Hi folks, I’ve coded up a model for doing a Gaussian Process regression where you have some numeric variable X whose influence on Y you want to model as a GP (with the possibility of multiple observations of Y per X) but also have some other variables Q,R,S,etc that you want to model as influencing the GP. The code is below and seems to work well, but I suspect that the last bit (starting with the comment “# loop over observations”) could be made more efficient. Any suggestions?
# GP: computes noiseless Gaussian Process
vector GP(real volatility, real amplitude, vector normal01, int n_x, real[] x ) {
matrix[n_x,n_x] cov_mat ;
real amplitude_sq_plus_jitter ;
amplitude_sq_plus_jitter = amplitude^2 + 0.001 ;
cov_mat = cov_exp_quad(x, amplitude, 1/volatility) ;
for(i in 1:n_x){
cov_mat[i,i] = amplitude_sq_plus_jitter ;
return(cholesky_decompose(cov_mat) * normal01 ) ;
data {
# n_y: number of observations in y
int<lower=1> n_y ;
# y: vector of observations for y
# should be scaled to mean=0,sd=1
vector[n_y] y ;
# n_x: number of unique x values
int<lower=1> n_x ;
# x: unique values of x
# should be scaled to min=0,max=1
real x[n_x] ;
# x_index: vector indicating which x is associated with each y
int x_index[n_y] ;
# n_w: number of columns in predictor matrix w
int n_w ;
# w: predictor matrix (each column gets its own GP)
matrix[n_y,n_w] w ;
parameters {
# noise: measurement noise
real<lower=0> noise ;
# volatility_helper: helper for cauchy-distributed volatility (see transformed parameters)
vector<lower=0,upper=pi()/2>[n_w] volatility_helper ;
# amplitude: amplitude of GPs
vector<lower=0>[n_w] amplitude ;
# f_normal01: helper variable for GPs (see transformed parameters)
vector[n_x] f_normal01[n_w] ;
transformed parameters{
# volatility: volatility of GPs (a.k.a. inverse-lengthscale)
vector[n_w] volatility ;
# f: GPs
vector[n_x] f[n_w] ;
#next line implies volatility ~ cauchy(0,10)
volatility = 10*tan(volatility_helper) ;
# loop over predictors, computing GPs for each predictor
for(wi in 1:n_w){
f[wi] = GP(
, amplitude[wi]
, f_normal01[wi]
, n_x , x
) ;
model {
# noise prior
noise ~ weibull(2,1) ; #peaked at .8ish
# amplitude prior
amplitude ~ weibull(2,1) ; #peaked at .8ish
# normal(0,1) priors on GP helpers
for(wi in 1:n_w){
f_normal01[wi] ~ normal(0,1);
# loop over observations
for(yi in 1:n_y){
real temp ;
temp = 0 ;
# loop over predictors to gather sum for this observation's mean
for(wi in 1:n_w){
temp = temp + w[yi,wi] * f[wi][x_index[yi]] ;
# y_scaled as temp with gaussian measurement noise
y[yi] ~ normal( temp , noise ) ;