Including Phylogenetic Information in a Bayesian Hierarchical Model for Predicting Species Trait


I am working on a Bayesian hierarchical model in Stan to predict the shell brightness of snail species based on several factors: habitat type, vegetation zone, island area, and island age. Additionally, I want to include a phylogenetic random effect to account for shared evolutionary history among species.

My dataset has some species for which I lack complete data on habitat, vegetation, or brightness. The phylogenetic information should help improve predictions for these species by leveraging the phylogenetic covariance matrix, which represents the relatedness among species.

I am not sure if the approach I am using to add this phylogenetic information is correct or not. I havent found examples and perhaps I am missing common methods that are used to do this.

Here’s the core of my Stan model:

  1. Microhabitat and Vegetation Zone Models: I model the probability of a species being in specific habitats (e.g., arboreal or arid) using binomial logistic regression with hierarchical priors.

  2. Brightness Model: Brightness is modeled as a log-normal variable, with species-level and island-level random effects. I also include a phylogenetic random effect that uses a multivariate normal distribution with a covariance structure informed by the phylogenetic covariance matrix.

  3. Phylogenetic Information: The phylogenetic effect (sp_phylo_effect) is included in the model as a random effect with a covariance structure based on the phylogenetic covariance matrix (phylo_cov_matrix).

\text{true_ln_bright}_i = \mu_{\ln(\text{bright})} + \beta_{\text{species}, i} + \beta_{\text{phylo}, i} + \beta_{\text{island}, \text{index}(i)} + \gamma_{\text{arbor}} \cdot \text{arboreal_prob}_i +
\gamma_{\text{arid}} \cdot \text{arid_prob}_i + \gamma_{\text{age}} \cdot \text{island_age}_i + \gamma_{\text{area}} \cdot \ln(\text{island_area}_i)


  • l true_ln_bright,i​: represents the modeled log-transformed brightness for each species i.
  • Îźln(bright)​: Overall mean log brightness.
  • βspecies,i​: Random effect for each species.
    *βphylo,i​: Phylogenetic random effect, modeled as a multivariate normal with a covariance matrix proportional to phylo_cov_matrix.
  • βisland,index(i)​: Random effect for islands.
  • Îłarbor​, Îłarid​, Îłage​, Îłarea​: Coefficients for habitat, vegetation, island age, and island area.

Inclusion of Phylogenetic Information

The phylogenetic information is incorporated into the model using a random effect that accounts for the shared evolutionary history among species. This is done by adding a phylogenetic random effect (sp_phylo_effect) for each species, which follows a multivariate normal distribution with a covariance structure derived from a phylogenetic covariance matrix.
Detailed Explanation:

  1. Phylogenetic Covariance Matrix (phylo_cov_matrix):
  • This matrix captures the phylogenetic relationships among species. Each element (i,j) of the matrix represents the expected covariance between the traits (in this case, brightness) of species i and species j due to their shared evolutionary history.
  • The matrix is computed from a phylogenetic tree, where the distance between nodes reflects the evolutionary distance between species. The closer two species are on the tree, the higher their covariance.
  1. Phylogenetic Random Effect (sp_phylo_effect):
  • A vector of random effects, βphylo,i​, is defined for each species i. This vector is modeled to follow a multivariate normal distribution:
    \beta_{\text{phylo}} \sim \text{MVN}\left(0, \sigma_{\text{phylo}}^2 \cdot \text{phylo_cov_matrix}\right)
    • βphylo​ is the vector of phylogenetic random effects for all species.
    • MVN(0,σphylo2⋅phylo_cov_matrix) denotes a multivariate normal distribution with a mean vector of 0 and a covariance matrix given by the phylogenetic covariance matrix scaled by σphylo2.
    • σphylo​ is the scaling factor (standard deviation) for the phylogenetic effect, controlling the overall magnitude of the phylogenetic influence on brightness.

Is using a multivariate normal distribution with a covariance matrix derived from the phylogenetic tree the best way to model phylogenetic random effects in this context?

Other questions:

  • Are there specific considerations or alternative priors for the scaling factor (phylo_sd) or the random effects (sp_phylo_effect) that could improve model performance?

Thank you very much for your time!

Stan code:

data {
  int N_spp;  // Number of species (47)
  int N_island;  // Number of islands
  array[N_spp] int<lower=1, upper=N_spp> sp_id;
  vector[N_spp] island_area;
  vector[N_spp] island_age;
  array[N_spp] int<lower=1,upper=N_island> island_index_spp;
  // Habitat data
  int N_habitat;
  array[N_habitat] int habitat_arboreal;
  array[N_habitat] int total_hab;
  array[N_habitat] int<lower=1,upper=N_spp> sp_index_hab;
  // Vegetation zone data
  int N_veg;
  array[N_veg] int veg_arid;
  array[N_veg] int total_veg;
  array[N_veg] int<lower=1,upper=N_spp> sp_index_veg;
  // Brightness data
  int N_bright;
  vector[N_bright] brightness_obs;
  array[N_bright] int<lower=1,upper=N_spp> sp_index_bright;
  // Phylogenetic covariance matrix
  matrix[N_spp, N_spp] phylo_cov_matrix;  // Phylogenetic covariance matrix 

transformed data {
  vector[N_bright] log_brightness_obs = log(brightness_obs);
  vector[N_spp] log_island_area = log(island_area);

parameters {
  // Microhabitat
  real mu_arboreal;
  real<lower=0> sd_arboreal;
  vector[N_spp] arboreal_prob_logit;
  // Vegetation zone
  real mu_arid;
  real<lower=0> sd_arid;
  vector[N_spp] arid_prob_logit;
  // Brightness
  real mu_ln_bright;
  real<lower=0> sd_ln_bright_sp;
  real<lower=0> sd_ln_bright_island;
  vector[N_spp] sp_effect_bright;
  vector[N_island] island_effect_bright;
  real slope_arbor;
  real slope_arid;
  real slope_age;
  real slope_area;
  real<lower=0> sigma_bright;
  // Phylogenetic random effects
  vector[N_spp] sp_phylo_effect;  // Phylogenetic random effects
  real<lower=0> phylo_sd;  // Scaling factor for phylogenetic effect

transformed parameters {
  vector[N_spp] arboreal_prob = inv_logit(arboreal_prob_logit);
  vector[N_spp] arid_prob = inv_logit(arid_prob_logit);

model {
  // Hierarchical priors for the probability of microhabitat
  mu_arboreal ~ std_normal();
  sd_arboreal ~ exponential(1);
  arboreal_prob_logit ~ normal(mu_arboreal, sd_arboreal);
  habitat_arboreal ~ binomial_logit(total_hab, arboreal_prob_logit[sp_index_hab]);
  // Hierarchical priors for vegetation zone
  mu_arid ~ std_normal();
  sd_arid ~ exponential(1);
  arid_prob_logit ~ normal(mu_arid, sd_arid);
  veg_arid ~ binomial_logit(total_veg, arid_prob_logit[sp_index_veg]);
  // Priors on brightness parameters
  mu_ln_bright ~ normal(8, 2);
  sd_ln_bright_sp ~ exponential(.5);
  sd_ln_bright_island ~ exponential(.5);
  slope_arbor ~ normal(0, .5);
  slope_arid  ~ normal(0, .5);
  slope_age   ~ normal(0, .5);
  slope_area  ~ normal(0, .5);
  sigma_bright ~ exponential(.5);
  // Phylogenetic effect prior using phylogenetic covariance matrix
  sp_phylo_effect ~ multi_normal(rep_vector(0, N_spp), phylo_sd^2 * phylo_cov_matrix);
  // Hierarchical priors for species and island effects on brightness
  sp_effect_bright ~ normal(0, sd_ln_bright_sp);
  island_effect_bright ~ normal(0, sd_ln_bright_island);
  // Model for true brightness (species-level trait)
  vector[N_spp] true_ln_bright = mu_ln_bright +
                                 sp_effect_bright +
                                 sp_phylo_effect +  // Include phylogenetic effect
                                 island_effect_bright[island_index_spp] +
                                 slope_arbor * arboreal_prob +
                                 slope_arid * arid_prob +
                                 slope_age * island_age +
                                 slope_area * log_island_area;
  // Likelihood for observed brightness
  log_brightness_obs ~ normal(true_ln_bright[sp_index_bright], sigma_bright);

generated quantities {
  vector[N_spp] true_ln_bright = mu_ln_bright +
                                 sp_effect_bright +
                                 sp_phylo_effect +  // Include phylogenetic effect
                                 island_effect_bright[island_index_spp] +
                                 slope_arbor * arboreal_prob +
                                 slope_arid * arid_prob +
                                 slope_age * island_age +
                                 slope_area * log_island_area;

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Hi, Alex

there’s a lot going on in your model, so sorry if I miss or misinterpret anything about your model.

What values would these \gamma parameters take in the absence of data for some species?

I am familiar with bayesian phylogenetics and population genetics models, but not with linear models that use genealogy information. “Correct” depends really on what you want to do; if there are standard models and you want to conform to them, you should make sure your model does, and if needed modify them to include additional features you need; otherwise, correct could just mean that your model makes sense, and your interpretations are supported by the framework you chose or developed.

I am bit confused about what you are modeling, is it the probability of a species being in a habitat, or the brightness of the shells, or both within the same analysis for some reason? (Another possibility is that the former was inferred as part of the model for tha latter, but I don’t see that in the code).

I am also confused about this model structure. If you have random effects for species and islands, you will in practice have different coefficients for each species/island combination, but I don’t understand what the \beta_{species,i} coefficient is doing if i denotes different species already. Also \beta_{phylo,i} seems to make sense because it’s constrained by the phylogenetic matrix, but it’s not clear what \beta_{island, index(i)} is doing – if they are all intercepts, they would “compete” and generate identifiability issues.

Again, you are the expert, so you should be able to justify (or not) if your model and its interpretation makes sense (and convince people who could think not). Since this is ultimately a linear model, it makes sense to me that given whatever intercepts and slopes, a coefficient (another intercept, if I understand correctly) can affect the (continuous) brightness positively or negatively. Whether the gaussian shape is the best option really depends on wether the phylogenetic distances “translate well” to the MNV, and if there are better alternatives (e.g. is there a reason why they clearly shouldn’t be symmetric around the mean?).

It seems like there are no priors on this parameter right now, so it’s an improper uniform prior, right? If that’s the case, this is usually not recommended; the general intuition on variance parameters is to have something with higher probabilities for low values (e.g. exponential, half-Cauchy/Gaussian) so that the method favors low values and requires other parameters to explain the data (think having low variance and a steep slope, as opposed to a lot of noise around a flat slope). If performance is poor and there are no bigger issues, that may help performance.

Finally, I suggest you make it very clear for (non-quantitative especially) readers what the hierarchical structure is, and how random effects change the output compared to a fixed-effects model, you can get equivalent implementations by drawing the effects from a group-level distribution or choosing a reference group and adding random effects to them, but the meaning of the parameters would be different (here’s an example of a hierarchical GLM where the “random effects” modeled as experimental replicate specific parameters ).

I wish I could have been more objective and/or helpful, but sometimes there is more nuance in seemingly simple things, and even for statisticians et al. it may not be obvious what the very best implementation would be (if any!).

Don’t hesitate to follow up, or break down the problem into a simpler one to get a more precise answer. Welcome to the community!