if you’re new to PyStan, may I recommend using CmdStanPy instead?
It supports everything in the latest Stan release, including cool stuff like Pathfinder.
Thank you so much for all the examples and links in such a short notice, yes, after so much searching, switching to CmdStanPy seems to be the easier option.
Hi guys, I am already deep inside in a project using pystan, I could not change to cmdstanpy. Is there a way to ser adapt_delta in the pystan command? I’ve tried
model = stan.build(my_mixture, data=my_data, delta = 0.95, random_seed=1);
I have found the answer to my question, the secret is to set the adapt_delta (and any other control such as max_depth, etc), in the model.sample() directive, and not in the stan.build().
This worked out perfect:
fit = model.sample(num_chains=4, num_samples=1000, delta=0.95)
I’ve got this solution after reading this other question: