How to set initial value to make probability parameter be in the interval [0, 1] in a stan model

Dear stan community. I would appreciate any help to solve the problem that is causing the error below detailed in my stan model:


Chain 1: Rejecting initial value:
Chain 1: Error evaluating the log probability at the initial value.
Chain 1: Exception: binomial_lpmf: Probability parameter is 1.59857, but must be in the interval [0, 1] (in ‘model41bc3e0d5412_m’ at line 33)

#line 33

ncases ~ binomial(nn, pp_hat);


int N;  
int ncases[N];
int A[N]; 
int B[N];  
int nn[N]; 

parameters {
real alpha_0; 
real alpha_1;
real alpha_2; 
real alpha_3; 

transformed parameters {
vector[N] pp_hat;   
for (i in 1:N) {    
pp_hat[i] = exp(alpha_0) * (1 + alpha_1*A[i] + alpha_2*B[i] + alpha_3*A[i]*B[i]);

model {
alpha_0 ~ normal(0, 5);
alpha_1 ~ normal(0, 5);
alpha_2 ~ normal(0, 5);
alpha_3 ~ normal(0, 5);
ncases ~ binomial(nn, pp_hat);

I am not certain how to apply the ideas discussed here in my case in particular. Thank you in advance for any help.

data {
  int N;
  /*  int ncases[N]; is not used */
  vector[N] A;
  vector[N] B;
  int nn[N];
transformed data {
  vector[N] AB = A .* B;
parameters {
  vector[3] alpha;
  real<lower = 0, upper = inv(max(1 + alpha[1] * A + alpha[2] * B + alpha[3] * AB))> 
model {
  vector[N] right = 1 + alpha[1] * A + alpha[2] * B + alpha[3] * AB;
  real bound = inv(max(right));
  vector[N] pp_hat = exp_alpha_0 * right;
  ncases ~ binomial(nn, pp_hat);
  alpha ~ normal(0, 5);
  exp_alpha_0 ~ lognormal(0, 5) T[0, bound]; 
  // this prior is consistent with what you wrote but dubious given the constraints

Great. Thank you very much.

If you don’t mind, what prior would be more consistent given the constraints?

#inequality constraints for model 1

(1) alpha_0 ≤0;
(2) exp(- alpha_0) ≥ 1 + alpha_1 ≥0;
(3) exp(- alpha_0) ≥ 1 + alpha_2 ≥ 0; and
(4) exp(- alpha_0) ≥ 1 + alpha_1 + alpha_2 + alpha_3 ≥0

parameters {
  real<upper = 0> alpha_0;
  real<lower = -1, upper = exp(-alpha_0)> alpha_1;
  real<lower = -1, upper = exp(-alpha_0)> alpha_2;
  real<lower = -1 - alpha_1 - alpha_2, upper = exp(-alpha_0)> alpha_3;

I would start by just letting it be uniform on that bounded interval. Then maybe beta over that interval.

This is very helpful. Thanks for that @bgoodri. I will use uniform/beta on that interval.

Actually, I am getting the same error for the model 2. I thought it could be straightforward for me to translate the solution from model 1 to model 2, but it seems that I might still need your help to solve the error for model 2 too given the constraints and other considerations:

#inequality constraints for model 2

(1) 1 + beta_1 > 0;
(2) 1 + beta_2 > 0; and
(3) 1 + beta_1 + beta_2 + beta_3 > 0

parameters {
  real<lower = -1> beta_1;
  real<lower = -1> beta_2;
  real<lower = -1 - beta_1 - beta_2> beta_3;

I would reparameterize beta_0 into exp_beta_0 and do the same thing as before.

Thanks, @bgoodri . Let me see and will let you know my progress on model 2.

You just have to constrain things tightly enough so that your probabilities are between 0 and 1.

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Thanks, @bgoodri. I truly appreciate your help. Great!

What would be the change if the original pp_hat[i] = exp(alpha_0) * (1 + alpha_1A[i] + alpha_2B[i] + alpha_3*A[i]*B[i])

was actually

pp_hat[i] = exp(alpha_0 + alpha_1A[i] + alpha_2B[i] + alpha_3*A[i]*B[i])
