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model {
vector[N] mu = alpha + beta * x;
y ~ normal(mu, sigma);
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vector[N] mu = alpha+beta*x;
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p(\theta | y) \propto p(\theta) p(y | \theta).
I’m trying to program a simple Lincoln-Peterson mark-recapture example using the hyperG likelihood:
I have easily programmed this example using the more common binomial likelihood, but also want and need to be able to program using the HyperG. I forgot to add that this appears to compile, but when I run it sampling does not occur because ‘b’ takes a values on the order of negative 200000 despite being constrained to no less than 70.
Here are my Rstan and stan files:
//HG1.stan. Test of simple Lincoln-Peterson model using a hypergeometric likelihood
//February 13 2019
int<lower = 0> a;//M
int<lower=0> N; //C
int<lower = 0, upper = min(a,N)> n;//R
transformed data{
int<lower = N-n> b; //N-M
// real<lower = (N-n)> b; //(C-R+M)> N;
// }
model {
// R~binomial(C, M/N);
n~hypergeometric(N,a,b); //n, N and a known; b is unkown and to be estimated
generated quantities{
int <lower = 0>Pop;
Pop = a+b; //total population size
#Test: Simple Lincoln-Peterson mark-recp model using a hypergeomtric likelihood
#February 13 2019
#a = 500; #number marked and released
#N =100; #number recaptured
#n = 30; #number marked among the C recaptures
stanDat ← list(a = 500, N = 100, n = 30)
#sample posterior:
HG1fit ← stan(file=“HG1.stan”, data = stanDat, init=list(list(b = 80)),iter = 100, chains = 1)
The right-most remmed-out notations in the .stan file are the corresponding variables in the mark-recap examples in Section 15.3, pp. 2016-17 of the Stan Reference Manual.