/M  SUM_{m in 1:M}  INTEGRAL_theta p(y' | theta) * p(theta | y[m]) d.theta

where y[m] is 1/M-th of the data.

It can work out for simple cases like linear regression, but that’s about it.

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