Hey folks,
A model I’m working on uses a Dirichlet-multinomial conjugate pair, and runs accurately. However, the simplex that I feed to my Dirichlet prior (“alpha_vec”) is being needlessly sampled, slowing things down. How can I tell Stan that I don’t need this to be sampled (after all, it’s the same every time)?
Here’s the code
data {
// Prior Parameters
int<lower = 1> K; // COLS. for Dirichlet & txn mat
int<lower = 1> N; // ROWS. for txn mat
real<lower = 0> alpha; // for Dirichlet
// Experimental Parameters
int T[N,K]; // input RAW txn matrix, the data
parameters {
simplex[N] P[K]; // parameter of interest
transformed parameters {
vector[K] alpha_vec;
for(i in 1:K){
alpha_vec[i] = alpha;
model {
for(i in 1:N) {
P[i] ~ dirichlet(alpha_vec); // prior
T[i] ~ multinomial(P[i]); // LLK
The output of the fit (in Rstan) is:
I’ve tried relabelling the “transformed parameters” block to “transformed data” and “generated quantities,” but both of these prevent the model from compiling.
Much appreciated!
Syntax error in 'model.stan', line 11, column 0 to line 13, column 1, parsing error:
11: parameters {
12: simplex[N] P[K]; // parameter of interest
13: }
15: transformed data {
"transformed parameters {", "model {" or "generated quantities {" expected after end of parameters block.
Still not ideal; the caret points to the wrong line it didn’t recognize transformed data as a valid (if misplaced) block name.