g’day @gowerc ,
Not a direct answer to your question but a couple thoughts/ideas:
First, if f(X_i) is simple enough to work with, perhaps use the same formula for both \mu_i and for \sigma_i ? So I’m replacing \mu_i \cdot \sigma with \sigma_i and using \sigma_i = f(X_i) as well.
I think this is close but not exactly what you had in mind, since distributional models in brms
will fit separate parameters for both mu
and sigma
Code example with distributional regression
library(brms); library(tidyverse)
dat <- tibble(
x = seq(1, 30, length.out = 100)
) %>%
mu_y = 10 + 3 * x,
sigma_y = mu_y * 0.15, # so base sigma is 0.15, but scales with mu
# i.e., sigma_y = 0.15 * (10 + 3 x) = 1.5 + 0.45 x
y = rnorm(n = n(), mean = mu_y, sd = sigma_y)
# today i learned you can give rnorm vector means and sd's
dat %>% ggplot(aes(x, y))+geom_point() # cool
# first test with a distributional model, but not quite what OP was thinking
# sigma just depends on x (not on mu)
# but if mu and sigma use same formula... that's kinda it, no?
bf_1 <- bf(
y ~ x,
sigma ~ x,
family = gaussian()
# NOTE: brms automatically applies the log link to sigma (zero-positive)
get_prior(bf_1, dat)
fit_1 <- brm(bf_1, data = dat, backend = 'cmdstanr', cores = 4, chains = 4)
summary(fit_1); pp_check(fit_1) # not bad
(Is there a way to get parameters on both mu
and sigma
to correlate in brms
My example cheats by using a linear case. Also, sigma
is fit on the log-link scale, so its parameters are multiplicative instead of additive like in my simulated data.
Another thought I had when I first read your question was to just use a distribution whose variance scales with the mean. The Gamma is a natural contender if it suits your data (no zeroes, positive only?), since var(Y)=\mu^2\phi where \phi is the dispersion parameter. But that’s the square of the mean it scales with…
This model does ok in my example but doesn’t outperform fit_1
Example with Gamma
bf_2 <- bf(
y ~ x, family = Gamma('log')
get_prior(bf_2, dat)
fit_2 <- brm(bf_2, data = dat, backend = 'cmdstanr', cores = 4, chains = 4)
summary(fit_2); pp_check(fit_2) # a wee bit off compared to fit_1
# compare models:
fit_1 <- add_criterion(fit_1, 'loo')
fit_2 <- add_criterion(fit_2, 'loo')
loo_compare(fit_1, fit_2) # favors fit_1
I did try digging around if you can get brms
to use mu * sigma
somehow but didn’t find anything. Maybe this requires editing Stan code? Curious to hear what others know here :^)
hope that helps