I am revisiting a multiple linear regression problem that I attempted to solve using Stan. I can get Stan to run but it is horrendously slow. To resolve this I have tried to use the QR reparameterization trick as described here.
data {
int<lower=1> N;
int<lower=1> K;
vector[N] d;
vector[N] err;
matrix[N,K] W;
transformed data {
matrix[N,K] A;
matrix[N,N] H;
vector[N] b;
real sig_b;
matrix[N,K] Q_ast;
matrix[K,K] R_ast;
matrix[K,K] R_ast_inv;
//Define centering matrix
H = diag_matrix(rep_vector(1.0,N)) - rep_matrix(1.0/N,N,N);
//Standardize data
b = H*(d ./ err);
sig_b = sd(b);
b = b/sig_b;
//Center Matrix
for (i in 1:K){
A[:,i] = W[:,i] ./ err;
A = (1.0/sig_b)*(H*A);
Q_ast = qr_Q(A)[, 1:K] * sqrt(N - 1);
R_ast = qr_R(A)[1:K, ] / sqrt(N - 1);
R_ast_inv = inverse(R_ast);
parameters {
vector[K] X_ast;
transformed parameters {
vector<lower=0>[K] X = R_ast_inv*X_ast;
model {
X ~ lognormal(30,5);
b ~ normal(Q_ast*X_ast , 1/sig_b);
generated quantities {
real F_tot;
F_tot = sum(X);
However I run into problems with the initialization since the transformed parameter, X
, is lower-bounded to be positive. I have tried setting the initial value of X_ast
to R_ast*rep_vector(3.5e15,500)
to guaranteed that X
is positive but for some reason the values do not work or the initialization is ignored and I get the following error
file = log_tomography_1.data.R
init = log_tomography_1.init.R
seed = 3361586922
file = output.csv (Default)
diagnostic_file = (Default)
refresh = 100 (Default)
Rejecting initial value:
Error evaluating the log probability at the initial value.
Exception: validate transformed params: X[2] is -1.12091e+18, but must be greater than or equal to 0 (in '/home/lstagner/orbit_tom/tmp/log_tomography.stan' at line 44)
Rejecting initial value:
Error evaluating the log probability at the initial value.
Exception: validate transformed params: X[2] is -1.12091e+18, but must be greater than or equal to 0 (in '/home/lstagner/orbit_tom/tmp/log_tomography.stan' at line 44)