Hi, little premise: I’m a GIS-web developer, not a statistician and I understand very little of stan. Nevertheless, I have been tasked to convert an R-stan script into python pystan3 for a research project. The colleague who wrote the R code left some time ago and won’t help much so I was left on my own devices. Here is the stan-model code, my python implementation of the stan calls, and some demo data. I can run the model but I don’t know how to plot the predicted and observed variables on an x-y chart and extract the predicted ones given an x value.
Thank you in advance.
import stan
import numpy as np
model_code_2s =
data {
int<lower=0> N; // number of measurements
vector[N] h;
vector[N] Q_meas;
vector<lower=0>[N] Q_error;
real mu_a1;
real sigma_a1;
real mu_b1;
real sigma_b1;
real mu_c1;
real sigma_c1;
real mu_k1;
real sigma_k1;
real mu_a2;
real sigma_a2;
real mu_c2;
real sigma_c2;
int<lower=0> N_ext;
vector[N_ext] h_ext;
parameters {
real<lower=0> a1;
real<upper=min(h)> b1;
real<lower=0> c1;
real<lower=0> a2;
real<lower=0> c2;
real<lower=b1> k1;
real<lower=0> sigma;
transformed parameters {
real b2 = k1 - pow(a1/a2,1/c2)*pow(k1-b1,c1/c2);
vector[N] log_mu;
for (i in 1:N) {
if (h[i] <= k1) {
log_mu[i] = log(a1) + c1*log(h[i]-b1);
} else {
log_mu[i] = log(a2) + c2*log(h[i]-b2);
vector[N] mu = exp(log_mu);
vector[N] sigma_mu = mu*sigma;
vector[N_ext] mu_ext;
for (i in 1:N_ext) {
if (h_ext[i] <= k1) {
mu_ext[i] = a1*(h_ext[i] - b1)^c1;
} else {
mu_ext[i] = a2*(h_ext[i] - b2)^c2;
model {
// priors
a1 ~ normal(mu_a1, sigma_a1);
b1 ~ normal(mu_b1, sigma_b1);
c1 ~ normal(mu_c1, sigma_c1);
k1 ~ normal(mu_k1, sigma_k1);
a2 ~ normal(mu_a2, sigma_a2);
c2 ~ normal(mu_c2, sigma_c2);
sigma ~ uniform(0,10000);
// likelihood
Q_meas ~ normal(mu, ((sigma_mu)^2 + Q_error^2)^0.5);
generated quantities {
vector[N] Q_res; // residuals Q_res = Q_meas - Q_mu (accounting for uncertainty in Q_meas)
for (i in 1:N) {
Q_res[i] = normal_rng(Q_meas[i],Q_error[i]) - normal_rng(mu[i],sigma_mu[i]);
vector[N_ext] Q_ext;
for (i in 1:N_ext) {
if (h_ext[i] <= k1) {
Q_ext[i] = normal_rng(a1*(h_ext[i]-b1)^c1,mu_ext[i]*sigma);
} else {
Q_ext[i] = normal_rng(a2*(h_ext[i]-b2)^c2,mu_ext[i]*sigma);
h = [3600.0, 2000.0, 1400.0, 1300.0]
Q_meas = [1110.2, 194.4, 90.6, 69.1]
Q_error = [61.3, 8.7, 4.8, 3.7]
N = len(h)
h_ext = np.arange(1300.0, 3600.0, 10) # min(h) to max(h) with 0.1 step
N_ext = len(h_ext)
data_to_fit = {
'N': N,
'h': h,
'Q_meas': Q_meas,
'Q_error': Q_error,
'mu_a1': 20,
'sigma_a1': 10,
'mu_b1': 0,
'sigma_b1': 5,
'mu_c1': 2,
'sigma_c1': 0.5,
'mu_k1': 4,
'sigma_k1': 2,
'mu_a2': 20,
'sigma_a2': 10,
'mu_c2': 2,
'sigma_c2': 0.5,
'N_ext': N_ext,
'h_ext': h_ext
posterior = stan.build(model_code_2s, data = data_to_fit, random_seed = 42)
fit = posterior.sample(num_chains = 4, num_samples = 5000, num_warmup = 1000)
- Operating System: Ubuntu 20.04
- Python Version: 3.8
- PyStan Version: 3