Issues with Parallel Computation for Custom Beta Binomial Model in brms

I’m currently working on a project in which the outcome vector is a proportion which I’m modeling as a bounded count via a multilevel beta binomial model. I managed to get everything working by following the brms custom model family vignette and specifying the following functions:

# Define the Stan Functions for the custom model family----
stan_funs <- "
  real beta_binomial_custom_lpmf(int y, real mu, real phi, int trials) {
    return beta_binomial_lpmf(y | trials, mu * phi, (1 - mu) * phi);
  int beta_binomial_custom_rng(real mu, real phi, int trials) {
    return beta_binomial_rng(trials, mu * phi, (1 - mu) * phi);

# Add the Stan Code to the Model Block----
stan_vars <- stanvar(
  scode = stan_funs, 
  block = "functions"

# Define a function to calculate the log likelihood----
log_lik_beta_binomial_custom <- function(i, prep) {
  mu <- brms::get_dpar(prep, "mu", i = i)
  phi <- brms::get_dpar(prep, "phi", i = i)
  trials <- prep$data$trials[i]
  y <- prep$data$Y[i]
  beta_binomial_custom_lpmf(y, mu, phi, trials)

# Define a function to calculate predictions----
posterior_predict_beta_binomial_custom <- function(i, prep, ...) {
  mu <- brms::get_dpar(prep, "mu", i = i)
  phi <- brms::get_dpar(prep, "phi", i = i)
  trials <- prep$data$trials[i]
  beta_binomial_custom_rng(mu, phi, trials)

# Define a function to calculate expectations----
posterior_epred_beta_binomial_custom <- function(prep) {
  mu <- brms::get_dpar(prep, "mu")
  trials <- prep$data$trials
  trials <- matrix(trials, nrow = nrow(mu), ncol = ncol(mu), byrow = TRUE)
  mu * trials

# Defining the Custom Model Family----
beta_binomial_custom <- custom_family(
  dpars = c("mu", "phi"),
  links = c("logit", "log"), 
  lb = c(NA, 0),
  type = "int", 
  vars = "trials[n]"

I then specify the following model which converges in about an hour without any clear issues (though loo identifies seven problematic observations) other than a pretty high degree of autocorrelation in the chains (thinning seems to help with this).

# Unconditional Quadratic Growth Curve
betabinom_null_qgc <- bf(
  femlegs | trials(leg_seats) ~ year_z + I(year_z^2) + (1 + year_z + I(year_z^2) | cntry),
  center = F,
  family = beta_binomial_custom

# Specify Priors for the model
betabinom_null_qgc_priors <-
  prior(student_t(4, 0, 3), class = "b", coef = "Intercept") +
  prior(normal(0, 2), class = "b") +
  prior(exponential(0.8), class = "sd") +
  prior(exponential(1), class = "phi")+
  prior(lkj(4), class = "cor")

# Fit the model
betabinom_null_qgc_fit <- brm(
  formula = betabinom_null_qgc,
  prior = betabinom_null_qgc_priors,
  data = femleg_df,
  cores = 6,
  chains = 6,
  iter = 10000,
  warmup = 4000, # 2500 Warmup/5000 iter would probably be fine too
  refresh = 10,
  thin = 2,
  save_pars = save_pars(all = TRUE),
  stanvars = stan_vars,
  control = list(max_treedepth = 11),
  seed = 123,
  backend = "cmdstanr",
  file = str_c(base_dir, "BetaBinom_Null_QGC_FemLeg"),
  save_model = str_c(base_dir, "stan/BetaBinom_Null_QGC_FemLeg.stan")

# Expose Stan Functions from the Model
expose_functions(betabinom_null_qgc_fit, vectorize = T)

The problem I’ve encountered and have been unable to find a solution for is that attempting to pass the fitted model object to any of the functions from the loo package such as the following

# Add model fit criteria to the saved object----
  betabinom_null_qgc_fit ,
  criterion = c("loo", "loo_R2"),
  cores = 6,
  reloo = TRUE,
  moment_match = TRUE,
  save_psis = TRUE,
  file = str_c(base_dir, "BetaBinom_Null_QGC_FemLeg_Validated")

#Error in checkForRemoteErrors(val) : 
#  6 nodes produced errors; first error: could not find function "beta_binomial_custom_lpmf"

k-fold cross validation also fails but with a different error and after running for three hours

  criterion = "kfold",
  folds = "grouped",
  group = "cntry",
  K = 5,
  save_fits = TRUE,
  cores = 6,
  file = str_c(base_dir, "BetaBinom_Null_QGC_FemLeg_Validated")

#The desired updates require recompiling the model
#Start sampling
#Error in get(out, family$env) : 
#  object 'log_lik_beta_binomial_custom' not found

Running them with cores = 1 works without any issues, but it also takes almost 12 hours to complete and that’s just not feasible considering this is a fairly minimal specification of the full model. I’m not sure if this is an issue with brms or loo but any help is appreciated and will save me a lot of time.

As far as system specifications are concerned, I’m running the model on a Windows 10 desktop with an 8 core i9 9900k and 64GB of memory under R version 4.1.0 with the latest development versions of brms (2.16.3) and loo ( and using cmdstan 2.28.1 as a backend.

Edit: forgot to include the version of rstan used for moment matching/kfold/reloo. That’s 2.26.3

Data for the model: femleg_subset.csv (177.3 KB)