Inference for multinormal on cholesky-transformed data fails to recover sensible estimates

Dear All,

My first time posting; appreciation in advance for any pointers, and apologies if I’m being silly.

There are various ways to simulate and specify inference for multivariate normals in Stan.
I’m failing to get one I would expect to work for inference to work. If anyone could explain why this doesn’t work, and ideally suggest a correction or alternative, I would be very grateful.

Examples of alternative ways to simulate a mean zero multivariate normal, which all give similar results:

	int NV;
  int Nobs;
  matrix[NV,NV] Sig;
transformed data{
  matrix[NV,NV] L = cholesky_decompose(Sig);
  row_vector[NV] zeros = rep_row_vector(0,NV);
generated quantities{
  matrix[Nobs,NV] X0;
  matrix[Nobs,NV] X1;
  matrix[Nobs,NV] X2;
  matrix[Nobs,NV] Z;
  for(n in 1:Nobs){
    X0[n] = multi_normal_rng(zeros,Sig)';
    X1[n] = multi_normal_cholesky_rng(zeros,L)';
    for(j in 1:NV){
      Z[n,j] = normal_rng(0,1);
  X2 = Z * L';

Following Stan guidance, a standard approach to inference would look like the below, which works OK:

  int Nobs;             // number of observations
  int NV;               // number of variates
  matrix[Nobs,NV] Y;    // outcomes
  real tau_prior_sd;    // prior for tau,   def=2.5
  real lkj_prior_scale; //prior for cor, def=2
transformed data{
  row_vector[NV] zeros = rep_row_vector(0,NV);
  cholesky_factor_corr[NV] L_Omega; //cholesky factor for variance
  vector<lower=0>[NV] tau;
transformed parameters{
  matrix[NV, NV] L = diag_pre_multiply(tau, L_Omega);// chol factor L for Sigma
  L_Omega ~ lkj_corr_cholesky(lkj_prior_scale);
  tau ~ cauchy(0,tau_prior_sd);

  for(n in 1:Nobs){
    Y[n] ~ multi_normal_cholesky(zeros,L);


I would have expected that transforming the data with the cholesky factor would allow one to write the likelihood in terms of standard normals, inverting the simulation approach for variable X2 above. I’m interested in this as a way to facilitate specification of hierarchical models and because it is faster. However, this does not give sensible results:

  int Nobs;             // number of observations
  int NV;               // number of variates
  matrix[Nobs,NV] Y;    // outcomes
  real tau_prior_sd;    // prior for tau,   def=2.5
  real lkj_prior_scale; //prior for cor, def=2
  cholesky_factor_corr[NV] L_Omega; //cholesky factor for variance
  vector<lower=0>[NV] tau;
transformed parameters{
  matrix[NV, NV] L = diag_pre_multiply(tau, L_Omega);// chol factor L for Sigma
  matrix[NV,Nobs] z = mdivide_left_tri_low(L,Y'); //should be std normal: same as X2 = Z * L' in cholsim.stan
  L_Omega ~ lkj_corr_cholesky(lkj_prior_scale);
  tau ~ normal(0,tau_prior_sd);

  to_vector(z) ~ std_normal();

The below R code compiles the above Stan code and generates some comparisons:


## comparing approaches in simulation:
sim_model <- stan_model(file = "cholsim.stan") #simulation program

## create data:
Nobs <- 1e3 #number of observations to simulate
N <- 5      #outcome dimensions
S <- diag(1, N)
S[1, 2] <- S[2, 1] <- 0.5 #a simple covariance matrix with some correlation
SIN <- list(Nobs=Nobs,NV=N,Sig=S)

## simulate
stout <- sampling(sim_model, data = SIN, iter = 1, algorithm = "Fixed_param", chains = 1)

## compare outputs
out <- summary(stout, par = "X0")$summary[,1]
X0 <- matrix(out, nrow = Nobs, ncol = N, byrow = TRUE)
out <- summary(stout, par = "X1")$summary[, 1]
X1 <- matrix(out, nrow = Nobs, ncol = N, byrow = TRUE)
out <- summary(stout, par = "X2")$summary[, 1]
X2 <- matrix(out, nrow = Nobs, ncol = N, byrow = TRUE)

## compare empirical covariance with input covariance
## seemingly OK

## now apply this in inference
## === less efficient version
sm1 <- stan_model(file = "cholmulti.stan") #version with mult_normal_cholesky
sm2 <- stan_model(file = "cholwithZ.stan") #version trying to set the likelihood using z

## first file for stan inference:
sdata <- list(
  Nobs = nrow(X2),    # number of observations
  NV = ncol(X2),      # number of variates
  Y = X2,             # data
  tau_prior_sd = 2.5, # prior for tau
  lkj_prior_scale = 2 # prior for cor

## sampling
smps1 <- sampling(sm1, data = sdata, iter = 2e3, chains = 1)
smps2 <- sampling(sm2, data = sdata, iter = 2e3, chains = 1)

## function to look at cors:
get_ests <- function(smps){
  ## tau
  out <- summary(smps,par="tau")$summary
  sel <- rownames(out) %in% paste0("tau[",1:N, "]")
  tauest <- out[sel,1]
  ## L
  out <- summary(smps,par="L")$summary
  selnames <- c(paste0("L[", 1:3, ",", 1:3, "]"),
                paste0("L[", c(1,1,2,2,3,3), ",", c(2,3,3,1,1,2), "]"))
  sel <- rownames(out) %in% selnames
  Lest <- out[sel,1]
  LM <- diag(Lest[paste0("L[", 1:3, ",", 1:3, "]")])
  LM[1,2] <- Lest["L[1,2]"]
  LM[1,3] <- Lest["L[1,3]"]
  LM[2,3] <- Lest["L[2,3]"]
  LM[2,1] <- Lest["L[2,1]"]
  LM[3,1] <- Lest["L[3,1]"]
  LM[3,2] <- Lest["L[3,2]"]
  ## return
  list(tau = tauest,Sig = LM %*% t(LM))

## expect this:

## version 1:
get_ests(smps1) #looks good

## version 2:
get_ests(smps2) #total nonsense with very high tau

Does it work if you add this to your model block?

target += -Nobs * sum(log(diagonal(L)));

Welcome to the Stan Forums, @petedodd. And thanks for the detailed report.

As @spinkney points out, the problem is that you’re performing a change of variables without including the appropriate adjustment.

P.S. If you code Y as an array of vectors,

array[NV] vector[NV] Y;

then you can vectorize

which is much faster because it only has to do the solve over L once (which in turns if faster with Cholesky than dense covariance representations).

Also, the L_Omega doc is wrong—that’s the Cholsky factor for correlation. The doc for L, which should be the Cholesky factor for correlation, mentions Sigma, which doesn’t show up anywhere else in the doc. Overall, I’d recommend not trying to include this kind of thing in code. Similarly, if // prior for tau, def = 2.5 is correct, then it’s better to just define it with that value in transformed data. If you give it any other value, the doc’s wrong.

It’ll let you write the prior in terms of standard normals, but you should still transform for the likelihood to match your earlier definitions.

Oh dear - I forgot the Jacobian for a change of variables. Thank you both for your responses. In particular:
@spinkney - yes! It indeed performs as expected if I had this line to include the Jacobian
@Bob_Carpenter - many thanks for additional pointers, especially the vectorized multi_normal_cholesky