Fitting occupancy models with brms

Is it possible to fit occupancy models with brms?

Occupancy models are used in ecology and estimates the probability a site being occupied by a species (ψ) and the probability of detection of the species §. From my basic knowledge I think they are zero-inflated binomial models.



  • Operating System: macOS Mojave
  • brms Version: 2.9.0

I don’t know about occupancy models, but you can fit zero-inflated binomial models via family zero_inflated_binomial.

Thank you very much Paul.

I know Bob Carpenter and Richard Erickson has been working on occupancy models on Stan and Rstan but I have not seen an example on the Stan forum of the implementation in brms, which will be very helpful and interesting. I started to understand and works on bayesian statistics because brms and rstanarm.




I have written a set of tutorials on doing Occupancy Modeling with Stan, which is on GitHub (linked here). These are a work in progress, although l will likely move them to my package (see next paragraph).

I am also writing a package, rstanOcc, which is rough shape for doing occupancy models with rstan. The package is on GitHub (linked here). I am able to install the package on my machine, but my collaborators current are having trouble.

Also, as a tip for Discourse, if you tag people (e.g., @Richard_Erickson), we can more easily see what you’re doing.


Edit: Oct 2024, here’s the new link UMESC / quant-ecology / Occstanhm · GitLab (

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Thank you very much I will take a look on the material.



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