when i tried to use the brm function it took forever to load/didnt finish loading at all. I then tried to reinstall everything. R, Rstudio, Rstan, the brms package and now i get a fatal error and the session gets terminated whenever i try to load the brms library.
I know i have to provide more info but i don’t even know what’s relevant, so if you could tell me what’s important to know I’ll try to provide the info.
When i was reinstalling everything i accidently followed the instructions for a MacOs rstan installation first and ran:
dotR ← file.path(Sys.getenv(“HOME”), “.R”)
if (!file.exists(dotR)) dir.create(dotR)
M ← file.path(dotR, “Makevars”)
if (!file.exists(M)) file.create(M)
cat("\nCXX14FLAGS += -O3 -mtune=native -arch x86_64 -ftemplate-depth-256", file = M, sep = “\n”, append = FALSE)
I don’t know if that might cause the problems i have.
Thanks a lot in advance for any help
After the restart there’s:
Lade n�tiges Paket: Rcpp
Registered S3 method overwritten by ‘htmlwidgets’:
method from
print.htmlwidget tools:rstudio
==== C stack trace ===============================
SETCAR [0x0x6c835460+32]
ZN4Rcpp8CppClassC1EPNS_6ModuleEPNS_10class_BaseERNSt7__cxx1112basic_stringIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEEE [0x0x6ac08fff+1151]
ZN4Rcpp6Module12classes_infoEv [0x0x6ac07067+327]
Z20Module__classes_infoP7SEXPREC [0x0x6abe1a6a+74]
Rf_NewFrameConfirm [0x0x6c7a7228+33960]
R_initAssignSymbols [0x0x6c7f1455+51429]
Rf_eval [0x0x6c7fb841+369]
R_cmpfun1 [0x0x6c7fd547+1191]
Rf_applyClosure [0x0x6c7fe7aa+442]
R_initAssignSymbols [0x0x6c7f2994+56868]
Rf_eval [0x0x6c7fb841+369]
Rf_eval [0x0x6c7fc0f9+2601]
Rf_eval [0x0x6c7fc578+3752]
R_initAssignSymbols [0x0x6c7f1321+51121]
Rf_eval [0x0x6c7fb841+369]
Rf_eval [0x0x6c7fc0f9+2601]
Rf_eval [0x0x6c7fc578+3752]
R_initAssignSymbols [0x0x6c7f1321+51121]
Rf_eval [0x0x6c7fb841+369]
Rf_eval [0x0x6c7fc0f9+2601]
Rf_eval [0x0x6c7fc578+3752]
R_initAssignSymbols [0x0x6c7f1321+51121]
Rf_eval [0x0x6c7fb841+369]
Rf_eval [0x0x6c7fc0f9+2601]
Rf_eval [0x0x6c7fc578+3752]
R_initAssignSymbols [0x0x6c7f1321+51121]
Rf_eval [0x0x6c7fb841+369]
R_cmpfun1 [0x0x6c7fd547+1191]
Rf_applyClosure [0x0x6c7fe7aa+442]
R_initAssignSymbols [0x0x6c7f2994+56868]
Rf_eval [0x0x6c7fb841+369]
R_cmpfun1 [0x0x6c7fd547+1191]
Rf_applyClosure [0x0x6c7fe7aa+442]
R_initAssignSymbols [0x0x6c7f2994+56868]
Rf_eval [0x0x6c7fb841+369]
R_cmpfun1 [0x0x6c7fd547+1191]
Rf_applyClosure [0x0x6c7fe7aa+442]
R_initAssignSymbols [0x0x6c7f2994+56868]
Rf_eval [0x0x6c7fb841+369]
R_cmpfun1 [0x0x6c7fd547+1191]
Rf_applyClosure [0x0x6c7fe7aa+442]
R_initAssignSymbols [0x0x6c7f2994+56868]
Rf_eval [0x0x6c7fb841+369]
R_cmpfun1 [0x0x6c7fd547+1191]
Rf_applyClosure [0x0x6c7fe7aa+442]
R_initAssignSymbols [0x0x6c7f2994+56868]
Rf_eval [0x0x6c7fb841+369]
R_cmpfun1 [0x0x6c7fd547+1191]
Rf_applyClosure [0x0x6c7fe7aa+442]
R_initAssignSymbols [0x0x6c7f2994+56868]
Rf_eval [0x0x6c7fb841+369]
Rf_eval [0x0x6c7fc0f9+2601]
Rf_eval [0x0x6c7fc578+3752]
R_initAssignSymbols [0x0x6c7f1321+51121]
Rf_eval [0x0x6c7fb841+369]
Rf_eval [0x0x6c7fc0f9+2601]
Rf_eval [0x0x6c7fc578+3752]
R_initAssignSymbols [0x0x6c7f1321+51121]
Rf_eval [0x0x6c7fb841+369]
Rf_eval [0x0x6c7fc0f9+2601]
Rf_eval [0x0x6c7fc578+3752]
R_initAssignSymbols [0x0x6c7f1321+51121]
- Operating System: Win 10
- brms Version: 2.14.4