I’m trying to plot the marginal_effects using a different theme than the default. In the example below I use theme_stata (my preferred theme) but I’ve also tried it with other themes. According to the help for the function marginal_effects I should be able to use a ggthemes theme. Anyone know what might be going on? I’ve included a reproducible example below.
data = read.csv("https://tinyurl.com/y9uct2c5",header = TRUE)
fit = brm(Neuroticism ~ Age + Gender, data=data)
#This doesn’t change the theme.
marginal_effects(fit, theme=ggthemes::theme_stata())
#This doesn’t work either
marginal_effects(fit, theme=theme_stata())
marginal_effects(fit, theme=ggthemes::theme_stata)
marginal_effects(fit, theme=theme_stata)
#This throws an error.
Warning message:
New theme missing the following elements: axis.title.x.top, axis.title.y.right, axis.text.x.top, axis.text.y.right, axis.line.x, axis.line.y, legend.margin, legend.spacing.x, legend.spacing.y, legend.box.margin, legend.box.background, legend.box.spacing, panel.spacing.x, panel.spacing.y, panel.ontop, plot.subtitle, plot.caption, strip.placement, strip.switch.pad.grid, strip.switch.pad.wrap
- Operating System: Windows 10
- brms Version: 2.3.0
- ggthemes Version: 3.5.0