Identifiability issues with monotone splines?!

Well, 2.5 years later…I was interested in monotone splines and did the polar decomposition. No divergences or treedepth issues with the simulated code. ESS is way higher too.

The polar decomposition can be accomplished with SVD. What’s really cool is that the rc of Stan now has SVD in it! I pass the P and U matrices to Stan.

tmin <- 0
tmax <- 10
Npoints <- 100
ninterior_knots <- 5
sigma_noise <- .1
times <- seq(tmin,tmax,length.out = Npoints)
knots <- seq(tmin, tmax, length.out = ninterior_knots+2)[2:ninterior_knots+1]
nknots <- length(knots)
mspline_degree<- 3
i_spline_basis_evals <- iSpline(times, knots=knots, degree=mspline_degree+1,
m_spline_basis_evals <- deriv(i_spline_basis_evals)
nbasis <- dim(m_spline_basis_evals)[2]
gammas <- abs(rnorm(nbasis, 0, 1))
y_mean <- as.vector(i_spline_basis_evals %*% as.matrix(gammas))
y = rnorm(Npoints, y_mean, sigma_noise)

spline_svd <- svd(i_spline_basis_evals )
spline_P <- spline_svd$v %*% diag(spline_svd$d) %*% t(spline_svd$v)
spline_U <- spline_svd$u %*% t(spline_svd$v)

stan_data <- list(
  Npoints = Npoints,
  m = nbasis,
  spline_U = spline_U,
  spline_P = spline_P,
  y = y

I have no idea if the thing I do in transformed data is generalizable to other problems. I inspected P and P \gamma to see if any constraint makes sense from Ben’s comment above. But it seems to sample fine without any extra constraints. However, gamma is not quite identified, if you’re really interested in that.

data {
    int<lower=1> Npoints;                                   
    int<lower=1> m;                                                 
    matrix[Npoints, m] spline_U;
    matrix[m, m] spline_P;
    vector[Npoints] y;
parameters {
    vector[m] theta;
    real<lower=0> sigma;  // error standard deviation
model {
    sigma ~ std_normal();
    y ~ normal(spline_U * theta, sigma);
generated quantities {
  vector[m] gamma = mdivide_left_spd(spline_P, reverse(theta));

Here’s the summary of gamma from the model

> fit$summary("gamma")
# A tibble: 9 x 10
  variable    mean    median    sd   mad     q5   q95  rhat ess_bulk ess_tail
  <chr>      <dbl>     <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>  <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>    <dbl>    <dbl>
1 gamma[1] 1.26     1.26     0.119 0.116  1.07  1.46   1.00    2670.    2339.
2 gamma[2] 0.802    0.807    0.298 0.296  0.306 1.28   1.00    2458.    2470.
3 gamma[3] 0.00609 -0.000957 0.402 0.394 -0.657 0.681  1.00    2444.    2359.
4 gamma[4] 1.07     1.07     0.420 0.417  0.391 1.76   1.00    2450.    2459.
5 gamma[5] 0.0849   0.0886   0.382 0.373 -0.522 0.701  1.00    2354.    2458.
6 gamma[6] 0.347    0.342    0.360 0.339 -0.240 0.939  1.00    2292.    2345.
7 gamma[7] 1.29     1.30     0.353 0.344  0.704 1.86   1.00    2281.    2154.
8 gamma[8] 0.261    0.259    0.297 0.290 -0.203 0.745  1.00    2256.    2396.
9 gamma[9] 1.92     1.92     0.200 0.199  1.60  2.24   1.00    2196.    2561.

vs true gamma

> gammas
[1] 1.37095845 0.56469817 0.36312841 0.63286260 0.40426832 0.10612452 1.51152200 0.09465904 2.01842371

Pairs plot