Hierarchical GP

I have an outcome, y, a continous predictor, x, and a categorical predictor “groups”. I am looking to build a hierarchical gaussian process regression so the output would be 5 nonlinear fits one for each group. I am trying to adapt the code from page 21 here:

# http://mc-stan.org/events/stancon2017-notebooks/stancon2017-trangucci-hierarchical-gps.pdf pg 21

In that code its a beta regression with more complicated parameters than my case. The code has

vector[??] sigma_group;
vars = n_comps * prop_var * tot_var;
for(i in 1:10)
sigma_group[i] = sqrt(vars[i+2]);

What should sigma_group be in this model? Can you offer any suggestions on how to get this working?

Thank you.

x =   rep(seq(-10,10,1),each=5) 
y =  rep(0,length(x) )
for(i in 1:length(x)){
  y[i] = sample(  seq(-x[i],-x[i]+ ifelse(x[i]<0 , 
                                          sample(seq(5,40,.1),1) ),1)
weights = sample( seq(1,20,1) ,length(x), replace  = TRUE)
weights = weights/sum(weights)
groups = rep( letters[1:5], times =length(x)/5  ) 
x2 = rnorm(length(x))
lower_bound = -x
dat = data.frame(y = y ,x = x, x2 = x2, lower_bound = lower_bound, weights  = weights, groups = groups)
ggplot(data = dat, aes(x = x, y = y, color = groups))+geom_point( aes(size = weights))+
  ylab("outcome")+xlab("predictor x1")+geom_line(data = dat, aes(x = x, y = lower_bound))

standat <- list(
  N = nrow(dat),
  N_pred = nrow(dat),
  y = dat$y,
  x = dat$x,
  x_pred = dat$x,
  weights = dat$weights,
  L = dat$lower_bound,
  N_groups = length(unique(dat$groups)), 
  group_ind = match(dat$groups, levels(dat$groups))

model2_code  = "data{
int<lower=1> N;
int<lower=1> N_pred;
real y[N];
real x[N];
real x_pred[N_pred];
int<lower=1> N_groups;
int<lower=1, upper=N_groups> group_ind[N];
transformed data{
matrix[N,N_groups] GP_group_std;
real<lower=0> length_GP_group;
vector[N_groups] group_std;
real mu;
real<lower=0> sigma;

transformed parameters{
matrix[N, N_groups] GP_group;
vector[N_groups] group_re;
vector[??] sigma_group;
real sigma_GP_group;
vars = n_comps * prop_var * tot_var;
for(i in 1:10)
  sigma_group[i] = sqrt(vars[i+2]);
group_re = sigma_group[group_ind] .* group_std;
matrix[N,N] = cov_group;
cov_group = cov_exp_quad(N, ,sigma_GP_group,length_GP_group   )
for(n in 1:N){
   cov_group[N,N] = cov_group[N,N]+1e-12; 
L_cov_group = cholesky_decompose(cov_group);
GP_group = L_cov_group * GP_group_std;
vector[N] obs_mu;
for(i in 1:N){
obs_mu[n] = mu + group_re[group_ind[n]]+GP_group[  x[n] , group_ind[n]];
y~normal(obs_mu, sigma );
to_vector(GP_group_std) ~ normal(0,1);
group_std ~ normal(0,1);
mu ~ normal(0,100);
sigma ~ normal(0,100);
length_GP_group ~ weibull(30,8);

} //end model
} //end data


fit = stan(model_code=model2_code, data=standat, iter=2500, warmup=500, chains = 1)
f <- extract(fit)

Hopefull @rtrangucci or one of our other GP experts will see this.

@rtrangucci recently rewrote the manual chapter to be more mature in terms of methodology and coding (the first version was just me working through GPs for the first time).

@betanalpha is writing a case study that should be out this week.


Thank you for link. I am going through it now. Do you have any examples with hierarchical gaussian process models that might help me work through adapting the code above?

models that might help me work through adapting the code above?

There are a lot of different ways you could go with this. All depends on what you’re trying to do. Questions like vector[??] sigma_group; can only be answered by the application, really :D.

The most basic hierarchical GP looks something like what you have:

//... data and such... Maybe build some covariance matrices

parameters {
  vector[N] offset[G];
  vector[N] mu;

model {
  mu ~ multi_normal(rep_vector(0, N), Sigma);
  offset ~ multi_normal(rep_vector(0, N), Sigma);

  for(g in 1:G) {
    y[g] ~ normal(mu + offset[g], sigma);

So the mu is the shared GP, and then the data for each group (whatever that is) is another GP offset from that.

From there probably the most common sorts of things you’d want to do are (in no particular order):

  1. Give every group it’s own covariance matrix
  2. Sample hyperparameters of the covariance matrices
  3. Work with non-centered parameterization

But it’s all a function of your problem. All the usual advice applies. Start simple and add on little pieces as you need them. Especially with GPs it makes sense to generate data to make sure you’ve got a handle on what you’re trying to fit.

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Non-hierarchical GP regression example: https://gist.github.com/mike-lawrence/3e33139f256aa4f84772e72fb7195577

Hierarchical GP regression example: https://github.com/mike-lawrence/hgpr