Issues with some quantile using Generalized Asymmetric Laplace in Brms

Hello folks,
I am trying to implement the Generalized asymmetric Laplace (GAL) as a likelihood in Stan using brms.
Link to paper that introduce and described the GAL distribution here

I have the following implementation. It works for some quartile but tends to generate a lot of warnings for the median.

1: There were 838 divergent transitions after warmup. See
to find out why this is a problem and how to eliminate them.

The code below is what I have to help reproduce the issue. You will note that for 0.25 or 0.75, the code runs flawlessly. However, for quantile tau0 = 0.5 (or around 0.5), It generates lost of warnings.
Does any one have suggestions or hint on what’s causing this?

#--- This code will illustrate some of the issues with implementation
#--- GAL in STAN

#--- Adhoc functions
GamF <- function(gam, p0){
  (2*pnorm(-abs(gam))*exp(.5*gam^2) - p0)^2

#optimize(GamF,interval = c(-30,30), p0=1 - 0.05)
GamBnd <- function(p0){
  Re1 <- optimize(GamF, interval = c(-30, 30), p0 = 1-p0)
  Re2 <- optimize(GamF, interval = c(-30, 30), p0 = p0)
  c( -abs(Re1$minimum),  abs(Re2$minimum), Re1$objective,Re2$objective)  

#-------- Sample a data 

N = 500; X = cbind(rbinom(n=N, size = 1, prob = 0.65), runif(n=N, -1,1)); beta = c(-1,2); Y = 1 + X%*%beta + rnorm(n=N, sd=1)

Data <- data.frame(Y =Y, X1 = X[,1], X2 = X[,2])

#--- Function for the GAL
tau0 = 0.5 # here you can change the quantile level between (0, 1)

Bd = GamBnd(tau0)[1:2]

  GAL2 <- custom_family(
    "GAL2", dpars = c("mu", "sigma","gam", "tau"), links=c("identity","log","identity","identity"),
    lb=c(NA,0, Bd[1]*0.95,0), ub=c(NA,NA, Bd[2]*0.95,1), type="real") #, vars = "vint1[n]"
  stan_funs2 <- "
  A = -est*p_neg + .5*pow(gam, 2)*pow(p_neg/p_pos, 2) + log(Phi_approx(a2-a3)) + log1m_exp(fabs(log(Phi_approx(a2-a3)) - log(Phi_approx(a2)))); 
  gam = (gamU - gamL) * ligam + gamL;
  real gam = (gamU - gamL) * ligam + gamL;
  real GAL2_lpdf(real y, real mu, real sigma, real ligam, real tau, real gamL, real gamU){
  real GAL2_rng(real mu, real sigma, real ligam, real tau, real gamL, real gamU){
     /* helper function for asym_laplace_lpdf
  * Args:
    *   y: the response value
  *   tau: quantile parameter in (0, 1)
    real rho_quantile(real y, real tau) {
      if (y < 0) {
        return y * (tau - 1);
      } else {
        return y * tau;
  /* asymmetric laplace log-PDF for a single response
  * Args:
    *   y: the response value
  *   mu: location parameter
  *   sigma: positive scale parameter
  *   tau: quantile parameter in (0, 1)
  * Returns:
    *   a scalar to be added to the log posterior
    real asym_laplace_lpdf(real y, real mu, real sigma, real tau) {
      return log(tau * (1 - tau)) -
        log(sigma) -
        rho_quantile((y - mu) / sigma, tau);
  /* asymmetric laplace log-CDF for a single quantile
  * Args:
    *   y: a quantile
  *   mu: location parameter
  *   sigma: positive scale parameter
  *   tau: quantile parameter in (0, 1)
  * Returns:
    *   a scalar to be added to the log posterior
    real asym_laplace_lcdf(real y, real mu, real sigma, real tau) {
      if (y < mu) {
        return log(tau) + (1 - tau) * (y - mu) / sigma;
      } else {
        return log1m((1 - tau) * exp(-tau * (y - mu) / sigma));
  /* asymmetric laplace log-CCDF for a single quantile
  * Args:
    *   y: a quantile
  *   mu: location parameter
  *   sigma: positive scale parameter
  *   tau: quantile parameter in (0, 1)
  * Returns:
    *   a scalar to be added to the log posterior
    real asym_laplace_lccdf(real y, real mu, real sigma, real tau) {
      if (y < mu) {
        return log1m(tau * exp((1 - tau) * (y - mu) / sigma));
      } else {
        return log1m(tau) - tau * (y - mu) / sigma;
   real GAL2_lpdf(real y, real mu, real sigma, real gam, real tau){
   real p_pos;
   real p_neg;
   real a3;
   real a2;
   real p;
   real est;
   real A;
   real B;
   real Res = 0;
   //real gam = ligam;
    p = 1 * (gam < 0) + (tau - 1 * (gam < 0))/(2*Phi(-fabs(gam)) * exp(.5 * pow(gam, 2)));
    p_pos = p - 1 * (gam > 0);
    p_neg = p -  1* (gam < 0);  
    est = (y - mu) / sigma; 
    if(fabs(gam) > 0){
    a3 = p_pos * (est / fabs(gam));
    a2 = fabs(gam) * (p_neg / p_pos);
    if(est/gam > 0){
      A =  0.5 * pow(gam, 2) * pow(p_neg/p_pos, 2) - est * p_neg + log_diff_exp(log(Phi_approx(a2-a3)), log(Phi_approx(a2)) ); 
      B =  0.5 * pow(gam, 2) - p_pos * est + log(Phi_approx(-fabs(gam) + a3));
      Res = log(2*p*(1-p)) - log(sigma) +  log_sum_exp(A, B);
      Res =  log(2*p*(1-p)) - log(sigma) - p_pos * est + 0.5 * pow(gam, 2) + log(Phi_approx(-fabs(gam) ));
    Res = asym_laplace_lpdf( y | mu, sigma, tau); 
    return Res;
  real GAL2_rng(real mu, real sigma, real ligam, real tau){
     real A;
     real B;
     real C;
     real p;
     real hi;
     real nui;
     real mui=0;
     real Up = uniform_rng(.5, 1.0);
     real gam = ligam;
     p = (gam < 0) + (tau - (gam < 0))/(2*Phi_approx(-fabs(gam))*exp(.5*pow(gam, 2)));
     A = (1 - 2*p)/(p - pow(p,2));
     B = 2/(p - pow(p,2));
     C = 1/((gam > 0) - p);
      hi = sigma * inv_Phi(Up);
     nui = sigma * exponential_rng(1);
     mui += mu + A * nui + C * fabs(gam) * hi;
     return normal_rng(mui, sqrt(sigma*B*nui));

#----------------- Now run the code

Nchain = 2
Niter = 2000
formCase1b <- paste0("Y ~ X1 + X2")

stanvars2 <- stanvar(scode = stan_funs2, block = "functions")

fitCase1b <- brms::brm(bf(as.formula(formCase1b), tau = tau0), data = Data, family = GAL2, stanvars = stanvars2,
                            chains = Nchain,iter = Niter, control = list(adapt_delta = 0.99,max_treedepth=12),
                       cores = 2, seed = 1123) # init = 0.1,