Extract plot of single category from multinomial model


I would like to plot a single category of response from a multinomial model fitted using brms (version 2.17, Mac Monterey 12.6).


plot(conditional_effects(mod_pro_multinom, categorical = TRUE, effects = “prop_pers_num_MOT_z_first_pl”, plot = FALSE))[[1]]

the plot with all five response categories looks like this:

Faceted, the plot looks like this:

Essentially, I wish to produce only the top left plot (i.e., the level of “cats__” called “pronoun_count_CHI_first_pl”), and to not produce any of the other four plots.

I have tried

plot(conditional_effects(mod_pro_multinom, categorical = TRUE, effects = “prop_pers_num_MOT_z_first_pl”, plot = FALSE))[[1]] +
filter(“cats__” == “pronoun_count_CHI_first_pl”)

but I receive error message “Error in UseMethod(“filter”) : no applicable method for ‘filter’ applied to an object of class “logical””.

Any help is greatly appreciated, thank you.

conditional_effects generates a list of data frames (one for each effect) that is then used as the data for the plots. I think if you update the relevant data frame(s) to keep only rows where the outcome is pronoun_count_CHI_first_pl then you’ll get a plot only for that outcome.

I don’t have your model, so I can’t test, but I think it would be something like this:


ce = conditional_effects(mod_pro_multinom, categorical = TRUE, 
                         effects = “prop_pers_num_MOT_z_first_pl”)

# Look at the structure of the ce object

# Update the first (and only, in this case) data frame
ce[[1]] = ce[[1]] %>% filter(cats__ == “pronoun_count_CHI_first_pl”)

p.ce = plot(ce, plot=FALSE)

The result should be a plot with just the one outcome category instead of all of them.

The code you tried did not work for a few reasons: Most importantly, plot(conditional_effects(... creates a plot using the data frame(s) generated internally by conditional_effects. AFAIK, the data can’t then be externally altered after the plot object is generated (at least not without some hacking outside of a standard ggplot workflow).

There are also two syntax errors: First, filter is not a ggplot function and can’t be “added” to a ggplot with +. Second, if you could filter, the code would be filter(cats__ == “pronoun_count_CHI_first_pl”). Note that there are no quotation marks around cats__. “cats__” is a string that doesn’t refer to anything else. "cats__"==“pronoun_count_CHI_first_pl” is always false and will return zero rows of data (try, for example, iris %>% filter("Species"=="setosa")). On the other hand, cats__ is the symbolic name that refers to the object (a data column) we want to filter.

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This worked exactly as I had hoped, thank you for the help and for the points about the syntax.