Borrowing the ODE example from the stan documentation, I have an ODE system with one know time-dependent vector (vector Z[T] = [integers]). I know I need an interpolation function to use Z_t[i] in each step of ODE solver and use in transformed parameters as well. I have changed the code as below but cannot define the function and make it work:
functions {
real[] intropolation(){
real[] sir(real t,
real[] y,
real[] theta,
real[] x_r,
int[] x_i) {
real dydt[3];
z_t= intropolatin()
dydt[1] = -theta[1]* y[2] * y[1] ;
dydt[2] = theta[1]* y[2] * y[1] - theta[2]* y[2] + z_t;
dydt[3] = theta[2]* y[2];
return dydt;
data {
int<lower=1> T;
real y[T,3];
real t0;
real ts[T];
vector[T] Z;
transformed data {
int x_i[0];
real x_r[T];
for (i in 1:T){
x_r[i] = Z[i];
transformed parameters{
real y[T, 3];
real cases[T - 1];
y = integrate_ode_rk45(sir, y0, t0, ts, theta, x_r, x_i);
for (i in 1:T-1){
cases[i] = y[i, 1] - y[i+1, 1] + Z[i];
Thank you in advance for your help.
#modeling #Interpolation #ODE solver #Bio