I am trying to calculate the log-likelihoods for a MARSS (multivariate autoregressive state space) model in Stan. Because the timeseries being fed to the model are different lengths, I am using a nested for loop that iterates through each timeseries, and then through the number of observations within a given timeseries in the model section. The model works, however, when I try to re-use the same nested for loop structure to calculate the log-likelihoods in the generated quantities section, I only receive log likelihoods for the first timeseries, and not the remaining 9 other timeseries. Is there something different about the generated quantities section that prevents it from using nested for loops?
Code below:
// 12 timeseries and 3 states MARSS model
data {
int<lower=0> obs; //total number of real observations across all timeseries
int<lower=0> N; //number of years in the longest timeseries - max-min year + 1
int<lower=0> K; //number of timeseries in the observation portion of the model
int<lower=0> J; //number of states
int<lower=0> P[K]; //number of real data points in each timeseries of observations
vector[J] p_st; //mean of first timestep in the timeseries by state grouping
vector[obs] tsx; //vector of observations
int<lower=0> ii[obs]; //vector of integers describing the indexed locations of each observation relative to the state timeseries
parameters {
matrix[J,N] x; //estimated true underlying data (the states)
vector<lower=0>[J] sigma; //standard deviation of process
vector<lower=0>[2] sigma_os; //standard deviation of observation
cholesky_factor_corr[J] L; //lower triangular of a positive definite correlation matrix for the process
transformed parameters {
//temporal autocorrelation function for the state portion of the model
matrix[J,N] mu;
matrix[K,N] x_m;
vector<lower=0>[K] sigma_o; //standard deviation of observation
mu[,1] = p_st;
for (i in 2:N){
mu[,i] = x[,i-1];
//matching states to observed timeseries (12 timeseries, 3 states)
x_m[1,] = x[1,];
x_m[2,] = x[1,];
x_m[3,] = x[1,];
x_m[4,] = x[1,];
x_m[5,] = x[2,];
x_m[6,] = x[2,];
x_m[7,] = x[1,];
x_m[8,] = x[1,];
x_m[9,] = x[2,];
x_m[10,] = x[3,];
x_m[11,] = x[3,];
x_m[12,] = x[2,];
sigma_o[1] = sigma_os[1];
sigma_o[2] = sigma_os[1];
sigma_o[3] = sigma_os[1];
sigma_o[4] = sigma_os[1];
sigma_o[5] = sigma_os[2];
sigma_o[6] = sigma_os[1];
sigma_o[7] = sigma_os[1];
sigma_o[8] = sigma_os[1];
sigma_o[9] = sigma_os[2];
sigma_o[10] = sigma_os[2];
sigma_o[11] = sigma_os[2];
sigma_o[12] = sigma_os[1];
model { //this section and nested for loop works
int pos;
pos = 1;
for(k in 1:K){
for(i in 1:P[k]){
segment(tsx, pos, P[k])[i] ~ normal(x_m[k, segment(ii, pos, P[k])[i]], sigma_o[k]); //observation portion of the model (no intercept)
pos = pos + P[k]; //here we chop the observations and the positions of the observations relative to the state time-series
} //beta is a categorical variable that allows observations to be higher or lower than average (i.e., allows for persistent bias)
//beta2 is the effect of whether the calculation of productivity/survival uses smolts or fry
//note it is SUPER IMPORTANT that the recursive “pos” calculation occurs in the k loop, but NOT inside the i loop (the model blows up)
x[,1] ~ multi_normal_cholesky(p_st, diag_pre_multiply(sigma, L));
for(n in 2:N){
x[,n] ~ multi_normal_cholesky(mu[,n], diag_pre_multiply(sigma, L));
sigma ~ cauchy(1.0, 0.5); //SD of process
sigma_os ~ cauchy(1.0, 0.5); //SD of observations
L ~ lkj_corr_cholesky(2); //prior for lower triangular of process
generated quantities {//this section with the same nested for loop system does not work
vector[obs] log_lik;
int post;
post = 1;
for(k in 1:K){
for(i in 1:P[k]){
log_lik[i] = normal_lpdf(segment(tsx, post, P[k])[i] | x_m[k, segment(ii, post, P[k])[i]], sigma_o[k]);
post = post + P[k];