How to impose complex constraints when imputing missing data?

Hi all,

My team and I have a data set related to voting that contains four variables measured across several countries: accuracy (A), coverage (C), completeness (K), and register entries (R). We know that A, C, and K can take any value between 0 and 1 and that R can take any positive value.

Each variable contains missing cases. Our aim is to impute the missing values, but to do so subject to the following known constraints:

A = (K * (R - d)) / (R*C)
C = (((1 - A)*R-d) / (R*A/K)) + K
K = (A * R * C) / (R - d)

Where d is an additional unmeasured variable defined as:

d = R - ((A * R * C) / K)

I have got to the point where my program models A, C, K, and R accounting for missingness. My code is as follows:

functions {
data {
  // Model data
  int<lower = 1> N; // Sample size
  int<lower = 1> J; // Number of countries
  int ctry[N]; // Vector of countries
  // Accuracy data
  vector[N] A; // Data
  int<lower=0> A_nmi; // Number of missing cases
  int<lower=1> A_pmi[A_nmi]; // Position of missing cases
  // Completeness data
  vector[N] K; // Data
  int<lower=0> K_nmi; // Number of missing cases
  int<lower=1> K_pmi[K_nmi]; // Position of missing cases
  // Completeness data
  vector[N] C; // Data
  int<lower=0> C_nmi; // Number of missing cases
  int<lower=1> C_pmi[C_nmi]; // Position of missing cases
  // Register entry data
  vector[N] R; // Data
  int<lower=0> R_nmi; // Number of missing cases
  int<lower=1> R_pmi[R_nmi]; // Position of missing cases
transformed data {
parameters {
  // Accuracy parameters
  vector[J] A_alpha;
  real A_alpha_bar;
  real<lower = 0> A_sigma;
  real<lower = 0> A_phi;
  // Completeness parameters
  vector[J] K_alpha;
  real K_alpha_bar;
  real<lower = 0> K_sigma;
  real<lower = 0> K_phi;
  // Coverage parameters
  vector[J] C_alpha;
  real C_alpha_bar;
  real<lower = 0> C_sigma;
  real<lower = 0> C_phi;
  // Register entry parameters
  vector[J] R_alpha;
  real R_alpha_bar;
  real<lower = 0> R_sigma;
  real<lower = 0> R_sigma_pop;
  // Create missing data parameters
  vector<lower = 0, upper = 1>[A_nmi] A_na;
  vector<lower = 0, upper = 1>[K_nmi] K_na;
  vector<lower = 0, upper = 1>[C_nmi] C_na;
  vector<lower = 0>[R_nmi] R_na;
transformed parameters {
model {

  // Create vectors that combine observed data and imputed parameters
  vector[N] A_y = A;
  vector[N] K_y = K;
  vector[N] C_y = C;
  vector[N] R_y = R;
  // Mus
  vector[N] mu_A;
  vector[N] mu_K;
  vector[N] mu_C;
  vector[N] mu_R;
  for(n in 1:N){
    mu_A[n] = A_alpha[ctry[n]];
    mu_A[n] = inv_logit(mu_A[n]);
  for(n in 1:N){
    mu_K[n] = K_alpha[ctry[n]];
    mu_K[n] = inv_logit(mu_K[n]);
  for(n in 1:N){
    mu_C[n] = C_alpha[ctry[n]];
    mu_C[n] = inv_logit(mu_C[n]);
  for(n in 1:N){
    mu_R[n] = R_alpha[ctry[n]];
  // Combine missing parameters into observed data
  A_y[A_pmi] = A_na;
  K_y[K_pmi] = K_na;
  C_y[C_pmi] = C_na;
  R_y[R_pmi] = R_na;

  // Accuracy priors
  target += normal_lpdf(A_alpha | A_alpha_bar, A_sigma);
  target += normal_lpdf(A_alpha_bar | 0, 1.5);
  target += exponential_lpdf(A_sigma | 2);
  target += gamma_lpdf(A_phi | 1, 0.01);
  // Completeness priors
  target += normal_lpdf(K_alpha | K_alpha_bar, K_sigma);
  target += normal_lpdf(K_alpha_bar | 0, 1.5);
  target += exponential_lpdf(K_sigma | 2);
  target += gamma_lpdf(K_phi | 1, 0.01);
  // Coverage priors
  target += normal_lpdf(C_alpha | C_alpha_bar, C_sigma);
  target += normal_lpdf(C_alpha_bar | 0, 1.5);
  target += exponential_lpdf(C_sigma | 2);
  target += gamma_lpdf(C_phi | 1, 0.01);
  // Register entry priors
  target += normal_lpdf(R_alpha | R_alpha_bar, R_sigma);
  target += normal_lpdf(R_alpha_bar | 0, 1.5);
  target += exponential_lpdf(R_sigma | 1);
  target += exponential_lpdf(R_sigma_pop | 1);
  // Likelihoods
  target += beta_lpdf(A_y | mu_A * A_phi, (1 - mu_A) * A_phi);
  target += beta_lpdf(K_y | mu_K * K_phi, (1 - mu_K) * K_phi);
  target += beta_lpdf(C_y | mu_C * C_phi, (1 - mu_C) * C_phi);
  target += lognormal_lpdf(R_y | mu_R, R_sigma_pop);
generated quantities {

What I don’t know is how to include the constraints on the imputed missing values. Previously, I had tried defining the missing data parameters (e.g. R_na) in the model block, but couldn’t work out how to do so without throwing up initialisation errors or initialising in such a way that it seemed to affect my model output.

Any help greatly welcomed.

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Sorry, your question fell through a bit despite being relevant and well written.

Correct me if I am missing something fundamental, but it seems, that the constraint for A and K actually reduce to A = A and K = K respectively, so they are not a constrain at all…

Substituting d into the constraint for C we get

C = \frac{(1 - A)ARCK}{K RA} + K \\ C = (1 - A)C + K \\ C(1 - 1 + A) = K \\ C = K / A

So this constraint can be used readily - if you are just missing one of C,K,A you can impute outside of Stan. If you are missing two/three of those values, you treat only one/two as a missing value and the compute the final one from the constraint.

The weird part is the the constraint can imply that C > 1 even if 0 < \{K, A\} < 1 which looks weird - are you sure the constraints are correct? Or maybe I misunderstood something about the constraints?

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Thanks for your help Martin. I was passed these constraints by a colleague. There’s a good chance that they aren’t correct. If we assume that they are correct for the sake of convenience, do you have any advice on how to code them up in Stan?

I tried to explain that here:

To add some detail:

  • There is no constraint on R, impute as you do now
  • Since we have C = K/A, we can recover any rows missing one of those by plugging the other two into this formula (can be done outside Stan, no uncertainty here if the constraint is correct)
  • If we miss two, say C and A, we treat one of them (say A) as imputed the same way you do now. Then, within the Stan model we compute C based on the (know known) values of K and A. The same for other combinations of pairs.
  • If we miss all three, we treat two of them (say K and A) as imputed the same way you do know and compute C within the Stan model from those.

Technically, I would just have variables AK_nmi, AC_nmi, KC_nmi and AKC_nmi + associated indices as data. You’d then comute A_nmi as a sum of the cases where you actually treat A as missing (similarly for K and C).

The code for

  A_y[A_pmi] = A_na;
  K_y[K_pmi] = K_na;
  C_y[C_pmi] = C_na;
  R_y[R_pmi] = R_na;

Would then get cases for the individual missingness, where some would be filled in from the _na vectors and some using the constraint.

Does that make sense?

Yes, this makes sense. Thanks!

The other issue I had was with initialising the missing parameters. I suspect that I might have to initialise them in the model block. When I did this before, I first got an error as they were initialised as “nan”. I then tried to initialise them myself using rep_vector() but doing so lead to different results based on how I initialised them. Do you have any advice in this respect? Is it possible to initialise somewhere else? (Transformed parameters maybe?)

Do you mean initialising the A_na etc?

What you would normally do (and which I don’t see in your code) is to have some proper prior distribution for the parameters describing the missing values. Since A_na, K_na and C_na are bounded from both sides, you have an implied uniform prior (which might be OK), but R_na should IMHO have a prior covering the plausible orders of magnitued you would expect R to take.

Since those are parameters, then within the model, they should be initialized by the algorithm. The manual also speaks about “initialization” as in passing init argument to sampling (in R, not sure about the syntax elsewhere) where you give the sample the starting value for the whole chain.

Setting priors on the missing parameters makes complete sense and I feel a little dumb for not thinking of that in the first place. Thanks again!