Hello, I am trying to convert an existing model in JAGS into a stan model. I believe the models are identical but when I run the stan model I get the following error:
“Log probability evaluates to log(0), i.e. negative infinity.
Chain 1: Stan can’t start sampling from this initial value.”
and after 100 attempts it fails.
The stan code is below:
// Poisson model example
data {
// Define variables in data
// Number of observations (an integer)
int<lower=0> T;
int<lower=0> X;
int<lower=0> C;
// Number of beta parameters
int<lower=0> p;
int<lower=0> pop[X,T,C];
// Covariates
real PC[X,3];
// Count outcome
int<lower=0> y[X,T,C];
parameters {
// Define parameters to estimate
real beta[T,C,p];
real mu_beta[T,p];
real<lower=0> tau_beta[T,p];
real<lower=0> tau_mu[p];
real<lower=0> tau_u[X];
real epsl_x[X,T,C];
// offset
transformed parameters {
real lp[X,T,C];
// real mu[N];
real<lower=0> mx[X,T,C];
for (t in 1:T) {
for(x in 1:X){
for(a in 1:C){
// Linear predictor
lp[x,t,a] = beta[t,a,1]*PC[x,1] + beta[t,a,2]*PC[x,2] + beta[t,a,3]*PC[x,3] + epsl_x[x,t,a];
mx[x,t,a] = exp(lp[x,t,a]);
model {
// Prior part of Bayesian inference
// Flat prior for mu (no need to specify if non-informative)
// Likelihood part of Bayesian inference
for(t in 1:T){
for(x in 1:X){
for(a in 1:C){
y[x,t,a]~ poisson(pop[x,t,a]*mx[x,t,a]);
for(t in 1:T){
for(a in 1:C){
for(j in 1:p){
beta[t,a,j] ~normal(mu_beta[t,p],tau_beta[t,p]^2);
//hyper priors
for(j in 1:p){
for(t in 1:2){
mu_beta[t,j] ~ normal(0,tau_mu[j]^2);
for(t in 3:T){
mu_beta[t,j] ~ normal(2*mu_beta[t-1,j] - mu_beta[t-2,j],tau_mu[j]^2); //AR(2) function for PC coefficients
// prior
for(a in 1:C){
for(x in 1:X){
for(t in 1:T){
epsl_x[x,t,a] ~ normal(0,tau_u[x]^2); //for constant in logmx (small variance)
for(x in 1:X){
tau_u[x] ~ uniform(0,0.1); //epsilon has very informative (don't want to vary)
for(j in 1:p){
tau_mu[j] ~ uniform(0,40);
for(t in 1:T){
tau_beta[t,j] ~ uniform(0,40);
And the working JAGS model I copied is:
## pooled LC-type model with 1-3 PCs
## smoothing parameters through time with non-informative priors
for (x in 1:X){ #age
for (t in 1:T){ #time
for (s in 1:S){ #state
for (a in 1:n.a[s]){ #counties within state
y.xtas[x,t,a,s] ~ dpois(mu.xtas[x,t,a,s]) #deaths are poisson distributed
yrep.xtas[x,t,a,s] ~ dpois(mu.xtas[x,t,a,s]) #draws from posterior predictive distribution (to construct PIs)
mu.xtas[x,t,a, s] <- pop.xtas[x,t,a, s]*mx.xtas[x,t,a, s] # pop x mortality rate
mx.xtas[x,t,a,s] <- exp(logmx.xtas[x,t,a,s])
for (a in n.a[s]+1:n.amax){ #this is required when states have different number of counties (nothing estimated, just getting rid of errors)
mu.xtas[x,t,a, s] <- 0
for (x in 1:X){ #age
for (t in 1:T){
for (s in 1:S){
for (a in 1:n.a[s]){
logmx.xtas[x,t,a,s]<- beta.tas[t,a,s,1]*Yx[x,1] + beta.tas[t,a,s,2]*Yx[x,2] + beta.tas[t,a,s,3]*Yx[x,3] +u.xtas[x,t,a,s]
for (s in 1:S){
for (a in 1:n.a[s]){
for(p in 1:P){
for(t in 1:T){
beta.tas[t,a,s,p] ~ dnorm(mu.beta[s,t,p], tau.beta[s,t,p])
for(t in 1:T){
for (a in n.a[s]+1:n.amax){
for(p in 1:P){
beta.tas[t,a,s,p] <- 0
for(p in 1:P){
tau.beta[s,t,p] <- pow(sigma.beta[s,t,p], -2)
sigma.beta[s,t,p] ~ dunif(0,40)
for(s in 1:S){
for (a in 1:n.a[s]){
for(x in 1:X){
for(t in 1:T){
u.xtas[x,t,a,s] ~ dnorm(0, tau.u[x,s])
for(t in 1:2){
for(p in 1:P){
mu.beta[s,t,p] ~ dnorm(0, tau.mu[s,p])
for(t in 3:(T)){
for(p in 1:P){
mu.beta[s,t,p] ~ dnorm(2*mu.beta[s,t-1,p] - mu.beta[s,t-2,p], tau.mu[s,p])
for(p in 1:P){
tau.mu[s,p] <- pow(sigma.mu[s,p], -2)
sigma.mu[s,p] ~ dunif(0,40)
for(x in 1:X){
tau.u[x,s] <- pow(sigma.u[x,s], -2)
sigma.u[x,s] ~ dunif(0,0.1)
Can anyone identify the issue? Thank you!