How to speed up my Stan code and sampling in rstan?

Hi stan community,
I am trying to run a hierarchical survival model in Stan, but I found sampling is very time-consuming (takes more than 10 days even for 25000 iteration/10000 warmup).
I am not good at computing, so would be greatly appreciated if there are any tips!
My stan code is as below (N=34810, n_grid=350, province=31, num=12).

data {
     int <lower=0> province;
     int <lower=0> n_grid;
     int <lower=0> N;
     int <lower=0> num;
     int <lower=0> number;
     vector <lower=0> [province] p;
     matrix [province,n_grid] kernel;
     matrix [N,num] predictor;
     matrix [N,number] respon;
     vector [num] beta;
     real <lower=0> sigma0;
     real <lower=0> sigma;
     vector [n_grid] x;
transformed parameters{
      real alpha = 1 / sigma;
     vector [N] lambdaa;
     vector[province] a;
for(n in 1:N) {
     lambdaa [n] = exp ((-1 * predictor [n] * beta) / sigma);
           { // `z` is only visible inside these braces, not part of output
    vector[province] z;
for (k in 1 : province) {
     vector[n_grid] landa_k;
for (j in 1 : n_grid) {
     landa_k[j] = kernel[k, j] * exp(x[j]);
     z[k] = sum(landa_k) * p[k];
     a = z / sum(z); // assign `a`
      matrix [N,province] f;
      matrix [N,province] s;
for (j in 1:n_grid){
     target += normal_lpdf(x[j]|0,1);
for(u in 1:num){
    target += normal_lpdf(beta [u]| 0, sigma0);
    target += inv_gamma_lpdf(sigma0| 1, 1);
    target += normal_lpdf(log (alpha) | 0, 5);
for (i in 1:N) {
for (k in 1:province){
    f[i,k]= a[k]*((lambdaa [i]*alpha*respon[i,1]^(alpha-1))/((1+(lambdaa [i]*respon[i,1]^alpha))^2));
    s[i,k]= a[k]*(1- ((lambdaa [i]*respon[i,1]^alpha)/ (1+(lambdaa [i]*respon[i,1]^alpha))));
    target += (respon[i,2] *  log (f[i,k])) + ((1 - respon[i,2])* log(s[i, k]));

Any tips and comments are welcome. Thanks in advance!


moderator edited for stan code formatting

Why so many? That’s an order of magnitude above the defaults, which themselves are probably overkill for estimating even tail quantities amidst multiple chains.

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I also checked the execution of the model with a small number of iterations (iter=2000, warmup=500), and again my main problem is the long execution time. It is noteworthy that the model did not converge with low iterations.

Thank you!

It is indeed, as this suggests that there’s something wrong with the fundamental structure of the model.

What diagnostics failed? And are you using any other non-default values for the sampling arguments (max_treedepth, adapt_delta, etc)?

Actually, I’m new in stan and didn’t find any diagnostics that failed. Can you help me to tackle this problem to run the model, please?

When you ran it with the default for num_warmup and num_samples and determined that it did not converge, on what basis did you decide that it did not converge? rhat? traceplots?

I decided that it did not converge by using a trace plot. Now my main problem in the long run time of the model (about ~ 1 week), and what do you think is the solution to this?

It looks like you’re unaware that many (most?) functions in Stan are vectorized so you have a ton of loops that are unnecessary.

You compute exp(x[j]) many times when you should precompute exp_x = exp(x) once and index into that.

You’re going to have to provide a description of the data & model if you want further performance improvement ideas; I’m having trouble discerning what you’re trying to do from just your code.

I really appreciate your help. Actually, I’m new to Stan.
Can you help me to change and speed up my stan codes, please?
In which part of the code can I use a vectorized form instead of a loop? Please let me know the codes, thank you.

Here, x[j]'s (j=1,2, …, n_grid) are white noise and It is used only in the calculation of a and there is no need to estimate it.

Best regards,
