Having trouble fitting a simple varying intercept model

I’m trying to learn Stan and generated a simple synthetic data set. The data set is generated with the following R code:

n_cats <- 10
n <- 1000
alpha_mu <- 10
alpha_tau <- 2
sigma <- 0.2
df <- data.frame(cat = sample(1:n_cats, n, replace = TRUE))
alpha <- data.frame(cat = 1:n_cats,
		                alpha = rnorm(n_cats, alpha_mu, alpha_tau))

df1 <- left_join(df, alpha, by = "cat") %>%
    mutate(y = alpha + rnorm(n, 0, sigma)) %>%

data <- list(n_cats = n_cats,
	          n_samples = n,
	          cats = df$cat,
	          y = df1$y)

Essentially, I’m generating a mean (alpha) for every category from a reference distribution. The y values are generated by sampling from a distribution with that mean and a constant variance. In other words, this is the data generating process:

y ~ N(alpha_i, sigma)
alpha_i ~ N(alpha_mu, alpha_tau)

Fitting this model in lmer, recovers the correct parameters.

lmer(y ~ (1 | cat), df1) %>% coef()

Output from this is:

1     9.504471
2    10.239418
3    13.213756
4     6.875253
5    13.899031
6     7.953558
7     9.806968
8     8.089552
9    10.960454
10    8.809423

This is very close to the correct parameters.

I then tried to fit this using stan. The stan program is shown below:

data {
  int<lower=1> n_cats;
  int<lower=0> n_samples;
  int<lower=1> cats[n_samples];
  real y[n_samples];
parameters {
  real<lower=9, upper=11> alpha_mu;
  real<lower=1, upper=3> alpha_tau;
  real alpha[n_cats];
  real<lower=0, upper=1.0> sigma;
model {
  for (i in 1:n_cats) {
    alpha[i] ~ normal(alpha_mu, alpha_tau);

  for (i in 1:n_samples) {
    y ~ normal(alpha[cats[i]], sigma);

But when I look at the coefficients, all the alpha_i are equal to the grand mean.

                 mean se_mean
alpha_mu         9.95    0.01
alpha_tau        1.14    0.00
alpha[1]         9.96    0.00
alpha[2]         9.96    0.00
alpha[3]         9.96    0.00
alpha[4]         9.96    0.00
alpha[5]         9.96    0.00
alpha[6]         9.96    0.00
alpha[7]         9.96    0.00
alpha[8]         9.96    0.00
alpha[9]         9.96    0.00
alpha[10]        9.96    0.00
sigma            1.00    0.00
lp__      -2368724.67    0.10

What am I doing wrong here?

y ~ normal(alpha[cats[i]], sigma);

Should be:

y[i] ~ normal(alpha[cats[i]], sigma);

I think. See if that changes anything.

Doh! Of course. Yup that worked. Thanks!

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y ~ normal(alpha[cats], sigma); without the for loop should work as well (that’s the vectorized way to write the likelihood).