How to specify the priors of a random effect ("sds") for a gamm in brms


I am trying to fit a GAMM in brms where I specify different priors. The model returns the following error :

Error: The following priors do not correspond to any model parameter:
sds_s(predator_id, bs ="re") ~ normal(0.60, 0.5)
Function 'get_prior' might be helpful to you.

The reason is I cannot find the proper name to write in the “coef=” argument of “set_prior()”. The variable I cannot specify is the random effect called “predator_id”.

Here is the name of the coefficients when I call “variables(fit)”, with "fit being my model :

[1] "b_Intercept"              "b_Zgame_duration"         "bs_sZcumul_xp_1"
[4] "sds_sZcumul_xp_1"         "sds_spredator_id_1"       "phi"
[7] "Intercept"

Here are my priors :

priors <- c(
  # priors on fixed effects
  set_prior("normal(0, 1)",
            class = "b",
            coef = "Zgame_duration"),
  set_prior("normal(0, 2)",
            class = "b",
            coef = "sZcumul_xp_1"),
  # prior on the intercept
  set_prior("normal(0.05, 0.5)",
            class = "Intercept"),
  # priors on smooth terms
  set_prior("cauchy(0, 2)",
            class = "sds",
            coef = "s(Zcumul_xp)"),
  # prior on sds predator_id
  set_prior("normal(0.60, 0.5)",
            class = "sds",
            coef = paste('s(predator_id, bs =', '"re")', sep = "")),         
  # priors on phi
  set_prior("normal(2, 0.5)",
            class = "phi")

When I run “prior_summary(fit)”, I get :

r$> prior_summary(mod1)
                prior     class                      coef group resp dpar nlpar lb ub
               (flat)         b
         normal(0, 2)         b              sZcumul_xp_1
         normal(0, 1)         b            Zgame_duration
         normal(0, 2) Intercept
       normal(2, 0.5)       phi                                                  0   
 student_t(3, 0, 2.5)       sds                                                  0   
 student_t(3, 0, 2.5)       sds s(predator_id, bs = "re")                        0
         normal(0, 1)       sds              s(Zcumul_xp)                        0

I thus assumed that the name I should write in the “coef” argument of “set_prior()” would be “s(predator_id, bs = “re”)”, but it does not work. I tried many different combinations with no success. Could someone please help me specify the prior for this random effect?

Here is the model formula :

model_formula <- brmsformula(
  hunting_success | vint(4) ~
      s(Zcumul_xp) +
      s(predator_id, bs = "re") +

Thank you very much for your help!

Why do you have that in front of the name of the coef in your code to set priors? Could that be causing some problem?
I haven’t had trouble setting priors on the sds in brms before, so this seems strange. Do you have a reproducible example?

@Maxime Presumably you would want to include your group-level effect using this:

... + (1|predator_id) ...

sampled from a gaussian distribution (assuming that predator_id is a factor). Other distributional forms for the group-level effects are possible using brms::brm.

… instead of this:

... + s(predator_id, bs = "re") ... , which is very specific to mgcv::gam

… and then setting priors should work.

Hi @jd_c ,

I actually tried many solutions (including this one) and it did not work so I don’t think it stems from using paste(). It was to insert a string with double quote marks inside to reproduce the exact name of the coefficient.

I could provide the model fit (.rds file) but cannot provide a reproducible example because the data is private at the moment.

Hi @MilaniC,

Thank you for your answer. Using the common (1 |predator_id) would give the exact same results? I thought it was a bit different though I admit I don’t know what would be the difference.


Good catch by @MilaniC . @Maxime why would you prefer to use GAM implementation instead of simply a varying intercept (1|predator_id)? What would be the advantage of the GAM implementation? They aren’t the same but I think should have similar results. See here Using random effects in GAMs with mgcv

@Maxime The link provided by @jd_c provides an informative overview. There are several approaches to addressing random effects or group-level effects. brms::brm uses the lme4 syntax and that is what you need to apply in this case (which is similar to using mgcv::gamm rather than mgcv::gam).

They are two alternative approaches and so will not in most cases give exactly the same estimates for the group-level effects — but they will be similar and not likely to change the overall model inference.

Hi @MilaniC and @jd_c,

Maybe I should have added a bit of context. I am actually interested in modelling player expertise in a video game, which is described by a nonlinear relationship between success and experience. Because we hypothesize that the relationship will attain a plateau at some level of experience when the player is advanced, a linear relationship cannot describe what I am aiming to test.

I am aware that brms:brm uses the lme4 syntax and that the non linear syntax of brms:brm employs mgcv::gamm. My question to @MilaniC was more about the technical differences between the syntax for the random effects, but I still don’t see why I should apply the lme4 syntax over mgcv since I am modelling a nonlinear relationship. In my case, I am applying the “GS” model, defined by Perdersen et al. 2019 as “a global smoother plus group-level smoothers that have the same wiggliness” (GS for Global smoother with individual effects that have a Shared penalty) (see Figure 4).

In any case, I found a way to apply my prior by specifying the prior for all the “sds” class before calling the “sds” prior for “s(Zcumul_xp)” (see below).

Thank you very much for the discussion! I am still open for suggestions if you have any.

priors <- c(
  # priors on fixed effects
  set_prior("normal(0, 1)",
            class = "b",
            coef = "Zgame_duration"),
  set_prior("normal(0, 2)",
            class = "b",
            coef = "sZcumul_xp_1"),
  # prior on the intercept
  set_prior("normal(0.05, 0.5)",
            class = "Intercept"),
  # prior on sds predator_id
  set_prior("normal(0.60, 0.5)",
            class = "sds"),
  # priors on smooth terms
  set_prior("cauchy(0, 2)",
            class = "sds",
            coef = "s(Zcumul_xp)"),      
  # priors on phi
  set_prior("normal(2, 0.5)",
            class = "phi")

I made a mistake here :

“In my case, I am applying the “GS” model, defined by Perdersen et al. 2019 as “a global smoother plus group-level smoothers that have the same wiggliness” (GS for Global smoother with individual effects that have a Shared penalty) (see Figure 4).”

I am actually modelling model G in this case. I am also doing GS but it is not the model presented in this post

Yeah, it looks like model G could simply use the (1|predator_id) varying intercept and get similar results. Model GS is something entirely different and would require the use of bs=fs for a group-level smooth, which gives a different smooth fit for each level of the factor, which as I understand it, is sort of like varying slopes but smooths instead of linear slopes. (depending on the size of the group, this can take a long time to fit!!)