Hessian matrix for transformed parameters in optimizing function

I’m using the optimizing function in RStan to obtain the MLE. Now I can get the correct MLE and I try to use optimizing(..., hessian=TRUE) to get the Hessian matrix. The Hessian matrix I get is for the parameters but not the transformed parameters. My question is that is there a way to also get the Hessian matrix for the transformed parameters. The parameters I’m interested in are specified in the transformed parameters.

In the code below, beta and pi are the parameters. I would like to get the Hessian matrix of beta and alpha (which is in the transformed parameters).


mod.stan = "
  functions {
    vector pw_log_lik(vector alpha, vector beta, row_vector[] X, int[] y) {
      int N = size(X);
      vector[N] out;
      int k = max(y);
      for (n in 1:N){
        real eta = X[n] * beta;
        int y_n = y[n];
        if (y_n == 1) out[n] = log1m_exp(-log1p_exp(-alpha[1] - eta));
        else if (y_n == k) out[n] = -log1p_exp(-alpha[k - 1] - eta);
        else out[n] = log_diff_exp(-log1p_exp(-alpha[y_n - 1] - eta),
                                   -log1p_exp(-alpha[y_n]     - eta));
      return out;
    data {
      int<lower = 1> N;   // number of observations
      int<lower = 1> p;   // number of predictors
      row_vector[p] X[N];     // columnwise CENTERED predictors
      int<lower = 2> k;   // number of outcome categories (7)
      int<lower = 1, upper = k> y[N]; // outcome on 1 ... k
      // prior standard deviations
      vector<lower = 0>[p] sds;

    parameters {
      vector[p] beta; // coefficients 
      simplex[k] pi;  // category probabilities for a person w/ average predictors
    transformed parameters {
      vector[k - 1] alpha;                               // intercepts
      vector[N] log_lik;                                 // log-likelihood pieces
      for (j in 2:k) alpha[j - 1] = logit(sum(pi[j:k])); // predictors are CENTERED
      log_lik = pw_log_lik(alpha, beta, X, y);
    model {
      target += log_lik;
      target += normal_lpdf(beta | 0, sds);
      // implicit: pi ~ dirichlet(ones)

# data
N <- 20
p <- 1 # dimension of X
X <- as.matrix(rbinom(N, 1, .5))
e <- rlogis(N, 0, sqrt(3/pi^2))
cont_y <- exp(X + e) # continuous y
y <- match(cont_y, sort(unique(cont_y)))
k <- length(unique(y))
sds <- as.array(100) 

# model
model <- stan_model(model_code = mod.stan)
res.stan <- optimizing(model, 
                       data = c("N", "p", "X", "k", "y","sds"),
                       hessian = TRUE)

I would set draws equal to a big number in order to draw many times from a multivariate normal distribution at the mode and then call cov on the columns of the resulting matrix.