Hello everyone,
I’m relatively new to rstanarm
, having moved from usingrstan
. I am trying to use the stan_glmer()
function to estimate regression coefficients without pooling information.
After reading the vignettes, I thought I understood, but there’s an edge case I’m unsure about.
I have a continuous outcome Y, as well as indicators X2, and X3. id
is the group-identifier.
Here is some example code below:
model = rstanarm::stan_glmer(
formula = Y ~ 0 + (1 + X2 + X3|id), # no pooling, each individual has their own coefficients
data = data,
family = "gaussian",
prior_intercept = rstanarm::normal(100, 10),
prior = rstanarm::normal(0, 2.5),
prior_aux = rstanarm::exponential(1, autoscale = TRUE),
prior_covariance = rstanarm::decov(reg = 1, conc = 1, shape = 1, scale = 1)
The specific priors don’t matter here, but I wanted to ask if anyone knew how the prior
and prior_covariance
arguments interact in this case. above
I understand that in a typical hierarchical model, the prior
argument lets us control the priors for the population-level or fixed coefficients. The prior_covaraince
argument lets us specify how the random effects will vary between groups.
In this case where there are no fixed coefficients, will the individual coefficients take their prior from the prior
argument or prior_covariance
? My feeling is that its the latter, but I wanted to get some insight on how this would be handled.
Thank you in advance!