Help with multi-threading with random effects

I’m trying to write a slightly more complicated model than the one I used in my previous question. This is the stan code without multi-threading:

data {
  int N;
  int n_redcards[N];
  int n_games[N];
  real rating[N];
  int<lower=0> N_leagues;
  int<lower=1,upper=N_leagues> idx_league[N];
  int<lower=0> N_positions;
  int<lower=1,upper=N_positions> idx_position[N];
parameters {
  vector[2] beta;
  vector[N_leagues] league_std;
  real<lower=0> sigma_league;
  vector[N_positions] position_std;
  real<lower=0> sigma_position;


transformed parameters{
  vector[N_leagues] league = sigma_league* league_std;
  vector[N_positions] position = sigma_position* position_std;

model {
  beta ~ std_normal();
  league_std ~ std_normal();
  sigma_league ~ std_normal();
  position_std ~ std_normal();
  sigma_position ~ std_normal();
  n_redcards ~ binomial_logit( n_games , beta[1] + beta[2] * to_vector(rating) + 
                                         league[idx_league] + position[idx_position] );

First I want to create shards by just splitting the data without blocking everyone from a league together. I also want to avoid hardcoding the number of shards. To do this, I wrote the following code:

functions {
  vector lp_reduce( vector beta_common , vector theta , real[] xr , int[] xi ) {
    int n = size(xr);
    int y[n] = xi[1:n];
    int m[n] = xi[(n+1):(2*n)];
    int idx_league[n] = xi[(2*n+1):(3*n)];
    int idx_position[n] = xi[(3*n+1):(4*n)];
    real beta_1 = beta_common[1];
    real beta_2 = beta_common[2];
    vector[4] league_std = beta_common[3:6];
    real sigma_league =  beta_common[7];
    vector[13] position_std =  beta_common[8:20];
    real sigma_position =  beta_common[21];
    vector[4] league =  sigma_league* league_std;
    vector[13] position = sigma_position* position_std;
    real lp = binomial_logit_lpmf( y | m , beta_1 + to_vector(xr) * beta_2 +
                                           league[idx_league] + position[idx_position]);
    return [lp]';

data {
  int N;
  int n_redcards[N];
  int n_games[N];
  real rating[N];
  int<lower=1,upper=4> idx_league[N];
  int<lower=1,upper=13> idx_position[N];
  int n_shards;

transformed data {
  int modulo = N % n_shards;
  int n_per_shard = N/n_shards;
  int n_padded = n_per_shard + modulo;
  int s_pad = n_per_shard + 1;
  int s_games = n_padded + 1;
  int e_games = s_games + n_per_shard - 1;
  int s_pad_games = e_games+1;
  int e_pad_games = 2*n_padded;
  int s_idx_league = e_pad_games + 1;
  int e_idx_league = s_idx_league + n_per_shard - 1;
  int s_pad_idx_league = e_idx_league+1;
  int e_pad_idx_league = 3*n_padded;
  int s_idx_position = e_pad_idx_league + 1;
  int e_idx_position = s_idx_position + n_per_shard - 1;
  int s_pad_idx_position = e_idx_position+1;
  int e_pad_idx_position = 4*n_padded;

  int xi[n_shards, 4*n_padded];  // 4 because 4 variables, and they get stacked in array
  real xr[n_shards, n_padded];
  // an empty set of per-shard parameters
  vector[0] theta[n_shards];
  // split into shards
  int pos = 1;
   //Shards 1 to n_shards - 1 (these ones are padded with zeros)
   for ( i in 1:(n_shards-1) ) {
    int end = pos + n_per_shard - 1;

    xr[i,1:n_per_shard] = rating[pos:end];
    xr[i,s_pad:n_padded] = rep_array(0.0, modulo); 
    xi[i,1:n_per_shard] = n_redcards[pos:end];
    xi[i,s_pad:n_padded] = rep_array(0, modulo);
    xi[i,s_games:e_games] = n_games[pos:end];
    xi[i,s_pad_games:e_pad_games] = rep_array(0, modulo);
    xi[i,s_idx_league:e_idx_league] = idx_league[pos:end];
    xi[i,s_pad_idx_league:e_pad_idx_league] = rep_array(0, modulo);
    xi[i,s_idx_position:e_idx_position] = idx_position[pos:end];
    xi[i,s_pad_idx_position:e_pad_idx_position] = rep_array(0, modulo);
    pos = end + 1;
    // last shard (this one has no padding)
    xr[n_shards,1:n_padded] = rating[pos:N];
    xi[n_shards,1:n_padded] = n_redcards[pos:N];
    xi[n_shards,s_games:e_pad_games] = n_games[pos:N];
    xi[n_shards,s_idx_league:e_pad_idx_league] = idx_league[pos:N];
    xi[n_shards,s_idx_position:e_pad_idx_position] = idx_position[pos:N];

parameters {
  vector[2] beta;
  vector[4] league_std;
  real<lower=0> sigma_league;
  vector[13] position_std;
  real<lower=0> sigma_position;

model {
  beta ~ std_normal();
  league_std ~ std_normal();
  sigma_league ~ std_normal();
  position_std ~ std_normal();
  sigma_position ~ std_normal();
  target += sum( map_rect( lp_reduce , 
                          append_row(append_row(append_row(append_row(beta, league_std), sigma_league), position_std), sigma_position) , theta , xr , xi ) );

Alas, this code only works if I don’t have to pad my shards with zeros. If the data is padded with zeros, then I end up with things like position[idx_position=0] which is not defined and therefore the code does not work. Any suggestion for how to avoid this problem?

I believe the following would work, but it is also very very slow:

functions {
  vector lp_reduce( vector beta_common , vector theta , real[] xr , int[] xi ) {
    int n = size(xr);
    int y[n] = xi[1:n];
    int m[n] = xi[(n+1):(2*n)];
    int idx_league[n] = xi[(2*n+1):(3*n)];
    int idx_position[n] = xi[(3*n+1):(4*n)];
    real beta_1 = beta_common[1];
    real beta_2 = beta_common[2];
    vector[4] league_std = beta_common[3:6];
    real sigma_league =  beta_common[7];
    vector[13] position_std =  beta_common[8:20];
    real sigma_position =  beta_common[21];
    vector[4] league = sigma_league* league_std;
    vector[13] position = sigma_position* position_std;
    vector[n] lp;
    for (i in 1:n) {
       lp[i] = binomial_logit_lpmf( y[i] | m[i] , beta_1 + xr[i] * beta_2 +
                                           league[idx_league[i]] + position[idx_position[i]]);
    return lp;

data {
  int N;
  int n_redcards[N];
  int n_games[N];
  real rating[N];
  int<lower=1,upper=4> idx_league[N];
  int<lower=1,upper=13> idx_position[N];
  int n_shards;

transformed data {
  int modulo = N % n_shards;
  int n_per_shard = N/n_shards;
  int n_padded = n_per_shard + modulo;
  int s_pad = n_per_shard + 1;
  int s_games = n_padded + 1;
  int e_games = s_games + n_per_shard - 1;
  int s_pad_games = e_games+1;
  int e_pad_games = 2*n_padded;
  int s_idx_league = e_pad_games + 1;
  int e_idx_league = s_idx_league + n_per_shard - 1;
  int s_pad_idx_league = e_idx_league+1;
  int e_pad_idx_league = 3*n_padded;
  int s_idx_position = e_pad_idx_league + 1;
  int e_idx_position = s_idx_position + n_per_shard - 1;
  int s_pad_idx_position = e_idx_position+1;
  int e_pad_idx_position = 4*n_padded;

  int xi[n_shards, 4*n_padded];  // 4 because 4 variables, and they get stacked in array
  real xr[n_shards, n_padded];
  // an empty set of per-shard parameters
  vector[0] theta[n_shards];
  // split into shards
  int pos = 1;
   //Shards 1 to n_shards - 1 (these ones are padded with zeros)
   for ( i in 1:(n_shards-1) ) {
    int end = pos + n_per_shard - 1;

    xr[i,1:n_per_shard] = rating[pos:end];
    xr[i,s_pad:n_padded] = rep_array(0.0, modulo); 
    xi[i,1:n_per_shard] = n_redcards[pos:end];
    xi[i,s_pad:n_padded] = rep_array(0, modulo);
    xi[i,s_games:e_games] = n_games[pos:end];
    xi[i,s_pad_games:e_pad_games] = rep_array(0, modulo);
    xi[i,s_idx_league:e_idx_league] = idx_league[pos:end];
    xi[i,s_pad_idx_league:e_pad_idx_league] = rep_array(0, modulo);
    xi[i,s_idx_position:e_idx_position] = idx_position[pos:end];
    xi[i,s_pad_idx_position:e_pad_idx_position] = rep_array(0, modulo);
    pos = end + 1;
    // last shard (this one has no padding)
    xr[n_shards,1:n_padded] = rating[pos:N];
    xi[n_shards,1:n_padded] = n_redcards[pos:N];
    xi[n_shards,s_games:e_pad_games] = n_games[pos:N];
    xi[n_shards,s_idx_league:e_pad_idx_league] = idx_league[pos:N];
    xi[n_shards,s_idx_position:e_pad_idx_position] = idx_position[pos:N];

parameters {
  vector[2] beta;
  vector[4] league_std;
  real<lower=0> sigma_league;
  vector[13] position_std;
  real<lower=0> sigma_position;

model {
  beta ~ std_normal();
  league_std ~ std_normal();
  sigma_league ~ std_normal();
  position_std ~ std_normal();
  sigma_position ~ std_normal();
  target += sum( map_rect( lp_reduce , 
                          append_row(append_row(append_row(append_row(beta, league_std), sigma_league), position_std), sigma_position) , theta , xr , xi ) );