Interpretation of cor term from multivariate animal models

…They all give me divergences haha.

Ok–I think I understand what you and @diogro are talking about now with the phenotypic and genetic correlation terms, thanks for clarifying! However, it looks like I can’t model a repeated group-level effect?
brms version 2.13.0
Error: Duplicated group-level effects are not allowed. Occured for effect 'Intercept' of group 'ID'.
Looks similar to a previously posed (unsolved) question here.

As the general consensus seems to be, the data seem too few to be able to fit these models really well. An alternative I will consider if I cannot build an appropriate bivariate model would be to report how large a sample I would need for this analysis to be possible, and I’ll use advice from this post as a starting point to understanding how to do this in a Bayesian framework.

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