How to stop Stan from sampling a transformed parameter

Hey folks,
A model I’m working on uses a Dirichlet-multinomial conjugate pair, and runs accurately. However, the simplex that I feed to my Dirichlet prior (“alpha_vec”) is being needlessly sampled, slowing things down. How can I tell Stan that I don’t need this to be sampled (after all, it’s the same every time)?
Here’s the code

data {
	// Prior Parameters
   int<lower = 1> K; 		// COLS. for Dirichlet & txn mat
   int<lower = 1> N; 		// ROWS. for txn mat
   real<lower = 0> alpha; 	// for Dirichlet

        // Experimental Parameters
   int T[N,K]; 		// input RAW txn matrix, the data

parameters {
  simplex[N] P[K];       // parameter of interest

transformed parameters {
    vector[K] alpha_vec;
    for(i in 1:K){
    alpha_vec[i] = alpha;

model {
    for(i in 1:N) {
    P[i] ~ dirichlet(alpha_vec);  // prior
    T[i] ~ multinomial(P[i]);     // LLK

The output of the fit (in Rstan) is:
Screen Shot 2020-07-13 at 11.23.43 AM

I’ve tried relabelling the “transformed parameters” block to “transformed data” and “generated quantities,” but both of these prevent the model from compiling.
Much appreciated!

Could you make it in transformed data?


Thanks for the reply! I tried that, but it doesn’t seem to like it:
Screen Shot 2020-07-13 at 11.36.21 AM

Is it after data like this? transformed data needs to be before the parameters block.

data {
	// Prior Parameters
   int<lower = 1> K; 		// COLS. for Dirichlet & txn mat
   int<lower = 1> N; 		// ROWS. for txn mat
   real<lower = 0> alpha; 	// for Dirichlet

        // Experimental Parameters
   int T[N,K]; 		// input RAW txn matrix, the data

transformed data {
  vector[K] alpha_vec;
  for(i in 1:K) {
    alpha_vec[i] = alpha;

parameters {
  simplex[N] P[K];       // parameter of interest

If the above works then we should really improve that error message because it’s not terribly informative


Yeah good call. It should say something about the required order of the blocks.


Woops — completely forgot about that rule. Worked like a charm. Thanks so much, Steve!

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The new stanc3 compiler has a different message:

Syntax error in 'model.stan', line 11, column 0 to line 13, column 1, parsing error:
    11:  parameters {
    12:    simplex[N] P[K];       // parameter of interest
    13:  }
    15:  transformed data {

"transformed parameters {", "model {" or "generated quantities {" expected after end of parameters block.

Still not ideal; the caret points to the wrong line it didn’t recognize transformed data as a valid (if misplaced) block name.


Yeah still not ideal, but that’s definitely an improvement!