I am modelling behavioural data with a multilevel model specified as:
model <- brm(
formula = resp ~ 1 + test * stim * trial + (1 + test * stim * trial | dyad / ppt),
family = bernoulli(link = "logit"),
data = df
where resp
is thus a binary (0/1) variable, test
is a binary (factor) predictor with two levels (“individual” and “interactive”, contrast-coded as -0.5/+0.5), stim
is a numerical variable, trial
is also a numerical variable, ppt
refers to the participant’s ID and dyad
refers to the dyad in which the participant belongs (therefore ppt
is nested within dyad
I am particularly interested in the interaction effect between stim
and test
, for all possible values of trial
. With some help from the brms::conditional_effects()
function, I can retrieve the estimates of p(resp)
for each crossing of stim
, test
, and trial
(i.e., the output of posterior_epred()
) using the following code (where the trial is represented in colour, and test
levels in columns):
cond_effects <- conditional_effects(
conditions = data.frame(trial = unique(model$data$trial) ),
effects = "stim:test",
method = "posterior_epred",
plot = FALSE
cond_effects %>%
ggplot(aes(x = stim, y = estimate__, color = as.factor(trial) ) ) +
geom_hline(yintercept = 0.5, linetype = 2) +
geom_line(show.legend = FALSE) +
facet_wrap(~test) +
scale_color_viridis_d() +
theme_bw() +
x = "Standardised trial",
y = "Predicted probability",
color = "Trial"
Then, I am interested in the same effect for each participant, which I can also retrieve using conditional_effects()
. Below is an example for two participants (in columns, and for the two test
levels, in rows).
# creating a grid of values for predictions for only two participants
conditions <- crossing(
trial = unique(df_trial$trial),
ppt = c("6_06_A", "6_06_B")
# computing conditional effects for each participant and trial
cond_effects <- conditional_effects(
x = trial_model,
effects = "stim:test",
conditions = conditions,
method = "posterior_epred",
re_formula = NULL,
resolution = 500,
plot = FALSE
The problem
Now, I want to compute the value of stim
for which p(resp) = 0.5 (i.e., posterior_epred(model)=0.5
, for each ppt
, test
, and trial
If we ignore the random/varying effects (intercepts and slopes), and if we only had one slope, this would be given by -\alpha / \beta (i.e., minus the intercept divided by the slope). But because the model involves several interactions and random/varying slopes, I am struggling a bit to compute this “threshold” (as called in Kruschke’s book, adapted to brms
here: 21 Dichotomous Predicted Variable | Doing Bayesian Data Analysis in brms and the tidyverse).
What I have tried
I have tried to extend the analytical solution above to include interactions and varying slopes, but I am not fully satisfied with the results (they look weird), so I am wondering whether there is any implemented function that could help?
I have also tried to numerically approximate the value of stim
for which p(resp)=0.5
from the output of conditional_effects()
, but that is not fully satisfying either (it is not very precise and computationally intensive).
Do you have any idea how to compute this in a more principled way? In brief, I am looking for something to perform the inverse operation that is performed by posterior_epred()
. Instead of computing the value of p(resp)
given some model parameters, I want to compute the value of stim
for which p(resp)=0.5
(for all possible combinations of test
, ppt
, and trial
Thank you in advance for your help!