I’m new to Bayesian models.
I trying to create a model with “brms” to compare micronucleus counts beetween exposed and not exposed to pesticides population. For now that’s my model:
brm1 ← brm(MN ~ exposion + age + gender + BMI + alcohol + smoking + physical activity + ethnicity,
data = data,
family = poisson(link = “log”), chains = 4, iter = 3000, warmup = 1000,
set_prior(“normal(0,2.5)”, class = “b”, coef = “age”),
set_prior(“normal(0,2.5)”, class = “b”, coef = “BMI”),
set_prior(“multinominal()”, class = “b”, coef = c(“alcohol”, “smoking”, “physical activity”, “ethnicity”)),
set_prior(“bernoulli(0,5)”, class = “b”, coef = c(“exposion”, “gender”)))
Ok, the model converges well apparently, with Rhat = 1.
But I’ve been having some trouble representing these results graphically.
First problem: When I access the results with Summary(brm1), some results of some variables are omitted, for example: In the variable exposure, I have two conditions “exposed” and “not exposed”, but the results just show the effect size for “not exposed”, the same occurs for “physical activity” where I have five different conditions.
Second problem: I not getting represent this results graphily. I thought in the forest plot to draw the effect sizes.
Well, if someone knows how i improve these and other points that I may be making mistakes, i thanks