Short summary of the problem:
Operating System: windows 11
Interface Version: rstan 2.32.3
Compiler/Toolkit: rtools 43
I want to use the wiener_full_lpdf function in rstan, when I run my code in rstudio, it returns :
A returning function was expected but an undeclared identifier 'wiener_full_lpdf' was supplied.
But I found the function in GitHub stan-dev/math branch “fix/wiener5_fixes”. My question is how to use the function in that branch? Here is my stan code
data {
int<lower=1> P; // Number of participants
int<lower=1> I; // Number of trials per participant
array[P,I] real<lower=0> rt; // Response times for each participant
array[P,I] int<lower=0, upper=1> resp; // Responses for each participant
parameters {
array[P] real gamma; // decision criterion for each participant
array[P] real theta; // ability theta for each participant
array[P] real<lower=0> t0; // Non-decision time for each participant
array[I] real a; // tiem pressure m for each item
array[I] real b; // difficulty b for each item
array[I] real<lower=0> sv; // Variability in drift for each item
array[I] real<lower=0, upper=1> szr; // Variability in starting point for each item
array[P,I] real<lower=0, upper=1> cs; // Parameters following Bernoulli distribution
model {
gamma ~ normal(1, 1);
theta ~ normal(2, 3);
t0 ~ normal(0.183, 0.09);
a ~ normal(0.5, 0.1);
b ~ normal(0.435, 0.12);
sv ~ normal(1, 3);
szr ~ beta(1, 3);
for (i in 1:P) {
for (j in 1:I) {
array[P,I] real alpha;
array[P,I] real v;
array[P,I] real sw;
alpha[i,j] = gamma[i] / a[j];
v[i,j] = theta[i] - b[j];
sw[i,j] = szr[j] * alpha[i,j];
if (resp[i, j] == 1) {
target += wiener_full_lpdf(rt[i, j] | alpha, t0[i], 0.5, v[i,j], sv[j], sw[i,j], 0);
} else {
target += wiener_full_lpdf(rt[i, j] | alpha, t0[i], 0.5, -v[i,j], sv[j], sw, 0);
Did there exist a way to install specific stan math branches in Rstudio? Please help me, thanks in advance.
According to the tutorials on the website"Interfacing with External C++ Code", I download the “wiener_full_lpdf.hpp” in my rstudio working directory, and my code change to:
stancode <-
real wiener_full_lpdf(real rt, real alpha, real t0, real w, real v, real sv, real sw, real st0);}
data {
int<lower=1> P; // Number of participants
int<lower=1> I; // Number of trials per participant
array[P,I] real<lower=0> rt; // Response times for each participant
array[P,I] int<lower=0, upper=1> resp; // Responses for each participant
parameters {
array[P] real gamma; // decision criterion for each participant
array[P] real theta; // ability theta for each participant
array[P] real<lower=0> t0; // Non-decision time for each participant
array[I] real a; // tiem pressure m for each item
array[I] real b; // difficulty b for each item
array[I] real<lower=0> sv; // Variability in drift for each item
array[I] real<lower=0, upper=1> szr; // Variability in starting point for each item
array[P,I] real<lower=0, upper=1> cs; // Parameters following Bernoulli distribution
model {
gamma ~ normal(1, 1);
theta ~ normal(2, 3);
t0 ~ normal(0.183, 0.09);
a ~ normal(0.5, 0.1);
b ~ normal(0.435, 0.12);
sv ~ normal(1, 3);
szr ~ beta(1, 3);
for (i in 1:P) {
for (j in 1:I) {
array[P,I] real alpha;
array[P,I] real v;
array[P,I] real sw;
alpha[i,j] = gamma[i] / a[j];
v[i,j] = theta[i] - b[j];
sw[i,j] = szr[j] * alpha[i,j];
if (resp[i, j] == 1) {
target += wiener_full_lpdf(rt[i, j] | alpha[i,j], t0[i], 0.5, v[i,j], sv[j], sw[i,j], 0.1);
} else {
target += wiener_full_lpdf(rt[i, j] | alpha[i,j], t0[i], 0.5, -v[i,j], sv[j], sw[i,j], 0.1);
mod <- stan_model(model_code = stancode, model_name = "external", allow_undefined = TRUE,verbose = TRUE,
includes = paste0('\n#include "', getwd(), '/wiener_full_lpdf.hpp"\n'))
when I run the above code in the rstudio, it returns:
Compilation ERROR, function(s)/method(s) not created!
Error in compileCode(f, code, language = language, verbose = verbose) :
| ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~file28e4216157e2.cpp:534:15: note: template argument deduction/substitution failed:file28e4216157e2.cpp:993:23: note: couldn't deduce template parameter '<anonymous>' 993 | write_array_impl(base_rng, params_r, params_i, vars, emit_transformed_parameters, emit_generated_quantities, pstream); | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~make: *** [E:/Program Files/R/R-4.3.1/etc/x64/Makeconf:272: file28e4216157e2.o] Error 1
I think I need some help with this question