I just started using Stan, and this is my first post here. I am looking for a way to accelerate the runtime of Stan for the kind of problem I have.
My workflow consists of sampling many Log posteriors, each one of which has a polynomial form. I tried a toy model to get a feeling of how things would work out. My model is just a 1-D polynomial, for which I wrote the code:
parameters {
real x; // Parameter to sample
model {
target += -pow(x,4) +pow(x,2);
When I run the stan executable with RunStan
I got the usual messages about sampler options (I am just running everything in the default) and what surprised me was the gradient evaluation time which printed like:
Gradient evaluation took 4e-06 seconds
1000 transitions using 10 leapfrog steps per transition would take \
0.04 seconds.
Adjust your expectations accordingly!
I thought it should be faster since autodiff (according to ChatGPT) should calculate the gradient in a time comparable to the time of calculating the function, which I estimated to be around 10^-8 seconds (I must say that I don’t do C-coding, so I calculated this number by compiling the function to C using Mathematica and then evaluated the timing there).
So my question is: Am I doing something wrong? Is there a way to make this faster, considering you will be dealing specifically with polynomials ? (generally high dimensions ~ 10, and high orders ~ 10). I also got a huge compilation time, around 0.2 seconds, so I think I must be doing something wrong there as well.