Hierarchical multinomial model performance with high variance in grouping variable

Dear all,

I have a question about a multilevel multinomial model in Stan. In particular, the model includes several fixed covariates as well as multiple random effects (both cross-classified and hierarchical), some of which have quite large sigmas.

The problem arises when doing posterior predictive checking, during which I convert estimates from log-odds to probability scale (using the softmax function). If I run a model excluding random effects with large variances, the model appears to perform well in the posterior predictive check (that is, the predicted results align closely with the proportions in the empirical data). In the model with the random effects, however, some of the random effects exhibit vary large variances, which seemingly leads to non-sensical results when I calculate predictions from the model. That is, almost all the probability is assigned to one outcome, which happens to be the most common outcome and the reference level for the analysis. This contrasts with the empirical data, which suggest that all 10 outcomes occur with non-trivial probabilities.

My suspicion is that this behavior has to do with the transformation to the probability scale when the variances of the random effects are large. Whereas the random effects are distributed symmetrically on the log-odds scale, they are not necessarily on the probability scale.

So I’m wondering if anyone here has experienced something similar, and if so, whether there is some advice or literature that you could point me to in an effort to better understand and resolve the problem. I have attempted to simulate data to use with a simplified version of the model to recreate the problem. The R code is presented below. Many thanks in advance!


model_code <- "
    int N;
    int N_id;
    int y[N];   // 1=behavior A, 2=behavior B, 3=behavior C
    int id[N];
    real a[2];                  // intercepts for each behavior
    vector[2] v[N_id];          // random effects for each individual
    vector<lower=0>[2] sigma;   // stddev of random effects
    corr_matrix[2] Rho;         // correlation matrix of random effects
    matrix[2,2] Sigma;
    // priors
    a ~ normal(0,1);
    sigma ~ cauchy(0,2);        // implicitly half-Cauchy
    Rho ~ lkj_corr(2);

    // hyper-prior
    Sigma <- quad_form_diag(Rho,sigma); // = diag(sigma)*Rho*diag(sigma)
    v ~ multi_normal( rep_vector(0,2) , Sigma );

    // likelihood
    for ( i in 1:N ) {
        vector[3] p;
        p[1] <- a[1] + v[id[i],1];
        p[2] <- a[2] + v[id[i],2];
        p[3] <- 0;
        y[i] ~ categorical_logit( p );

N_id <- 50
N_per_id <- 60
sigma <- c(0.5,1) ## These can be adjusted up and down.
Rho <- matrix(c(1,-0.5,-0.5,1),2,2)
v <- rmvnorm2( N_id , Mu=c(0,0) , sigma=sigma , Rho=Rho )
a <- c(0.5,-0.5) ## These are intercepts for the two non-reference level outcomes.

dat <- data.frame(y=0,id=0)
row <- 1
for ( i in 1:N_id ) {
for ( j in 1:N_per_id ) {
y <- sample(1:3,size=1,prob=softmax( a[1]+v[i,1] , a[2]+v[i,2] , 0 ))
dat[row,] <- c(y,i)
row <- row + 1

dat_list <- list(
N = nrow(dat),
N_id = N_id,
y = dat$y,
id = rep(1:N_id,each=N_per_id)

mfit <- stan( model_code=model_code , data=dat_list , chains=3 , cores=3 , warmup=1000, iter=2000 )
summary(mfit, pars=“a”)$summary

post <- extract.samples(mfit)

link.t <- function( data ) {
K <- dim(post$v)[3] + 1
ns <- dim(post$v)[1]
if ( missing(data) ) stop( “BOOM: Need data argument” )

softmax2 <- function(x) {
x <- max(x) - x

p <- list()

for ( i in 1:n ) {
p[[i]] <- sapply( 1:K , function(k) {
if ( k < K ) {
ptemp <- post$a[,k]
if ( data$id[i]>0 ) ptemp <- ptemp + post$v[,data$id[i],k]
} else {
ptemp <- rep(0,ns)
## The values are converted to probabilities using the softmax function
## which ensures that the predicted values across categories sum to
## 100% probabilities.
for ( s in 1:ns ) p[[i]][s,] <- softmax2( p[[i]][s,] )

predat <- data.frame(a = c(1,2),
id = c(0,0))

out <- link.t(predat)
apply(out[[1]], 2, mean) #model estimates
table(dat$y)/nrow(dat) #empirical proportions

With high variance (note that the prior has also been widened)

model_code <- "
    int N;
    int N_id;
    int y[N];   // 1=behavior A, 2=behavior B, 3=behavior C
    int id[N];
    real a[2];                  // intercepts for each behavior
    vector[2] v[N_id];          // random effects for each individual
    vector<lower=0>[2] sigma;   // stddev of random effects
    corr_matrix[2] Rho;         // correlation matrix of random effects
    matrix[2,2] Sigma;
    // priors
    a ~ normal(0,1);
    sigma ~ cauchy(0,15);        // implicitly half-Cauchy
    Rho ~ lkj_corr(2);

    // hyper-prior
    Sigma <- quad_form_diag(Rho,sigma); // = diag(sigma)*Rho*diag(sigma)
    v ~ multi_normal( rep_vector(0,2) , Sigma );

    // likelihood
    for ( i in 1:N ) {
        vector[3] p;
        p[1] <- a[1] + v[id[i],1];
        p[2] <- a[2] + v[id[i],2];
        p[3] <- 0;
        y[i] ~ categorical_logit( p );

N_id <- 50
N_per_id <- 60
sigma <- c(0.5,20) ## These can be adjusted up and down.
Rho <- matrix(c(1,-0.5,-0.5,1),2,2)
v <- rmvnorm2( N_id , Mu=c(0,0) , sigma=sigma , Rho=Rho )
a <- c(0.5,-0.5) ## These are intercepts for the two non-reference level outcomes.

dat <- data.frame(y=0,id=0)
row <- 1
for ( i in 1:N_id ) {
for ( j in 1:N_per_id ) {
y <- sample(1:3,size=1,prob=softmax( a[1]+v[i,1] , a[2]+v[i,2] , 0 ))
dat[row,] <- c(y,i)
row <- row + 1

dat_list <- list(
N = nrow(dat),
N_id = N_id,
y = dat$y,
id = rep(1:N_id,each=N_per_id)

mfit2 <- stan( model_code=model_code , data=dat_list , chains=3 , cores=3 , warmup=1000, iter=2000 )
summary(mfit2, pars=“a”)$summary

post <- extract.samples(mfit2)

out <- link.t(predat)
apply(out[[1]], 2, mean) #model estimates
table(dat$y)/nrow(dat) #empirical proportions

Tom and I have briefly corresponded off-list, and if I can distill the question, it’s basically about the extent to which researchers should expect fixed effect predictions from multilevel models to align with the empirical data, particularly when the random effects exhibit high variance.

In a logistic regression model for binary data, one might begin by fitting a GLM without random effects:
stan_glm ( y ~ 1, data = data)

Taking the inverse logit of the estimated coefficient for the intercept should return a predicted probability that closely matches the observed proportion of 1’s in the outcome variable.

Now imagine adding random effects:
stan_glmer ( y ~ 1 + (1|cluster_ID), data = data)

In most cases, as the variance of the cluster_ID effects increases, Tom is observing that the inverse logit of the intercept departs more substantially from the observed proportion in the empirical data.

I’m only just circling back to the old Discourse posts that nobody answered. Sorry for the delay!

This is probably a question that @bgoodri or @andrewgelman could answer in their sleep.

Without any priors, this model won’t be identified (subtract a constant from the varying intercepts and add it to the fixed intercept and you get the same predictions). So probably what’s happening is that the group-level intercepts are being partially pooled toward zero and the intercept is being shrunk toward zero.

But, the final result you’re going to get is the net balance of all this.

What you should be finding is that the fixed intercept plus varying intercept for a group predicts the group-level chance of success.