
Hi there, the project proposal is to add some fancy Python stuff to “Useful Tools” list on Stan interfaces page: an embed web application on top of tornado that hopefully will be at least almost as good as ShinyStan in a not too distant future. I named it EyePyStan. On version 0.1 I worked with Bokeh, but then later saw that there is a promissing on going project (mcmcplotlib) to have nice plots using matplotlib, so I decided to use it instead on version 0.1.1.

And maybe it could integrate well with HttpStan on the future (e.g.: optionally allow it to serve an EyePyStan application to the client).

I attached a screenshot [taken on Chromium Linux, hopefully should look similar in any platform since those nightmarish days of IE screwing up everything should be gone now].

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It’d be great if we could add more to the Python world around Stan to bring it up to where the tools are around RStan.

Is this meant to be somehting like ShinyStan (interactive posterior visualization) or something like Bayesplot (for just the raw plotting)—Jonah wound up breaking those down into two separate repos in R and is pulling them both out of RStan. You might want to work with Allen to figure out how to do this.

Hope my inline answer doesn’t break.

Is this meant to be somehting like ShinyStan (interactive posterior
visualization) or something like Bayesplot (for just the raw
plotting)—Jonah wound up breaking those down into two separate repos
in R and is pulling them both out of RStan.

More towards ShinyStan, an interactive embed web application using at
first plot functions from package mcmcplotlib and possibly some other
custom functions like diagnostic of tree depth of NUTS.

You might want to work with Allen to figure out how to do this.

Yes, I’m looking forward for his opinion on this.