I am trying to model the given equation using pystan
For a given cluster, there are n states.
Values of alpha and beta are different for each state within a cluster.
I have had success in modelling this differently, In my case,
I am assuming alpha and beta are same for each state within a cluster.
Model code that i came up with goes as,
data {
int<lower=1> N; // number of states
int<lower=1> M; // number of months
row_vector[N] X1[M];
row_vector[N] X2[M];
row_vector[N] X3[M];
row_vector[N] X4[M];
row_vector[N] X5[M];
row_vector[N] X6[M];
row_vector[N] D[M];
parameters {
real alpha;
vector[6] beta;
vector[6] mu_beta;
cov_matrix[6] sigma_beta;
cov_matrix[N] sigma_err;
transformed parameters {
row_vector[N] D_hat[M];
for(i in 1:M) {
D_hat[i] = alpha + X1[i] * beta[1] + X2[i] * beta[2] + X3[i] * beta[3] + X4[i] * beta[4] + X5[i] * beta[5] + X6[i] * beta[6];
model {
alpha ~ normal(0, 100);
mu_beta ~ multi_normal(rep_vector(0, 6), diag_matrix(rep_vector(100,6)));
sigma_beta ~ inv_wishart(7, diag_matrix(rep_vector(0.0001,6)));
beta ~ multi_normal(mu_beta, sigma_beta);
sigma_err ~ inv_wishart(N+1, diag_matrix(rep_vector(0.0001,N)));
D ~ multi_normal(D_hat, sigma_err);
Now, I want to model it with states have different values for alpha and beta , but the representation for D_hat gets me all confused, for this case.
Can anyone assist me or provide some pointers that I can look into?
I understand that parameters block will be changed as follows, but representation for D_hat leaves me clueless.
parameters {
vector[N] alpha;
vector[6] beta[N];
vector[6] mu_beta;
cov_matrix[6] sigma_beta;
cov_matrix[N] sigma_err;
And, Is there a way I can print values of D_hat[i] after each iteration???