Dear all,
I am trying to implement a 2PL IRT model with random effects for the discrimination (\alpha) and difficulty (\beta) parameters. I having trouble fitting the model to simulated data, and I am not sure I have coded the model correctly.
Let me start with my motivation behind the model. I have data on about 20 items for a hundred countries for the last 40 years. So I have country-years are nested on countries. I think the questions are not equally relevant across countries. I want to allow the discrimination and difficulty parameters to vary across countries. In IRT lingo, I want to generalize the usual 2PL setup to this: logit[Pr(y=1)]=\alpha_{item, country}\theta_{country,year}-\beta_{item,country}
I have been looking at the case studies and previous posts to get a sense of how to implement this model. I came up with the code below. I try to use a non-centered parameterization for \alpha to help with divergences, and some constraints on \beta to help with identification. In an effort to start simple, I’m currently just trying to get random effects for \alpha while keeping \beta constant across countries.
data {
int<lower=1> N; // number of observations
int<lower=1> I; // number of items
int<lower=1> C; // number of countries
int<lower=1> K; // number of unique random effects
int<lower=1> J; // number of country-years
int<lower=1,upper=I> ii[N]; // item for response n
int<lower=0,upper=C> cc[N]; // country for response n
int<lower=0,upper=J> jj[N]; // country-year for response n
int<lower=1,upper=K> kk[N]; // random effect for response n
int<lower=0,upper=1> y[N]; // response n
parameters {
vector[I-1] beta_free; //freely estimated difficulty parameters
vector[J] theta; // Ability parameter for country-year
vector[I] a_mean; // Mean discriminations for each item
vector[K] a_offset; // Discrimination offsets for each country
vector<lower=0> [I] a_sigma; //St dev. for discrimination offsets
transformed parameters{
vector [I] beta; // contains freely estimated and constrained betas
vector[N] alpha; //Overal discriminations, including random effects
vector[N] eta; // log odds of a correct probability
beta[1:(I-1)] = beta_free;
beta[I] = -1*sum(beta_free); // Constrain betas to help with identification
alpha = a_mean[ii]+ a_offset[kk] .* a_sigma[ii]; // non-centered
eta = alpha .*theta[jj]-beta[ii];
model {
theta ~ normal(0,1);
target += normal_lpdf(beta | 0, 3);
a_mean ~ normal(0,1);
a_offset ~ normal(0,1);
a_sigma ~ inv_gamma(1,1);
y ~ bernoulli_logit(eta); //likelihood
I get lots of divergent iterations when I use a small simulated dataset to test the mode. Increasing adapt_delta to .99 helps a bit but I still get a lot of them. Bigger datasets don’t get divergences but the effective number of samples is really small and most \bar{R} remain above 1.1 despite using 5 chains with 3,000 iterations.
I had a lot of trouble with setting the random effects (line 6 under transformed parameters). I am not sure that I got it right. I tried using a non-centered parametrization but maybe I need to use Cholesky decomposition? Still trying to learn how to do this properly.
I am attaching my R script where I simulate the data. I think I did the simulation right but its my first time trying to simulate this kind of data.
I would appreciate any suggestions!
r script data simulation random2pl.R (2.7 KB)