I am encountering a problem when fitting a hurdle model. I use simulated data and the sign of the coefficient are switched. Any hints about what I am doing wrong are appreciated.
I use the following R code to simulate the data:
# Truncated rpois
rtpois <- function(n, l) {
qpois(runif(n, dpois(0, l), 1), l)
n <- 100
beta <- c(0.5, 0.5, 0.7) # count
gamma <- c(0, 3) # zero
X <- cbind(rep(1,n), scale(runif(n,0,100)), scale(runif(n,0,10)))
Xb <- X %*% beta
Zg <- X[, 1:2] %*% gamma
theta <- 1/(1 + exp(-Zg))
lambda <- exp(Xb) # poisson means for modeling counts
# zeros
y <- rbinom(n, 1, theta) # generate 0/1 binomial data
which_counts <- which(y == 1)
# count
y[which_counts] <- rtpois(length(which_counts), lambda[which_counts])
dat_hurdle <- data.frame(cbind(y, X))
colnames(dat_hurdle) <- c("y", "x1", "x2", "x3")
One simulated data set is available here: test-dat.txt (3.9 KB).
Estimating parameters with the pscl
package in R gives expected parameter estimates:
m1 <- hurdle(y ~ x2 + x3 | x2, data = dat_hurdle,
dist = "poisson", zero.dist = "binomial")
## count_(Intercept) count_x2 count_x3 zero_(Intercept) zero_x2
## 0.4319570 0.5509842 0.5477326 -0.2813459 2.7722614
I then tried to implement a hurdle model with Stan (hurdle.stan (388 Bytes)).
data {
int<lower=0> N; // number of observations
int<lower=0> y[N]; // response
matrix[N, 2] X; // covariates
parameters {
vector[3] beta;
vector[2] gamma;
model {
for (n in 1:N) {
(y[n] == 0) ~ bernoulli_logit(gamma[1] + gamma[2] * X[n, 1]);
if (y[n] > 0) {
y[n] ~ poisson(exp(beta[1] + beta[2] * X[n, 1] + beta[3] * X[n, 2])) T[1,];
Fitting the model using rstan
I get
fit1 <- sampling(stan_m1, chains = 2, iter = 1.5e3,
data = list(y = y, X = X[, -1], N = n))
## mean-chain:1 mean-chain:2 mean-all chains
## beta[1] 0.3876424 0.3987130 0.3931777
## beta[2] 0.5759098 0.5639956 0.5699527
## beta[3] 0.5559836 0.5543759 0.5551798
## gamma[1] 0.3063394 0.3024723 0.3044059
## gamma[2] -2.9257496 -2.9057399 -2.9157447
## lp__ 14.6313376 14.9631837 14.7972606
Estimates for beta[1] to beta[3] (the count part of the models) appear reasonable. For the zero part of the model parameter estimates also seem reasonable, but with switched signs (most obviously for gamma[2], i.e. the estimate fro gamma[2] is negative when it should be positive). My guess is, that I misspecified the Stan model.