Could you give me an example?
Would I be able to do this through R?
Are you saying that rather than just having a fixed Stan code, I make a function in R that writes the Stan program, with all the parts that don’t rely on the N simplexes staying constant and the parts that do rely on the N simplexes changing depending on the input N?
I have created an R program which does what I want (pasted below) - however eventhough the output in the console is correct, it doesn’t seem to save the stan_model object correctly and just outputs as “character(0)” - what’s going on?
N <- 1
n_binary_tests <- 1
n_ordinal_tests <- 3
n_tests <- n_binary_tests + n_ordinal_tests
Thr = c(1,5,10,25)
ord_test_index <- 1:n_ordinal_tests
dirichlet_prior_vec_d_1 <- rep(1,5)
dirichlet_prior_vec_d_2 <- rep(1,10)
dirichlet_prior_vec_d_3 <- rep(1,25)
dirichlet_prior_vec_nd_1 <- rep(1,5)
dirichlet_prior_vec_nd_2 <- rep(1,10)
dirichlet_prior_vec_nd_3 <- rep(1,25)
stan_model <- paste(cat("\t","data {
int n_binary_tests; // number of binary tests
int n_ordinal_tests; // number ordinal of tests
int<lower=1> n_tests; // number of tests
int<lower=1> N; // number of individuals
int<lower=1> Thr[n_tests]; // number of thresholds for each test
int<lower=0> y[N, n_tests]; // N individuals and n_tests tests, n_studies studies
// int r[choose(n_tests,2), 4];
// int numg;
real se_bin_mu;
real se_bin_sd;
real sp_bin_mu;
real sp_bin_sd;
parameters {
vector[n_tests] mu[2];
real<lower=0,upper=1> u_d[N,n_tests]; // nuisance that absorbs inequality constraints
real<lower=0,upper=1> u_nd[N,n_tests]; // nuisance that absorbs inequality constraints
cholesky_factor_corr[n_tests] L_Omega_nd;
cholesky_factor_corr[n_tests] L_Omega_d;
real<lower=0,upper=1> p; // disease prevalence
vector[n_tests] C_1_d;
vector[n_tests] C_1_nd;
vector<lower=0>[n_tests] c_scale_d;
vector<lower=0>[n_tests] c_scale_nd;
# create simplexes
paste0("\t","simplex[", Thr[(n_binary_tests+ord_test_index):n_tests],"]",
" theta_d",ord_test_index,"\n"),
paste0("\t","simplex[", Thr[(n_binary_tests+ord_test_index):n_tests],"]",
" theta_nd",ord_test_index,"\n"),
"\t", "}",
transformed parameters {
vector[N] log_lik;
vector[max(Thr)] C_d_vec[n_ordinal_tests];
vector[max(Thr)] C_nd_vec[n_ordinal_tests];
# create ordered vectors by multiplying simplex by scales
C_d_vec[",ord_test_index,",1:",Thr[n_binary_tests+ord_test_index],"] = comulative_sum(",
"theta_d", ord_test_index,") * c_scale_d[",ord_test_index,"];",
C_nd_vec[",ord_test_index,",1:",Thr[n_binary_tests+ord_test_index],"] = comulative_sum(",
"theta_d", ord_test_index,") * c_scale_d[",ord_test_index,"];",
// Parameters for likelihood function. Based on code upoaded by Ben Goodrich which uses the
// GHK algorithm for generating TruncMVN. See:
for (n in 1:N) {
real lp1;
real lp0;
vector[n_tests] z_d;
vector[n_tests] z_nd;
vector[n_tests] y1d;
vector[n_tests] y1nd;
real prev_d = 0;
real prev_nd = 0;
for (t in 1:n_tests) {
if (Thr[t] == 1) { //// Binary Likelihoods (tests w/ 1 threshold) - make sure binary tests are at the start
real u_d1 = u_d[n,t];
real u_nd1 = u_nd[n,t];
real bound_d_bin;
real bound_nd_bin;
bound_d_bin = phi_logit_approx( -( (mu[1,t]) + prev_d ) / L_Omega_d[t,t] );
bound_nd_bin = phi_logit_approx( -( (mu[2,t]) + prev_nd ) / L_Omega_nd[t,t] );
if (y[n,t] == 1) {
z_d[t] = inv_phi_logit_approx(bound_d_bin + (1 - bound_d_bin)*u_d1);
z_nd[t] = inv_phi_logit_approx(bound_nd_bin + (1 - bound_nd_bin)*u_nd1);
y1d[t] = log1m(bound_d_bin); // Jacobian adjustment
y1nd[t] = log1m(bound_nd_bin); // Jacobian adjustment
else { // y == 0
z_d[t] = inv_phi_logit_approx(bound_d_bin*u_d1);
z_nd[t] = inv_phi_logit_approx(bound_nd_bin*u_nd1);
y1d[t] = log(bound_d_bin); // Jacobian adjustment
y1nd[t] = log(bound_nd_bin); // Jacobian adjustment
// if (t < n_binary_tests) prev_d = L_Omega_d[t+1,1:t] * head(z_d,t);
// if (t < n_binary_tests) prev_nd = L_Omega_nd[t+1,1:t] * head(z_nd,t);
else { // ordinal likelihoods (tests w/ > 1 threshold)
real u_d1 = u_d[n,t];
real u_nd1 = u_nd[n,t];
vector[Thr[t]] bound_d;
vector[Thr[t]] bound_nd;
bound_d[1:Thr[t]] = phi_logit_approx_vec( ( C_d_vec[t-n_binary_tests,1:Thr[t]] - ( mu[1,t] + prev_d ) ) / L_Omega_d[t,t] ); // Se
bound_nd[1:Thr[t]] = phi_logit_approx_vec( ( C_nd_vec[t-n_binary_tests,1:Thr[t]] - ( mu[2,t] + prev_nd ) ) / L_Omega_nd[t,t] ); // FP
int K = (Thr[t] + 1) ;
if (y[n,t] == K) {
z_d[t] = inv_phi_logit_approx(bound_d[K-1] + (1 - bound_d[K-1])*u_d1);
z_nd[t] = inv_phi_logit_approx(bound_nd[K-1] + (1 - bound_nd[K-1])*u_nd1);
y1d[t] = log1m(bound_d[K-1]); // Jacobian adjustment
y1nd[t] = log1m(bound_nd[K-1]); // Jacobian adjustment
for (J in 2:(K-1)) {
if (y[n,t] == J) {
z_d[t] = inv_phi_logit_approx(bound_d[J-1] + (bound_d[J] - bound_d[J-1])*u_d1);
z_nd[t] = inv_phi_logit_approx(bound_nd[J-1] + (bound_nd[J] - bound_nd[J-1])*u_nd1);
y1d[t] = log( (bound_d[J] - bound_d[J-1]) ); // Jacobian adjustment
y1nd[t] = log( (bound_nd[J] - bound_nd[J-1]) ); // Jacobian adjustment
if (y[n,t] == 1) {
z_d[t] = inv_phi_logit_approx(bound_d[1]* u_d1);
z_nd[t] = inv_phi_logit_approx(bound_nd[1]* u_nd1);
y1d[t] = log(bound_d[1]); // Jacobian adjustment
y1nd[t] = log(bound_nd[1]); // Jacobian adjustment
if (t < n_tests) prev_d = L_Omega_d[t+1,1:t] * head(z_d,t);
if (t < n_tests) prev_nd = L_Omega_nd[t+1,1:t] * head(z_nd,t);
// Jacobian adjustments imply z is truncated standard normal
// thus utility --- mu + L_Omega * z --- is truncated multivariate normal
lp1 = sum(y1d) + bernoulli_lpmf(1 | p);
lp0 = sum(y1nd) + bernoulli_lpmf(0 | p);
log_lik[n] = log_sum_exp(lp1 , lp0);
model {
C_1_d ~ normal(0,1);
C_1_nd ~ normal(0,1);",
theta_d",ord_test_index," ~ dirichlet(","dirichlet_prior_vec_d_",ord_test_index,");",
" c_scale_d ~ normal(0,5);
c_scale_nd ~ normal(0,5);
mu[1,1] ~ normal(se_bin_mu, se_bin_sd);
mu[2,1] ~ normal(sp_bin_mu, sp_bin_sd);
for (t in 2:n_tests)
mu[, t] ~ normal(0,1);
L_Omega_d ~ lkj_corr_cholesky(4);
L_Omega_nd ~ lkj_corr_cholesky(4);
for (n in 1:N)
target += log_lik[n];
generated quantities {
vector[n_binary_tests] Se_bin;
vector[n_binary_tests] Sp_bin;
vector[max(Thr)] Se_ord[n_ordinal_tests];
vector[max(Thr)] Sp_ord[n_ordinal_tests];
corr_matrix[n_tests] Omega_nd;
corr_matrix[n_tests] Omega_d;
Omega_d = multiply_lower_tri_self_transpose(L_Omega_d);
Omega_nd = multiply_lower_tri_self_transpose(L_Omega_nd);
// Estimates for binary tests
for (t in 1:n_binary_tests) {
Se_bin[t] = phi_logit_approx( mu[1,t] );
Sp_bin[t] = 1 - phi_logit_approx( mu[2,t] );
// Estimates for ordinal tests
for (t in 1:n_ordinal_tests) {
for (k in 1:Thr[t+ n_binary_tests]) {
Se_ord[t,k] = 1- phi_logit_approx( C_d_vec[t,k] - mu[1,t + n_binary_tests] );
Sp_ord[t,k] = phi_logit_approx( C_nd_vec[t,k] - mu[2,t + n_binary_tests] );