By accident, my initial post did not go to a new topic. Please click on above the link.
I’m afraid that link’s broken.
Thank you Bob for letting me know that the link is broken. I can still access it, so it may be permission issue.
I have reformatted my post below.
I suspect that I am missing something really basic. This is my first Stan model. I am trying to apply the two procedures for right censored data in section 11.3 in the manual. I adapted the example for continuous data to my count data and have run into trouble.
The first procedure imputes the censored data while
Contents of SimpleNBrightCensored.stan
int<lower=0> N;
int<lower=0> N_obs;
int<lower=0> N_cens;
int y_obs[N_obs];
int y_cens[N_cens];
int<lower=max(y_obs)> U;
real mu;
real<lower=0.001> scale;
scale ~ exponential( 2 );
y_obs ~ neg_binomial_2( mu, scale );
y_cens ~ neg_binomial_2( mu, scale );
generated quantities{
real dev;
dev = 0;
dev = dev + (-2)*neg_binomial_2_lpmf( y_obs | mu , scale );
Rcode for Model1
model_file = 'simpleNBrightCensored.stan'
iterations = 10000
# inits
N = 54
N_obs = 44
N_cens = 10
U = 601
mu = 256
scale = 1.7
# data
stan_data = list(N=N, N_obs=N_obs, y_obs=y_obs, N_cens=N_cens, y_cens=y_cens) # data passed to stan
# set up the model
stan_model = stan(model_file, data = stan_data, chains = 1)
# fit model
stanfit2 = stan(fit = stan_model, data = stan_data,
iter=iterations) # run the model
The second procedure involves integrating out the censored data.
The model simpleNBrightCensored2.stan:
int<lower=0> N;
int<lower=0> N_obs;
int<lower=0> N_cens;
int y_obs[N_obs];
int y_cens[N_cens];
int<lower=max(y_obs)> U;
real mu;
real<lower=0.1> scale;
scale ~ exponential( 2 );
y_obs ~ neg_binomial_2( mu , scale );
target += N_cens * neg_binomial_2_lccdf(U | mu, scale);
generated quantities{
real dev;
dev = 0;
dev = dev + (-2)*neg_binomial_2_lpmf( y_obs | mu , scale );
The Rcode to run this model:
model_file = 'simpleNBrightCensored2.stan'
iterations = 10000
# inits
N = 54
N_obs = 44
N_cens = 10
#U = 601
#mu = 256
#scale = 1.7
# data
stan_data = list(N=N, N_obs=N_obs, y_obs=y_obs, N_cens=N_cens, y_cens=y_cens) # data passed to stan
# set up the model
stan_model2 = stan(model_file, data = stan_data, chains = 1)
# fit model
stanfit3 = stan(fit = stan_model2, data = stan_data,
iter=iterations) # run the model
I get the following error message:
"Rejecting initial value:
Log probability evaluates to log(0), i.e. negative infinity.
Stan can't start sampling from this initial value."
When I tried to run the second model I got an error about U missing. I added a value for U in the stan_data and got the error you’re describing.
I added bounds on mu and scale as specified in the back of the manual and things seem to work:
real<lower=0.0> mu;
real<lower=0.0> scale;
Hope that helps!
Thank you very much bbbales2!
In addition to updating the model and uncommenting U, I had to uncomment mu and scale in the R code and it then ran to completion.
The corrected model code is here
int<lower=0> N;
int<lower=0> N_obs;
int<lower=0> N_cens;
int y_obs[N_obs];
int y_cens[N_cens];
int<lower=max(y_obs)> U;
real<lower=0.0> mu;
real<lower=0.0> scale;
scale ~ exponential( 2 );
y_obs ~ neg_binomial_2( mu , scale );
target += N_cens * neg_binomial_2_lccdf(U | mu, scale);
generated quantities{
real dev;
dev = 0;
dev = dev + (-2)*neg_binomial_2_lpmf( y_obs | mu , scale );
and the corrected R code is here:
model_file = 'simpleNBrightCensored2.stan'
iterations = 10000
# inits
N = 54
N_obs = 44
N_cens = 10
U = 601
mu = 256
scale = 1.7
# data
stan_data = list(N=N, N_obs=N_obs, y_obs=y_obs, N_cens=N_cens, y_cens=y_cens) # data passed to stan
# set up the model
stan_model2 = stan(model_file, data = stan_data, chains = 1)
# fit the model
stanfit3 = stan(fit = stan_model2, data = stan_data,
But how can I get WAIC and AIC for censored data??
@ABUJARAD Your question deserves it’s own thread I think. People might not notice it here.
If possible help solve this problem
@ABUJARAD I don’t know a good answer or where to point you to for one. I can at least tell you the answer probably isn’t going to be simple, haha. Starting a new thread is your best bet.