Hi, I was wondering how to vectorize the code below to speed things up.
for (s in 1:NS) {
for (i in 1:n[s]) {
real lps[2];
lps[1] = bernoulli_lpmf(0| p[s]) //non-diseased
+ bernoulli_logit_lpmf(res1[s,i] | -1.7*(a11 +t[i,s]*b01) ) // 1-Sp
+ ordered_logistic_lpmf(res2[s,i] | 1.7*(a2[s,1] +t[i,s]*b02) , c10[1,1:2] );
lps[2] = bernoulli_lpmf(1| p[s]) // diseased
+ bernoulli_logit_lpmf(res1[s,i] | -1.7*(a12 +t[i,s]*b11) )// Se
+ ordered_logistic_lpmf(res2[s,i] | 1.7*(a2[s,2] +t[i,s]*b12) , c11[1,1:2] );
// marginalize
target += log_sum_exp(lps);
I tried this, but it completely messes up the results:
for (s in 1:NS) {
real lps[2];
lps[1] = bernoulli_lpmf(0| p[s]) //non-diseased
+ bernoulli_logit_lpmf(res1[s,1:n[s]] | -1.7*a11 + to_vector(t[1:n[s],s]) * b01 ) // 1-Sp
+ ordered_logistic_lpmf(res2[s,1:n[s]] | 1.7*a2[s,1] + to_vector(t[1:n[s],s]) * b02 , c10[1,1:2] );
lps[2] = bernoulli_lpmf(1| p[s]) // diseased
+ bernoulli_logit_lpmf(res1[s,1:n[s]] | -1.7*a12 + to_vector(t[1:n[s],s]) * b11 )// Se
+ ordered_logistic_lpmf(res2[s,1:n[s]] | 1.7*a2[s,2] + to_vector(t[1:n[s],s]) * b12 , c11[1,1:2] );
// marginalize
target += log_sum_exp(lps);
edit: added full mode code below
data {
int<lower=2> nt; // number of tests
int<lower=0> NS; // total # of studies
int<lower=1> n[NS]; // number of individuals in each study
int r[NS,6];
transformed data {
int res1[NS, max(n)] ; // index as res1[s,i]
int res2[NS, max(n)] ;
for (s in 1:NS) {
res1[s] = append_array( append_array( append_array( rep_array(1, r[s,1]), rep_array(1, r[s,2]) ) , append_array( rep_array(1, r[s,3]), rep_array(0, r[s,4]) )), append_array( rep_array(0, r[s,5]), rep_array(0, r[s,6]) ) );
res2[s] = append_array( append_array( append_array( rep_array(1, r[s,1]), rep_array(2, r[s,2]) ) , append_array( rep_array(3, r[s,3]), rep_array(1, r[s,4]) )), append_array( rep_array(2, r[s,5]), rep_array(3, r[s,6]) ) );
parameters {
real<lower=0,upper=1> p[NS];
vector[NS] z1;
vector[NS] z2;
vector[NS] t[max(n)];
ordered[2] a2_m_raw;
real b01_raw;
real b02_raw;
real b11_raw;
real b12_raw;
vector<lower=0>[2] a2_sd_raw;
real<lower=0> c11_raw;
real<lower=0> c10_raw;
vector<upper=0>[1] alpha_raw1;
vector<upper=0>[1] alpha_raw2;
ordered[2] a1_raw;
transformed parameters {
real a11;
real a12;
ordered[2] a2_m;
vector<lower=0>[2] a2_sd;
vector[2] a2[NS];
real b01;
real b02;
real b11;
real b12;
ordered[2] c11[1];
ordered[2] c10[1];
c11[1,1] = 0;
c10[1,1] = 0;
c11[1,2] = c11_raw;
c10[1,2] = c10_raw;
b01 = b01_raw*0.4 ;
b02 = b02_raw*0.4 ; // b02_raw*0.5 ;
b11 = b11_raw*0.4 ;
b12 = b12_raw*0.4 ; // b12_raw*0.5 ;
a11 = a1_raw[1] - 2;
a12 = a1_raw[2] + 2;
//a12 = a11 + alpha_raw1[1] +2 ;
a2_m[1] = a2_m_raw[1] -2;
a2_m[2] = a2_m_raw[2] +2;
//a2_m[2] = a2_m[1] + alpha_raw2[1] +2;
a2_sd[1] = a2_sd_raw[1]*0.6; // 0.6 sd on probit scale is equiv to ~ N(0,1)T[0,] on logit scale
a2_sd[2] = a2_sd_raw[2]*0.6;
// between-study model
for (s in 1:NS) {
a2[s,1] = a2_m[1] + a2_sd[1]*z1[s]; // ~ normal(a1_m, a1_sd);
a2[s,2] = a2_m[2] + a2_sd[2]*z2[s]; // ~ normal(a1_m, a1_sd);
model {
c11_raw ~ std_normal();
c10_raw ~ std_normal();
a1_raw ~ std_normal();
a2_m_raw ~ std_normal();
a2_sd_raw ~ std_normal();
z1 ~ std_normal();
z2 ~ std_normal();
b01_raw ~ std_normal();
b02_raw ~ std_normal();
b11_raw ~ std_normal();
b12_raw ~ std_normal();
alpha_raw1 ~ std_normal();
alpha_raw2 ~ std_normal();
// c11[1,1:2] ~ induced_dirichlet(rep_vector(1, 3), 0);
// c10[1,1:2] ~ induced_dirichlet(rep_vector(1, 3), 0);
for (s in 1:NS) {
t[1:max(n),s] ~ std_normal();
// likelihood (within-study model)
for (s in 1:NS) {
for (i in 1:n[s]) {
real lps[2];
lps[1] = bernoulli_lpmf(0| p[s]) //non-diseased
+ bernoulli_logit_lpmf(res1[s,i] | -1.7*(a11 +t[i,s]*b01) ) // 1-Sp
+ ordered_logistic_lpmf(res2[s,i] | 1.7*(a2[s,1] +t[i,s]*b02) , c10[1,1:2] );
lps[2] = bernoulli_lpmf(1| p[s]) // diseased
+ bernoulli_logit_lpmf(res1[s,i] | -1.7*(a12 +t[i,s]*b11) )// Se
+ ordered_logistic_lpmf(res2[s,i] | 1.7*(a2[s,2] +t[i,s]*b12) , c11[1,1:2] );
// marginalize
target += log_sum_exp(lps);
generated quantities {
vector<lower=0,upper=1>[nt] Se;
vector<lower=0,upper=1>[nt] Sp;
real int_d;
real int_nd;
// overall test accuracy estimates, for each test
Se[1] = Phi_approx( (a12 )/sqrt(1 +b11^2) );
Sp[1] = 1-Phi_approx( (a11 )/sqrt(1 +b01^2) );
Se[2] = Phi_approx( (a2_m[2] - c11[1,2] )/sqrt(1 +b12^2) );
int_d = Phi_approx( (a2_m[2] - c11[1,1])/sqrt(1 +b12^2) )
- Phi_approx( (a2_m[2] - c11[1,2])/sqrt(1 +b12^2) ) ;
int_nd = Phi_approx( (a2_m[1] - c10[1,1])/sqrt(1 +b11^2) )
- Phi_approx( (a2_m[1] - c10[1,1])/sqrt(1 +b11^2) ) ;
Sp[2] = 1- Phi_approx( (a2_m[1] -c10[1,1])/sqrt(1 +b02^2) );