I’m trying yo create an hidden Markov Model with gaussian emission and fit with MCMC.
The observation sequence is generated by following:
p_transition <- matrix(data = c(0.2, 0.4, 0.1, 0.6, 0.2, 0.5, 0.2, 0.4, 0.4), nrow = 3)
p_init <- c(0.24561404, 0.40350877, 0.35087719)
Markov_sequence_length <- 1000
init_state <- which(c(rmultinom(1, 1, init_prob)) == 1)
Markov_sequence <- c(init_state)
for(i in 1:Markov_sequence_length){
last_state <- tail(Markov_sequence, 1)
state_sample <- which(c(rmultinom(1, 1,p_transition[last_state,])) == 1)
Markov_sequence <- append(Markov_sequence, state_sample)
mus <- c(0.5, 0, -2)
sigmas <- c(1, 0.5, 3)
obs <- c()
for(m in 1:Markov_sequence_length){
new_val <- rnorm(1, mean = mus[Markov_sequence[m]], sd = sigmas[Markov_sequence[m]])
obs <- append(obs, new_val)
The model in Stan is defined as following:
data {
int<lower = 0> N;
int<lower = 1> Z;
real y[N];
parameters {
real mu[Z];
real<lower = 0> mu_tau[Z];
real<lower=0> sigma[Z];
simplex[Z] p_transition[Z];
simplex[Z] p_init;
model {
// priors
mu_tau ~ scaled_inv_chi_square(1, 0.05);
mu ~ normal(0, mu_tau);
sigma ~ scaled_inv_chi_square(1, 0.05);
// forward algprithm
real acc[Z];
real alpha[N, Z];
for (z in 1:Z){
alpha[1, z] = normal_lpdf(y[1] | mu[z], sigma[z]) + log(p_init[z]);
for (t in 2:N){
for (z in 1:Z){ // current state
for (j in 1:Z){ // previous state
acc[j] = alpha[t - 1, j] + log(p_transition[j, z]) + normal_lpdf(y[t] | mu[z], sigma[z]);
alpha[t, z] = log_sum_exp(acc);
target += log_sum_exp(alpha[N]);
Then, the model is fitted in R:
stan_data <- list(N = length(obs),
Z = 3,
y = obs)
fit <- stan("Wired_HMM.stan",
data = stan_data,
iter = 10000,
control = list(adapt_delta = 0.9),
chains = 4)
It gives the results:
mean se_mean sd 2.5% 97.5% n_eff Rhat
mu[1] -0.37 0.58 0.85 -2.09 0.57 2 4.02
mu[2] -0.75 0.73 1.07 -2.26 0.64 2 3.85
mu[3] -0.36 0.57 0.82 -2.05 0.57 2 5.26
Which 95% quantile includes my predefined mu(0.5, 0, -2) but with a large range and the rhats are far from 1. Is there anywhere I messed up the HMM? How can I fix the model?