Hi all,
I am trying to solve a biological problem with a GP model, where I cannot directly observe the time of the observations. In particular, I have
regulator ~ GP(gp_sigma, gp_length)
target = f(regulator) //here f is a function over functions
time_position[i] ~ Beta(shape1, shape2)
regulator_expression[i] ~ N(regulator(time_position[i]), expression_sigma)
target_expression[i] ~ N(target(time_position[i]), expression_sigma)
And I can observe only regulator_expression
and target_expression
, not time_position
. I am interested in multiple forms of f
, but cannot fit it for any, so I decided to try to work with a simpler model where f(g)(x) = x
, i.e. f
maps any function to identity, in hopes of learning what’s wrong. Now the problem can be seen as having noisy observations of the GP (regulator_expression
) and noisy observations of the associated time (target_expression
) - still the model does not converge, even if all the hyperparameters are known. Since if the time_position
is observable, the GP alone converges, I assume, the added noise in observation time is responsible for the issues.
Do you have any ideas to try? Or is there a reason to believe that this class of models is beyond the reach of current samplers?
Here is the model code, I have also attached it in a file with an R script that generates data from the model, tries to fit the data with Stan and shows a graphical representation of the fit. Usually most of the chains get close to the true values of regulator
over time, but some chains contain nonsense and there are divergent transitions and often the max treedepth is exceeded. I’ve run through a bunch of tweaks and reparametrizations, but nothing worked and I am out of ideas.
Thanks for any help!
The model:
data {
int num_cells;
vector[num_cells] regulator_expression;
vector[num_cells] target_expression;
real expression_sigma;
real gp_sigma;
real gp_length;
real time_shape_1;
real time_shape_2;
parameters {
real<lower = 0, upper = 1> time_position[num_cells];
vector[num_cells] regulator_true_raw;
transformed parameters {
vector[num_cells] regulator_true;
vector[num_cells] target_estimate;
//new scope to introduce vars that are not stored in output
matrix[num_cells, num_cells] cov_m = cov_exp_quad(time_position, gp_sigma, gp_length);
matrix[num_cells, num_cells] cov_m_chol;
//Add jitter to ensure positive semidefiniteness
for(i in 1:num_cells) {
cov_m[i,i] = cov_m[i,i] + 1e-6;
cov_m_chol = cholesky_decompose(cov_m);
regulator_true = cov_m_chol * regulator_true_raw;
target_estimate = to_vector(time_position);
model {
regulator_expression ~ normal(regulator_true, expression_sigma);
target_expression ~ normal(target_estimate, expression_sigma);
regulator_true_raw ~ normal(0,1);
time_position ~ beta(time_shape_1, time_shape_2);
An example model fit - lines are samples from the regulator
posterior and points are the true values.
gp_position_test.stan (1.2 KB)
gp_position_test.R (4.5 KB)