Joint Latent Growth Survival Model

Hi all,

Apologies if this is the wrong topic group, but I am looking at conducting a joint model combining a parallel latent growth model (see paper here for additional information: Longitudinal Relationship of Leisure Activity Engagement With Cognitive Performance Among Non-Demented, Community-Dwelling Older Adults | The Gerontologist | Oxford Academic) and survival analysis. A similar joint model was conducted in this paper though I don’t believe they used a parallel latent growth model (Shibboleth Authentication Request).

I was wondering the package brms would be able to accomplish something similar to this? If not does anyone know any R (or Python/Julia) package that would be able to accomplish an analysis like this?

I’ve worked on a similar problem - without success so far, I might add. Currently, I’m stuck on some programming error, and haven’t had time to work further on it. Having a look at the code might still be useful.

Mixtures are hard, and you probably will have to be able to make assumptions about the number and nature of the classes to succeed. I don’t think you can do this in brms, though.