I think the way to do this is to work with the posterior expectation values, collapse those into fewer categories, and then summarize the results into medians and credible intervals in the same way that conditional_effects
does this. Here’s an example using fake data:
Generate fake data
Assume grade
is a student’s grade in a course. gpa
is the student’s grade-point average at the start of the course. We’ll predict course grade
from gpa
grade = c(paste0(rep(LETTERS[c(1:4)], each=3), c("+","","-")), "F")
d = data.frame(grade, num=seq(3.5,1.5,length=length(grade)))
d$grade = ordered(d$grade, levels=rev(unique(d$grade)))
d = d %>%
group_by(grade) %>%
summarise(gpa = rnorm(20, num, 0.8))
d %>% ggplot(aes(gpa, grade)) +
geom_point(position=position_jitter(h=0.1, w=0),
alpha=0.6, colour="red", size=1)
Ordinal model
m = brm(grade ~ gpa,
prior=prior(normal(0,1), class="b"),
cores=4, chains=4,
Get conditional effect of gpa
ce = conditional_effects(m, "gpa", categorical=TRUE)
# Run str(ce) to see the data frame that conditional_effects creates
Now let’s recreate the plot above, but with fewer categories. We’ll collapse the categories down to four: A, B, C, or D/F.
First let’s make sure we understand what conditional_effects
is doing so that we can implement the same method with our collapsed categories.
Reproduce conditional_effects
plot manually
Get the values of gpa
that conditional_effects
is using for the plot. (Note: If you have multiple independent variables in your model, you’ll need a data frame that sets the other variables to specific values. You can just use the data frame created by conditional_effects
, rather than create your own.)
pred.dat = tibble(gpa=seq(min(d$gpa), max(d$gpa), length=100))
Get expectations for the posterior draws
post.epred = epred_draws(m, newdata=pred.dat) %>%
select(-.chain, -.iteration)
Summarize the posterior draws (median and 95% credible interval) and plot them
ce2 = post.epred %>%
group_by(gpa, .category) %>%
summarise(enframe(quantile(.epred, probs=c(0.025,0.5,0.975)))) %>%
pivot_wider(names_from=name, values_from=value) %>%
ggplot(aes(gpa, colour=.category, fill=.category)) +
geom_ribbon(aes(ymin=`2.5%`, ymax=`97.5%`), alpha=0.3, size=0) +
geom_line(aes(y=`50%`)) +
labs(title="Reproduce conditional_effects",
fill="grade", colour="grade", y=NULL) +
guides(colour="none", fill="none") +
scale_y_continuous(limits=c(0, 0.85))
Show that we’ve reproduced the conditional_effects
plot(ce, plot=FALSE)[[1]] +
labs(title="conditional_effects") + scale_y_continuous(limits=c(0,0.85)) +
ce2 +
Collapse outcome categories and summarize them
Here’s the post.epred
data frame we generated above using epred_draws
# A tibble: 5,200,000 × 5
# Groups: gpa, .row, .category [1,300]
gpa .row .draw .category .epred
<dbl> <int> <int> <fct> <dbl>
1 0.0210 1 1 F 0.486
2 0.0210 1 2 F 0.506
3 0.0210 1 3 F 0.507
4 0.0210 1 4 F 0.496
5 0.0210 1 5 F 0.451
6 0.0210 1 6 F 0.474
7 0.0210 1 7 F 0.473
8 0.0210 1 8 F 0.426
9 0.0210 1 9 F 0.521
10 0.0210 1 10 F 0.504
# … with 5,199,990 more rows
There are 4,000 unique values of .draw
(one for each of the 4,000 samples from the posterior that we generated when we fit the model), 100 unique values of .row
(one for each unique value of gpa
for which we extracted draws), and 13 unique values of .category
(one for each possible grade
) for a total of 4,000*100*13=5,200,000 rows.
Within a given .row
and .draw
there are 13 levels of .category
. .epred
is the predicted probability for each category. The total probability adds up to 1.0, because the probability of getting some grade is 1.0. You can see this below for .row
1 and .draw
1 and 2.
post.epred %>%
arrange(.draw, desc(.category)) %>%
filter(.row==1, .draw %in% 1:2) %>%
group_by(.draw) %>%
mutate(.epred_cumulative = cumsum(.epred)) %>%
# A tibble: 26 × 6
# Groups: .draw [2]
gpa .row .draw .category .epred .epred_cumulative
<dbl> <int> <int> <fct> <dbl> <dbl>
1 0.0210 1 1 A+ 0.00113 0.00113
2 0.0210 1 1 A 0.00227 0.00340
3 0.0210 1 1 A- 0.00149 0.00489
4 0.0210 1 1 B+ 0.00304 0.00793
5 0.0210 1 1 B 0.00489 0.0128
6 0.0210 1 1 B- 0.0103 0.0231
7 0.0210 1 1 C+ 0.00801 0.0311
8 0.0210 1 1 C 0.0199 0.0510
9 0.0210 1 1 C- 0.0319 0.0830
10 0.0210 1 1 D+ 0.0787 0.162
11 0.0210 1 1 D 0.125 0.287
12 0.0210 1 1 D- 0.227 0.514
13 0.0210 1 1 F 0.486 1
14 0.0210 1 2 A+ 0.00366 0.00366
15 0.0210 1 2 A 0.00472 0.00838
16 0.0210 1 2 A- 0.00644 0.0148
17 0.0210 1 2 B+ 0.00962 0.0244
18 0.0210 1 2 B 0.00774 0.0322
19 0.0210 1 2 B- 0.0101 0.0423
20 0.0210 1 2 C+ 0.0221 0.0644
21 0.0210 1 2 C 0.0314 0.0958
22 0.0210 1 2 C- 0.0472 0.143
23 0.0210 1 2 D+ 0.0540 0.197
24 0.0210 1 2 D 0.105 0.302
25 0.0210 1 2 D- 0.192 0.494
26 0.0210 1 2 F 0.506 1
To get self-consistent model outputs for 4 categories instead of 13, we need to work at the level of individual .row
and .draw
combinations, and sum the probabilities for each group of categories. For example, let’s collapse the 13 grades down to 4 categories: A, B, C, or D/F.
post.epred.collapsed = post.epred %>%
mutate(category.collapsed = gsub("\\+|-", "", .category),
category.collapsed = gsub("(D|F).*", "D/F", category.collapsed)) %>%
group_by(gpa, .row, .draw, category.collapsed) %>%
summarise(.epred = sum(.epred))
# A tibble: 1,600,000 × 5
# Groups: gpa, .row, .draw [400,000]
gpa .row .draw category.collapsed .epred
<dbl> <int> <int> <chr> <dbl>
1 0.0210 1 1 A 0.00489
2 0.0210 1 1 B 0.0182
3 0.0210 1 1 C 0.0598
4 0.0210 1 1 D/F 0.917
5 0.0210 1 2 A 0.0148
6 0.0210 1 2 B 0.0275
7 0.0210 1 2 C 0.101
8 0.0210 1 2 D/F 0.857
9 0.0210 1 3 A 0.00877
10 0.0210 1 3 B 0.0245
# … with 1,599,990 more rows
# ℹ Use `print(n = ...)` to see more rows
Now we can do exactly what we did above to reproduce the conditional_effects
plot, but here we calculate the median and 95% credible intervals by category.collapsed
instead of .category
. With four categories, the plot is much easier to read.
post.epred.collapsed %>%
group_by(gpa, category.collapsed) %>%
summarise(enframe(quantile(.epred, probs=c(0.025,0.5,0.975)))) %>%
pivot_wider(names_from=name, values_from=value) %>%
ggplot(aes(gpa, colour=category.collapsed, fill=category.collapsed)) +
geom_ribbon(aes(ymin=`2.5%`, ymax=`97.5%`), alpha=0.3, size=0) +
geom_line(aes(y=`50%`)) +
labs(title="Conditional effects for collapsed grade categories",
fill="grade", colour="grade", y=NULL)